199 lines
5.9 KiB
199 lines
5.9 KiB
" vimtex - LaTeX plugin for Vim
" Maintainer: Karl Yngve Lervåg
" Email: karl.yngve@gmail.com
if !exists('b:current_syntax')
let b:current_syntax = 'tex'
elseif b:current_syntax !=# 'tex'
echoerr 'vimtex syntax error: please report issue!'
" Perform spell checking when there is no syntax
" - This will enable spell checking e.g. in toplevel of included files
syntax spell toplevel
" {{{1 General match improvements
syntax match texInputFile /\\includepdf\%(\[.\{-}\]\)\=\s*{.\{-}}/
\ contains=texStatement,texInputCurlies,texInputFileOpt
" {{{1 Italic font, bold font and conceals
let conceal = (has('conceal') && get(g:, 'tex_conceal', 'b') =~# 'b')
\ ? 'concealends' : ''
for [style, group, commands] in [
\ ['texItalStyle', 'texItalGroup', ['emph', 'textit']],
\ ['texBoldStyle', 'texBoldGroup', ['textbf']],
for cmd in commands
execute 'syntax region' style 'matchgroup=texTypeStyle'
\ 'start="\\' . cmd . '\s*{" end="}"'
\ 'contains=@' . group
\ conceal
execute 'syntax cluster texMatchGroup add=' . style
" }}}1
" {{{1 Add syntax highlighting for \url and \href
syntax match texStatement '\\url\ze[^\ta-zA-Z]' nextgroup=texUrlVerb
syntax match texStatement '\\url\ze\s*{' nextgroup=texUrl
syntax match texStatement '\\href' nextgroup=texHref
syntax region texUrl matchgroup=Delimiter start='{' end='}' contained
syntax region texUrlVerb matchgroup=Delimiter
\ start='\z([^\ta-zA-Z]\)' end='\z1' contained
syntax region texHref matchgroup=Delimiter start='{' end='}' contained
\ nextgroup=texHrefLinkText
syntax region texHrefLinkText matchgroup=Delimiter start='{' end='}' contained
\ contains=@Spell
highlight link texUrl Function
highlight link texUrlVerb texUrl
highlight link texHref texUrl
highlight link texHrefLinkText texSectionZone
" }}}1
" {{{1 Improve support for cite commands
syntax match texStatement
\ "\\\%(auto\|text\)\?cite\%([tp]\*\?\|author\)\?"
\ nextgroup=texRefOption,texCite
" }}}1
" {{{1 Add support for cleveref package
syntax region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement
\ start="\\\(\(label\)\?c\(page\)\?\|C\|auto\)ref{"
\ end="}\|%stopzone\>"
\ contains=@texRefGroup
" \crefrange, \cpagerefrange (these commands expect two arguments)
syntax match texStatement
\ '\\c\(page\)\?refrange\>'
\ nextgroup=texRefRangeStart skipwhite skipnl
syntax region texRefRangeStart
\ start="{"rs=s+1 end="}"
\ matchgroup=Delimiter
\ contained contains=texRefZone
\ nextgroup=texRefRangeEnd skipwhite skipnl
syntax region texRefRangeEnd
\ start="{"rs=s+1 end="}"
\ matchgroup=Delimiter
\ contained contains=texRefZone
highlight link texRefRangeStart texRefZone
highlight link texRefRangeEnd texRefZone
" }}}1
" {{{1 Add support for listings package
syntax region texZone
\ start="\\begin{lstlisting}"rs=s
\ end="\\end{lstlisting}\|%stopzone\>"re=e
\ keepend
\ contains=texBeginEnd
syntax match texInputFile
\ "\\lstinputlisting\s*\(\[.*\]\)\={.\{-}}"
\ contains=texStatement,texInputCurlies,texInputFileOpt
syntax match texZone "\\lstinline\s*\(\[.*\]\)\={.\{-}}"
" }}}1
" {{{1 Nested syntax highlighting for dot
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @DOT syntax/dot.vim
syntax region texZone
\ start="\\begin{dot2tex}"rs=s
\ end="\\end{dot2tex}"re=e
\ keepend
\ transparent
\ contains=texBeginEnd,@DOT
let b:current_syntax = 'tex'
" }}}1
" {{{1 Nested syntax highlighting for lualatex
unlet b:current_syntax
syntax include @LUA syntax/lua.vim
syntax region texZone
\ start='\\begin{luacode\*\?}'rs=s
\ end='\\end{luacode\*\?}'re=e
\ keepend
\ transparent
\ contains=texBeginEnd,@LUA
syntax region texZone
\ start='\\\(directlua\|luadirect\){'rs=s
\ end='}'re=e
\ keepend
\ transparent
\ contains=texBeginEnd,@LUA
let b:current_syntax = 'tex'
" }}}1
" {{{1 Nested syntax highlighting for minted
" First set all minted environments to listings
syntax region texZone
\ start="\\begin{minted}\_[^}]\{-}{\w\+}"rs=s
\ end="\\end{minted}"re=e
\ keepend
\ contains=texMinted
" Next add nested syntax support for desired languages
for entry in get(g:, 'vimtex_syntax_minted', [])
let lang = entry.lang
let syntax = get(entry, 'syntax', lang)
unlet b:current_syntax
execute 'syntax include @' . toupper(lang) 'syntax/' . syntax . '.vim'
if has_key(entry, 'ignore')
execute 'syntax cluster' toupper(lang)
\ 'remove=' . join(entry.ignore, ',')
execute 'syntax region texZone'
\ 'start="\\begin{minted}\_[^}]\{-}{' . lang . '}"rs=s'
\ 'end="\\end{minted}"re=e'
\ 'keepend'
\ 'transparent'
\ 'contains=texMinted,@' . toupper(lang)
" Support for custom environment names
for env in get(entry, 'environments', [])
execute 'syntax region texZone'
\ 'start="\\begin{' . env . '}"rs=s'
\ 'end="\\end{' . env . '}"re=e'
\ 'keepend'
\ 'transparent'
\ 'contains=texBeginEnd,@' . toupper(lang)
" Match starred environments with options
execute 'syntax region texZone'
\ 'start="\\begin{' . env . '\*}\s*{\_.\{-}}"rs=s'
\ 'end="\\end{' . env . '\*}"re=e'
\ 'keepend'
\ 'transparent'
\ 'contains=texMintedStarred,texBeginEnd,@' . toupper(lang)
execute 'syntax match texMintedStarred'
\ '"\\begin{' . env . '\*}\s*{\_.\{-}}"'
\ 'contains=texBeginEnd,texDelimiter'
let b:current_syntax = 'tex'
syntax match texMinted '\\begin{minted}\_[^}]\{-}{\w\+}'
\ contains=texBeginEnd,texMintedName
syntax match texMinted '\\end{minted}'
\ contains=texBeginEnd
syntax match texMintedName '{\w\+}' contained
highlight link texMintedName texBeginEndName
" }}}1
" vim: fdm=marker sw=2