" {{{1 latex#toc#init function! latex#toc#init(initialized) if g:latex_mappings_enabled && g:latex_toc_enabled nnoremap lt :call latex#toc#open() nnoremap lT :call latex#toc#toggle() endif endfunction " {{{1 latex#toc#open function! latex#toc#open() " Check if buffer exists let winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr('LaTeX TOC')) if winnr >= 0 silent execute winnr . 'wincmd w' return endif " Get file names let auxfile = g:latex#data[b:latex.id].aux() let texfile = g:latex#data[b:latex.id].tex " Create TOC window let calling_buf = bufnr('%') let calling_file = expand('%:p') if g:latex_toc_resize silent exe "set columns+=" . g:latex_toc_width endif " Parse TOC data if auxfile == "" silent exe g:latex_toc_split_side g:latex_toc_width . 'vnew LaTeX\ TOC' let closest_index = 0 call append('$', "TeX file not compiled") else let toc = s:read_toc(auxfile, texfile) let closest_index = s:find_closest_section(toc, calling_file) silent exe g:latex_toc_split_side g:latex_toc_width . 'vnew LaTeX\ TOC' let b:toc = toc.data let b:toc_numbers = 1 let b:calling_win = bufwinnr(calling_buf) " Add TOC entries for entry in toc.data call append('$', entry['number'] . "\t" . entry['text']) endfor endif " Add help info if !g:latex_toc_hide_help call append('$', "") call append('$', "/q: close") call append('$', ": jump") call append('$', ": jump and close") call append('$', "s: hide numbering") endif 0delete _ " Jump to the closest section execute 'normal! ' . (closest_index + 1) . 'G' " Set filetype and lock buffer setlocal filetype=latextoc setlocal nomodifiable endfunction " {{{1 latex#toc#toggle function! latex#toc#toggle() if bufwinnr(bufnr('LaTeX TOC')) >= 0 if g:latex_toc_resize silent exe "set columns-=" . g:latex_toc_width endif silent execute 'bwipeout' . bufnr('LaTeX TOC') else call latex#toc#open() silent execute 'wincmd w' endif endfunction " }}}1 " {{{1 s:read_toc function! s:read_toc(auxfile, texfile, ...) let texfile = a:texfile let prefix = fnamemodify(a:auxfile, ':p:h') if a:0 != 2 let toc = [] let fileindices = { texfile : [] } else let toc = a:1 let fileindices = a:2 let fileindices[texfile] = [] endif for line in readfile(a:auxfile) " Check for included files, include if found let included = matchstr(line, '^\\@input{\zs[^}]*\ze}') if included != '' let newaux = prefix . '/' . included let newtex = fnamemodify(newaux, ':r') . '.tex' call s:read_toc(newaux, newtex, toc, fileindices) continue endif " Parse TOC statements from aux files let line = matchstr(line, \ '\\@writefile{toc}{\\contentsline\s*\zs.*\ze}\s*$') if empty(line) continue endif let tree = latex#util#tex2tree(latex#util#convert_back(line)) if len(tree) < 3 " unknown entry type: just skip it continue endif " Parse level let level = tree[0][0] " parse page if !empty(tree[2]) let page = tree[2][0] else let page = '' endif " Parse number if len(tree[1]) > 3 && empty(tree[1][1]) call remove(tree[1], 1) endif if len(tree[1]) > 1 if !empty(tree[1][1]) let secnum = latex#util#tree2tex(tree[1][1]) let secnum = substitute(secnum, '\\\S\+\s', '', 'g') let secnum = substitute(secnum, '\\\S\+{\(.\{-}\)}', '\1', 'g') let secnum = substitute(secnum, '^{\+\|}\+$', '', 'g') endif let tree = tree[1][2:] else let secnum = '' let tree = tree[1] endif " Parse title let text = latex#util#tree2tex(tree) let text = substitute(text, '^{\+\|}\+$', '', 'g') " Add TOC entry call add(fileindices[texfile], len(toc)) call add(toc, \ { \ 'file': texfile, \ 'level': level, \ 'number': secnum, \ 'text': text, \ 'page': page, \ }) endfor return {'data': toc, 'fileindices': fileindices} endfunction " {{{1 s:find_closest_section " " 1. Binary search for the closest section " 2. Return the index of the TOC entry " function! s:find_closest_section(toc, file) if !has_key(a:toc.fileindices, a:file) return endif let imax = len(a:toc.fileindices[a:file]) if imax > 0 let imin = 0 while imin < imax - 1 let i = (imax + imin) / 2 let tocindex = a:toc.fileindices[a:file][i] let entry = a:toc.data[tocindex] let titlestr = substitute(entry['text'], \ '\\\w*\>\s*\%({[^}]*}\)\?', '.*', 'g') let titlestr = escape(titlestr, '\') let titlestr = substitute(titlestr, ' ', '\\_\\s\\+', 'g') let [lnum, cnum] \ = searchpos('\\'.entry['level'].'\_\s*{'.titlestr.'}', 'cnW') if lnum let imax = i else let imin = i endif endwhile return a:toc.fileindices[a:file][imin] else return 0 endif endfunction " }}}1 " vim: fdm=marker