2016-04-04 22:15:07 +02:00

253 lines
6.3 KiB

" vimtex - LaTeX plugin for Vim
" Maintainer: Karl Yngve Lervåg
" Email: karl.yngve@gmail.com
function! vimtex#cmd#init_options() " {{{1
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#init_script() " {{{1
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#init_buffer() " {{{1
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-cmd-delete)
\ :call vimtex#cmd#delete()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-cmd-change)
\ :call vimtex#cmd#change()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-cmd-create)
\ :call vimtex#cmd#create()<cr>
inoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-cmd-create)
\ <c-r>=vimtex#cmd#create()<cr>
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#change() " {{{1
let l:cmd = vimtex#cmd#get_current()
if empty(l:cmd) | return | endif
let l:old_name = l:cmd.name
let l:lnum = l:cmd.pos_start.lnum
let l:cnum = l:cmd.pos_start.cnum
" Get new command name
call vimtex#echo#status(['Change command: ', ['VimtexWarning', l:old_name]])
echohl VimtexMsg
let l:new_name = input('> ')
echohl None
let l:new_name = substitute(l:new_name, '^\\', '', '')
if empty(l:new_name) | return | endif
" Update current position
let l:save_pos = getpos('.')
let l:save_pos[2] += strlen(l:new_name) - strlen(l:old_name) + 1
" Perform the change
let l:line = getline(l:lnum)
call setline(l:lnum,
\ strpart(l:line, 0, l:cnum)
\ . l:new_name
\ . strpart(l:line, l:cnum + strlen(l:old_name) - 1))
" Restore cursor position and create repeat hook
cal setpos('.', l:save_pos)
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-cmd-change)" . l:new_name . '
', v:count)
function! vimtex#cmd#delete() " {{{1
let l:cmd = vimtex#cmd#get_current()
if empty(l:cmd) | return | endif
let l:old_name = l:cmd.name
let l:lnum = l:cmd.pos_start.lnum
let l:cnum = l:cmd.pos_start.cnum
" Update current position
let l:save_pos = getpos('.')
let l:save_pos[2] += 1 - strlen(l:old_name)
" Perform the change
let l:line = getline(l:lnum)
call setline(l:lnum,
\ strpart(l:line, 0, l:cnum - 1)
\ . strpart(l:line, l:cnum + strlen(l:old_name) - 1))
" Restore cursor position and create repeat hook
cal setpos('.', l:save_pos)
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-cmd-delete)", v:count)
function! vimtex#cmd#create() " {{{1
let l:re = '\v%(^|\s)\zs\w+\ze%(\s|$)'
let l:c0 = col('.') - (mode() ==# 'i')
let [l:l1, l:c1] = searchpos(l:re, 'bcn', line('.'))
let l:c1 -= 1
let l:line = getline(l:l1)
let l:match = matchstr(l:line, l:re, l:c1)
let l:c2 = l:c1 + strlen(l:match)
if l:c0 > l:c2
call vimtex#echo#status(['vimtex: ',
\ ['VimtexWarning', 'Could not create command']])
return ''
let l:strpart1 = strpart(l:line, 0, l:c1)
let l:strpart2 = '\' . l:match . '{'
let l:strpart3 = strpart(l:line, l:c2)
call setline(l:l1, l:strpart1 . l:strpart2 . l:strpart3)
call setpos('.', [0, l:l1, l:c2+3, 0])
if mode() ==# 'n'
execute 'startinsert' . (empty(l:strpart3) ? '!' : '')
return ''
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#get_next() " {{{1
return s:get_cmd('next')
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#get_prev() " {{{1
return s:get_cmd('prev')
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#get_current() " {{{1
let pos = getpos('.')
let depth = 3
while depth > 0
let depth -= 1
let cmd = s:get_cmd('prev')
if empty(cmd) | break | endif
if 10000*pos[1] + pos[2] <= 10000*cmd.pos_end.lnum + cmd.pos_end.cnum
return cmd
return {}
" }}}1
function! vimtex#cmd#get_at(lnum, cnum) " {{{1
let l:pos_saved = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', [0, a:lnum, a:cnum, 0])
let l:cmd = vimtex#cmd#get_current()
call setpos('.', l:pos_saved)
return l:cmd
" }}}1
function! s:get_cmd(direction) " {{{1
let [lnum, cnum, match] = s:get_cmd_name(a:direction ==# 'next')
if lnum == 0 | return {} | endif
let res = {
\ 'name' : match,
\ 'pos_start' : { 'lnum' : lnum, 'cnum' : cnum },
\ 'pos_end' : { 'lnum' : lnum, 'cnum' : cnum + strlen(match) - 1 },
\ 'args' : [],
" Environments always start with environment name and allows option
" afterwords
if res.name ==# '\begin'
let arg = s:get_cmd_part('{', res.pos_end)
call add(res.args, arg)
let res.pos_end.lnum = arg.close.lnum
let res.pos_end.cnum = arg.close.cnum
" Get options
let res.opt = s:get_cmd_part('[', res.pos_end)
if !empty(res.opt)
let res.pos_end.lnum = res.opt.close.lnum
let res.pos_end.cnum = res.opt.close.cnum
" Get arguments
let arg = s:get_cmd_part('{', res.pos_end)
while !empty(arg)
call add(res.args, arg)
let res.pos_end.lnum = arg.close.lnum
let res.pos_end.cnum = arg.close.cnum
let arg = s:get_cmd_part('{', res.pos_end)
" Include entire cmd text
let res.text = s:text_between(res.pos_start, res.pos_end, 1)
return res
" }}}1
function! s:get_cmd_name(next) " {{{1
let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = searchpos('\\\a\+', a:next ? 'nW' : 'cbnW')
let l:match = matchstr(getline(l:lnum), '^\\\a*', l:cnum-1)
return [l:lnum, l:cnum, l:match]
" }}}1
function! s:get_cmd_part(part, start_pos) " {{{1
let l:save_pos = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', [0, a:start_pos.lnum, a:start_pos.cnum, 0])
let l:open = vimtex#delim#get_next('delim_tex', 'open')
call setpos('.', l:save_pos)
" Ensure that the delimiter
" 1) exists,
" 2) is of the right type,
" 3) and is the next non-whitespace character.
if empty(l:open)
\ || l:open.match !=# a:part
\ || strlen(substitute(
\ s:text_between(a:start_pos, l:open), ' ', '', 'g')) != 0
return {}
let l:close = vimtex#delim#get_matching(l:open)
if empty(l:close)
return {}
return {
\ 'open' : l:open,
\ 'close' : l:close,
\ 'text' : s:text_between(l:open, l:close),
" }}}1
function! s:text_between(p1, p2, ...) " {{{1
let [l1, c1] = [a:p1.lnum, a:p1.cnum - (a:0 > 0)]
let [l2, c2] = [a:p2.lnum, a:p2.cnum - (a:0 <= 0)]
let lines = getline(l1, l2)
if !empty(lines)
let lines[0] = strpart(lines[0], c1)
let lines[-1] = strpart(lines[-1], 0,
\ l1 == l2 ? c2 - c1 : c2)
return join(lines, '')
" }}}1
" vim: fdm=marker sw=2