# Copyright (C) 2013-2018 YouCompleteMe contributors # # This file is part of YouCompleteMe. # # YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see . from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import # Not installing aliases from python-future; it's unreliable and slow. from builtins import * # noqa import logging from future.utils import iteritems from ycmd.utils import ToUnicode from ycm.client.base_request import ( BaseRequest, DisplayServerException, MakeServerException ) from ycm import vimsupport from ycm.vimsupport import NO_COMPLETIONS _logger = logging.getLogger( __name__ ) class CompletionRequest( BaseRequest ): def __init__( self, request_data ): super( CompletionRequest, self ).__init__() self.request_data = request_data self._response_future = None self._complete_done_hooks = { 'cs': self._OnCompleteDone_Csharp, 'java': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt, 'javascript': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt, 'typescript': self._OnCompleteDone_FixIt, } def Start( self ): self._response_future = self.PostDataToHandlerAsync( self.request_data, 'completions' ) def Done( self ): return bool( self._response_future ) and self._response_future.done() def RawResponse( self ): if not self._response_future: return NO_COMPLETIONS response = self.HandleFuture( self._response_future, truncate_message = True ) if not response: return NO_COMPLETIONS # Vim may not be able to convert the 'errors' entry to its internal format # so we remove it from the response. errors = response.pop( 'errors', [] ) for e in errors: exception = MakeServerException( e ) _logger.error( exception ) DisplayServerException( exception, truncate_message = True ) response[ 'line' ] = self.request_data[ 'line_num' ] response[ 'column' ] = self.request_data[ 'column_num' ] return response def Response( self ): response = self.RawResponse() response[ 'completions' ] = _ConvertCompletionDatasToVimDatas( response[ 'completions' ] ) return response def OnCompleteDone( self ): if not self.Done(): return complete_done_actions = self._GetCompleteDoneHooks() for action in complete_done_actions: action() def _GetCompleteDoneHooks( self ): filetypes = vimsupport.CurrentFiletypes() for key, value in iteritems( self._complete_done_hooks ): if key in filetypes: yield value def _GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted( self ): completed_item = vimsupport.GetVariableValue( 'v:completed_item' ) # If Vim supports user_data (8.0.1493 or later), we actually know the # _exact_ element that was selected, having put its index in the # user_data field. Otherwise, we have to guess by matching the values in the # completed item and the list of completions. Sometimes this returns # multiple possibilities, which is essentially unresolvable. if 'user_data' not in completed_item: completions = self.RawResponse()[ 'completions' ] return _FilterToMatchingCompletions( completed_item, completions ) if completed_item[ 'user_data' ]: completions = self.RawResponse()[ 'completions' ] return [ completions[ int( completed_item[ 'user_data' ] ) ] ] return [] def _OnCompleteDone_Csharp( self ): completions = self._GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted() namespaces = [ _GetRequiredNamespaceImport( c ) for c in completions ] namespaces = [ n for n in namespaces if n ] if not namespaces: return if len( namespaces ) > 1: choices = [ "{0} {1}".format( i + 1, n ) for i, n in enumerate( namespaces ) ] choice = vimsupport.PresentDialog( "Insert which namespace:", choices ) if choice < 0: return namespace = namespaces[ choice ] else: namespace = namespaces[ 0 ] vimsupport.InsertNamespace( namespace ) def _OnCompleteDone_FixIt( self ): completions = self._GetCompletionsUserMayHaveCompleted() fixit_completions = [ _GetFixItCompletion( c ) for c in completions ] fixit_completions = [ f for f in fixit_completions if f ] if not fixit_completions: return # If we have user_data in completions (8.0.1493 or later), then we would # only ever return max. 1 completion here. However, if we had to guess, it # is possible that we matched multiple completion items (e.g. for overloads, # or similar classes in multiple packages). In any case, rather than # prompting the user and disturbing her workflow, we just apply the first # one. This might be wrong, but the solution is to use a (very) new version # of Vim which supports user_data on completion items fixit_completion = fixit_completions[ 0 ] for fixit in fixit_completion: vimsupport.ReplaceChunks( fixit[ 'chunks' ], silent=True ) def _GetRequiredNamespaceImport( completion ): if ( 'extra_data' not in completion or 'required_namespace_import' not in completion[ 'extra_data' ] ): return None return completion[ 'extra_data' ][ 'required_namespace_import' ] def _GetFixItCompletion( completion ): if ( 'extra_data' not in completion or 'fixits' not in completion[ 'extra_data' ] ): return None return completion[ 'extra_data' ][ 'fixits' ] def _FilterToMatchingCompletions( completed_item, completions ): """Filter to completions matching the item Vim said was completed""" match_keys = [ 'word', 'abbr', 'menu', 'info' ] matched_completions = [] for index, completion in enumerate( completions ): item = _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( index, completion ) def matcher( key ): return ( ToUnicode( completed_item.get( key, "" ) ) == ToUnicode( item.get( key, "" ) ) ) if all( matcher( i ) for i in match_keys ): matched_completions.append( completion ) return matched_completions def _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( completion_identifier, completion_data ): # see :h complete-items for a description of the dictionary fields vim_data = { 'word' : '', 'dup' : 1, 'empty' : 1, } if ( 'extra_data' in completion_data and 'doc_string' in completion_data[ 'extra_data' ] ): doc_string = completion_data[ 'extra_data' ][ 'doc_string' ] else: doc_string = "" if 'insertion_text' in completion_data: vim_data[ 'word' ] = completion_data[ 'insertion_text' ] if 'menu_text' in completion_data: vim_data[ 'abbr' ] = completion_data[ 'menu_text' ] if 'extra_menu_info' in completion_data: vim_data[ 'menu' ] = completion_data[ 'extra_menu_info' ] if 'kind' in completion_data: kind = ToUnicode( completion_data[ 'kind' ] ) if kind: vim_data[ 'kind' ] = kind[ 0 ].lower() if 'detailed_info' in completion_data: vim_data[ 'info' ] = completion_data[ 'detailed_info' ] if doc_string: vim_data[ 'info' ] += '\n' + doc_string elif doc_string: vim_data[ 'info' ] = doc_string # We store the completion item index as a string in the completion user_data. # This allows us to identify the _exact_ item that was completed in the # CompleteDone handler, by inspecting this item from v:completed_item # # We convert to string because completion user data items must be strings. # # Note: Not all versions of Vim support this (added in 8.0.1483), but adding # the item to the dictionary is harmless in earlier Vims. vim_data[ 'user_data' ] = str( completion_identifier ) return vim_data def _ConvertCompletionDatasToVimDatas( response_data ): return [ _ConvertCompletionDataToVimData( i, x ) for i, x in enumerate( response_data ) ]