It prevents Vim from processing the rest of the statements inside a function, after having encountered an error.
It also gives shorter and more relevant stack traces in case of an error.
If the user has a global mapping which begins like a local one,
they probably expect the local mapping to win.
Without `<nowait>`, they would have to wait for the timeout to occur.
I have:
* Created a new section "4.1.3 How snippets are loaded"
* Moved documentation from "4.1 Adding Snippets" section into "4.1.3 How snippets are loaded"
There too many issues with traceback only. While it is good to have traceback, it is sell useful when it is the only info in the issue description. I think that contributing manual should be mentioned here even if we have issue template now. At least further new issues with traceback may follow contributing guide.
here is a vim option ``selection``.
if the value is `exclusive`, the mark `'>` is one more then real visual selection.
so var `ebyte` or `ec` must subtract 1.
and that is not a windows bug.
because gvim on windows sourced `$VIMRUNTIME\mswin.vim` by default.
the line 17 of `mswin.vim` execute `:behave mswin` will change option `selection` to `exclusive`.
more deailt in issue #863
Instead, trigger an auto command whenever a .snippets file is saved that will reload the snippets. This is a performance improvement with a loss of functionality: externally (i.e. outside of the current Vim instance) generated snippet files will not be picked up until UltiSnips#RefreshSnippets is called.
I decided to not expose a command for this, since I assume it is rarely useful. I think the command would add confusion of when it was supposed to be ran.
This will not help pull requests, as they are considered untrusted by Travis. But at least master builds and pull requests from branches in this repo should not hit rate limiting now.
The variable g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories including its documentation was introduced in b47e686. There the documentation read
> let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories=[$HOME.'/.vim/UltiSnips']
This example was later changed in #775, claiming that this variable needs to be a string. This seems to have been done in error, so this change reverts that PR back to the original documentation.
This now only tests python2 on Vim 7.4, 8.0 and git. No Neovim (that has been broken for a long time anyways) and no longer any python3 testing. But hey, we have green tests again!
Deoplete expects to carry out the filtering of snippets by default, but the UltiSnips source uses UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope() which filters the returned snippets based on user input. Without is_volatile, Deoplete will cache the first set of results UltiSnips returns and keep trying to filter that, rather than getting a new set of results when the input changes.