When auto-wrapping is enabled, Vim wraps the current line after the completion request is sent but before calling the completefunc. The starting column returned by the server is invalid in that case and must be recomputed.
240 lines
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240 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2013-2018 YouCompleteMe contributors
# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Not installing aliases from python-future; it's unreliable and slow.
from builtins import * # noqa
import logging
from future.utils import iteritems
from ycmd.utils import ToUnicode
from ycm.client.base_request import ( BaseRequest, DisplayServerException,
MakeServerException )
from ycm import vimsupport
from ycm.vimsupport import NO_COMPLETIONS
_logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
class CompletionRequest( BaseRequest ):
def __init__( self, request_data ):
super( CompletionRequest, self ).__init__()
self.request_data = request_data
self._response_future = None
self._complete_done_hooks = {
'cs': self._OnCompleteDone_Csharp,
'java': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt,
'javascript': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt,
'typescript': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt,
def Start( self ):
self._response_future = self.PostDataToHandlerAsync( self.request_data,
'completions' )
def Done( self ):
return bool( self._response_future ) and self._response_future.done()
def RawResponse( self ):
if not self._response_future:
response = self.HandleFuture( self._response_future,
truncate_message = True )
if not response:
# Vim may not be able to convert the 'errors' entry to its internal format
# so we remove it from the response.
errors = response.pop( 'errors', [] )
for e in errors:
exception = MakeServerException( e )
_logger.error( exception )
DisplayServerException( exception, truncate_message = True )
response[ 'line' ] = self.request_data[ 'line_num' ]
response[ 'column' ] = self.request_data[ 'column_num' ]
return response
def Response( self ):
response = self.RawResponse()
response[ 'completions' ] = _ConvertCompletionDatasToVimDatas(
response[ 'completions' ] )
return response
def OnCompleteDone( self ):
if not self.Done():
complete_done_actions = self._GetCompleteDoneHooks()
for action in complete_done_actions:
def _GetCompleteDoneHooks( self ):
filetypes = vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes()
for key, value in iteritems( self._complete_done_hooks ):
if key in filetypes:
yield value
def _GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted( self ):
completed_item = vimsupport.GetVariableValue( 'v:completed_item' )
# If Vim supports user_data (8.0.1493 or later), we actually know the
# _exact_ element that was selected, having put its index in the
# user_data field. Otherwise, we have to guess by matching the values in the
# completed item and the list of completions. Sometimes this returns
# multiple possibilities, which is essentially unresolvable.
if 'user_data' not in completed_item:
completions = self.RawResponse()[ 'completions' ]
return _FilterToMatchingCompletions( completed_item, completions )
if completed_item[ 'user_data' ]:
completions = self.RawResponse()[ 'completions' ]
return [ completions[ int( completed_item[ 'user_data' ] ) ] ]
return []
def _OnCompleteDone_Csharp( self ):
completions = self._GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted()
namespaces = [ _GetRequiredNamespaceImport( c ) for c in completions ]
namespaces = [ n for n in namespaces if n ]
if not namespaces:
if len( namespaces ) > 1:
choices = [ "{0} {1}".format( i + 1, n )
for i, n in enumerate( namespaces ) ]
choice = vimsupport.PresentDialog( "Insert which namespace:", choices )
if choice < 0:
namespace = namespaces[ choice ]
namespace = namespaces[ 0 ]
vimsupport.InsertNamespace( namespace )
def _OnCompleteDone_FixIt( self ):
completions = self._GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted()
fixit_completions = [ _GetFixItCompletion( c ) for c in completions ]
fixit_completions = [ f for f in fixit_completions if f ]
if not fixit_completions:
# If we have user_data in completions (8.0.1493 or later), then we would
# only ever return max. 1 completion here. However, if we had to guess, it
# is possible that we matched multiple completion items (e.g. for overloads,
# or similar classes in multiple packages). In any case, rather than
# prompting the user and disturbing her workflow, we just apply the first
# one. This might be wrong, but the solution is to use a (very) new version
# of Vim which supports user_data on completion items
fixit_completion = fixit_completions[ 0 ]
for fixit in fixit_completion:
vimsupport.ReplaceChunks( fixit[ 'chunks' ], silent=True )
def _GetRequiredNamespaceImport( completion ):
if ( 'extra_data' not in completion
or 'required_namespace_import' not in completion[ 'extra_data' ] ):
return None
return completion[ 'extra_data' ][ 'required_namespace_import' ]
def _GetFixItCompletion( completion ):
if ( 'extra_data' not in completion
or 'fixits' not in completion[ 'extra_data' ] ):
return None
return completion[ 'extra_data' ][ 'fixits' ]
def _FilterToMatchingCompletions( completed_item, completions ):
"""Filter to completions matching the item Vim said was completed"""
match_keys = [ 'word', 'abbr', 'menu', 'info' ]
matched_completions = []
for index, completion in enumerate( completions ):
item = _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( index, completion )
def matcher( key ):
return ( ToUnicode( completed_item.get( key, "" ) ) ==
ToUnicode( item.get( key, "" ) ) )
if all( matcher( i ) for i in match_keys ):
matched_completions.append( completion )
return matched_completions
def _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( completion_identifier, completion_data ):
# see :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields
vim_data = {
'word' : '',
'dup' : 1,
'empty' : 1,
if ( 'extra_data' in completion_data and
'doc_string' in completion_data[ 'extra_data' ] ):
doc_string = completion_data[ 'extra_data' ][ 'doc_string' ]
doc_string = ""
if 'insertion_text' in completion_data:
vim_data[ 'word' ] = completion_data[ 'insertion_text' ]
if 'menu_text' in completion_data:
vim_data[ 'abbr' ] = completion_data[ 'menu_text' ]
if 'extra_menu_info' in completion_data:
vim_data[ 'menu' ] = completion_data[ 'extra_menu_info' ]
if 'kind' in completion_data:
kind = ToUnicode( completion_data[ 'kind' ] )
if kind:
vim_data[ 'kind' ] = kind[ 0 ].lower()
if 'detailed_info' in completion_data:
vim_data[ 'info' ] = completion_data[ 'detailed_info' ]
if doc_string:
vim_data[ 'info' ] += '\n' + doc_string
elif doc_string:
vim_data[ 'info' ] = doc_string
# We store the completion item index as a string in the completion user_data.
# This allows us to identify the _exact_ item that was completed in the
# CompleteDone handler, by inspecting this item from v:completed_item
# We convert to string because completion user data items must be strings.
# Note: Not all versions of Vim support this (added in 8.0.1483), but adding
# the item to the dictionary is harmless in earlier Vims.
vim_data[ 'user_data' ] = str( completion_identifier )
return vim_data
def _ConvertCompletionDatasToVimDatas( response_data ):
return [ _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( i, x )
for i, x in enumerate( response_data ) ]