*vimtex.txt* A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files. *vimtex* Author: Karl Yngve Lervåg License: MIT license {{{ Copyright (c) 2016 Karl Yngve Lervåg Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} ============================================================================== CONTENTS *vimtex-contents* Introduction |vimtex-introduction| Feature overview |vimtex-features| Requirements |vimtex-requirements| Support for multi-file projects |vimtex-multi-file| Comment on internal tex plugin |vimtex-comment-internal| Usage |vimtex-usage| Default mappings |vimtex-default-mappings| Options |vimtex-options| Commands |vimtex-commands| Map definitions |vimtex-mappings| Insert mode mappings |vimtex-imaps| Events |vimtex-events| Completion |vimtex-completion| Complete citations |vimtex-complete-cites| Complete labels |vimtex-complete-labels| Complete image file names |vimtex-complete-images| Complete input file names |vimtex-complete-input| Complete PDF file names |vimtex-complete-pdf| Complete standalone file names |vimtex-complete-standalone| Complete glossary entries |vimtex-complete-glossary| Autocomplete |vimtex-complete-auto| Neocomplete |vimtex-complete-neocomplete| deoplete |vimtex-complete-deoplete| YouCompleteMe |vimtex-complete-youcompleteme| VimCompletesMe |vimtex-complete-vcm| Folding |vimtex-folding| Indentation |vimtex-indent| Syntax highlighting |vimtex-syntax| Navigation |vimtex-navigation| Table of contents |vimtex-toc| Table of labels |vimtex-labels| Unite sources |vimtex-unite| Latexmk |vimtex-latexmk| Latexmk tricks |vimtex-latexmk-tricks| Lacheck |vimtex-latexmk-lacheck| View |vimtex-view| Synctex |vimtex-synctex| Forward search |vimtex-synctex-forward-search| Backward search |vimtex-synctex-backward-search| Code structure |vimtex-code| FAQ |vimtex-faq| Troubleshooting |vimtex-troubleshooting| Credits |vimtex-credits| Changelog |vimtex-changelog| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *vimtex-introduction* |vimtex| provides convenient functionality for editing LaTeX documents. The main goal of |vimtex| is to be simple, functional, and to be easy to customize and evolve. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feature overview~ *vimtex-features* - Document compilation with `latexmk` - Compilation of selected part of document - Support for several PDF viewers with forward search - `MuPDF` - `Zathura` - `Okular` - `qpdfview` - `SumatraPDF` - Other viewers are supported through a general interface - Completion of citations, labels, glossary entries and filenames - Document navigation through - table of content - table of labels - Word count (through `texcount`) - Motions - Move between sections with `[[`, `[]`, `][`, `]]` - Move between matching delimiters with `%` - Text objects - `ic` `ac` Commands - `id` `ad` Delimiters - `ie` `ae` LaTeX environments - `i$` `a$` Inline math structures - Other mappings - Delete the surrounding command or environment with `dsc`/`dse`/`ds$` - Change the surrounding command or environment with `csc`/`cse`/`cs$` - Toggle starred environment with `tse` - Toggle between e.g. `()` and `\left(\right)` with `tsd` - Close the current environment/delimiter in insert mode with `]]` - Insert new command with `` - Convenient insert mode mappings for faster typing of e.g. maths - Folding - Indentation - Improved syntax highlighting - Highlight matching delimiters - Support for `biblatex`/`natbib` package - Support for `cleveref` package - Support for `listings` package - Support for `minted` package - Support for `dot2tex` with nested syntax highlighting - Support for multi-file project packages - `import` - `subfiles` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Requirements~ *vimtex-requirements* `latexmk` http://users.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk-jcc |vimtex| uses `latexmk` to compile the LaTeX document. `latexmk` is "a perl script for running LaTeX the correct number of times to resolve cross references, etc; it also runs auxiliary programs (bibtex, makeindex if necessary, and dvips and/or a previewer as requested). It has a number of other useful capabilities, for example to start a previewer and then run latex whenever the source files are updated, so that the previewer gives an up-to-date view of the document. The script runs on both UNIX and MS-WINDOWS (XP, etc)." [Copied from the latexmk page.] For more info, see |vimtex-latexmk|. |clientserver| |vimtex| requires the |clientserver| for the callback functionality to work. The callbacks are used to provide feedback when compilation is finished, as well as to parse the log for errors and warnings and to open the |quickfix| window when necessary. If you use Vim under a terminal in Linux or OSX, then Vim must be started as a command server with the command line option `--servername`, e.g. `vim --servername VIM`. For different ways of ensuring this, see: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Enable_servername_capability_in_vim/xterm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Support for multi-file projects~ *vimtex-multi-file* |vimtex| supports most multi-file documents. The main method uses a recursive search algorithm that should find the main LaTeX file in most cases. For special cases, there are several alternative methods for specifying the main file. These alternative methods all require some explicit declaration of the main file. Thus, these methods will be tried first, and the recursive search is tried last if there are no explicit declarations that yield an appropriate main LaTeX file candidate. The methods are tried in the following order: 1. Buffer variable 2. TeX root specifier 3. Subfiles package 4. File `.latexmain` specifier 5. Recursive search *b:vimtex_main* Buffer variable~ The main file may be specified through the buffer variable `b:vimtex_main`. If one uses project specific |vimrc| files, one may then use an |autocmd| to specify the main file through this buffer variable with > autocmd FileType tex let b:vimtex_main = 'main.tex' TeX root specifier~ It is also possible to specify the main TeX file with a comment in one of the first five lines of the current file similar to this: > %! TEX root = /path/to/my-main.tex < *vimtex-subfiles* *vimtex-import* Subfiles package~ |vimtex| also supports the `import` and the `subfiles` packages that can be used to make it easier to work with multi-file projects. If one uses the `subfiles` package, the |VimtexToggleMain| command is particularly useful. - https://www.ctan.org/pkg/import - https://www.ctan.org/pkg/subfiles File .latexmain specifier~ In some cases, it might be preferable to specify the main file by creating an indicator file. The indicator file should be an empty file, and the name must be the name of the desired main file with `.latexmain` appended. An example should make this clear: > path/file.tex path/file.tex.latexmain path/sections/file1.tex path/sections/file2.tex < Here `path/file.tex.latexmain` indicates for `file1.tex` and `file2.tex` that `path/file.tex` is the main LaTeX file. Recursive search~ If no other method provides an appropriate candidate, then the recursive search detects the main LaTeX file by searching for a file in the current and parent directories that includes the present file and that has the `\documentclass` line. This should work in most cases, but it may fail if for instance the project structure is something like this: > path1/main.tex path2/chapter.tex < That is, the main file detection will not work for the file `chapter.tex`, because the main file does not live in the same folder or a parent folder. In this particular case, the TeX root specifier should work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comment on internal tex plugin~ *vimtex-comment-internal* Vim ships with some LaTeX support out of the box. In particular, it provides good syntax highlighting (|ft-tex-syntax|), indentation (see the source file $VIMRUNTIME/indent/tex.vim for the documentation), and some sensible options (|ft-tex-plugin|). When |vimtex| is active, it will be used as the main |ftplugin|. It will define the same set of sensible settings as the internal plugin. However, |vimtex| does not provide its own syntax, instead it adds a few minor improvements to |ft-tex-syntax|, see |vimtex-syntax|. |vimtex| also provides its own indentation plugin, see |vimtex-indent|. Vim will generally autodetect filetypes automatically. In most cases this works as expected, however, in some cases it will detect a file with the `tex` suffix as a |plaintex|. To prevent this, one may set the option |g:tex_flavor| in ones `vimrc` file, that is: > let g:tex_flavor = 'latex' ============================================================================== USAGE *vimtex-usage* Default mappings |vimtex-default-mappings| Options |vimtex-options| Commands |vimtex-commands| Map definitions |vimtex-mappings| Insert mode mappings |vimtex-imaps| Events |vimtex-events| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Default mappings~ *vimtex-default-mappings* |vimtex| is designed to be controlled by a selection of mappings. Note, though, that most of the mappings are also available as commands, see |vimtex-commands|. Many of the mappings utilize the |maplocalleader|. The right-hand sides are provided as -mappings, see |using-|. For any given map, the default mapping will only be created if it does not already exist. This means that if a user defines a custom mapping, e.g. with > nmap li (vimtex-info) then the corresponding default left-hand side will not be mapped. If one prefers, one may disable all the default mappings through the option |g:vimtex_mappings_enabled|. One must then define custom mappings for all desired features through the listed RHS -maps or by mapping the available commands. In the below list of mappings, LHS is the default mapping, RHS is the corresponding -maps, and MODE indicates in which vim mode the mappings are valid. In addition to the mappings listed below, |vimtex| provides convenient insert mode mappings to make it easier and faster to type mathematical equations. This feature is explained in more detail later, see |vimtex-imaps|. -------------------------------------------------------------~ LHS RHS MODE~ -------------------------------------------------------------~ li |(vimtex-info)| `n` lI |(vimtex-info-full)| `n` lt |(vimtex-toc-open)| `n` lT |(vimtex-toc-toggle)| `n` ly |(vimtex-labels-open)| `n` lY |(vimtex-labels-toggle)| `n` lv |(vimtex-view)| `n` lr |(vimtex-reverse-search)| `n` ll |(vimtex-compile-toggle)| `n` lL |(vimtex-compile-selected)| `nx` lk |(vimtex-stop)| `n` lK |(vimtex-stop-all)| `n` le |(vimtex-errors)| `n` lo |(vimtex-compile-output)| `n` lg |(vimtex-status)| `n` lG |(vimtex-status-all)| `n` lc |(vimtex-clean)| `n` lC |(vimtex-clean-full)| `n` lm |(vimtex-imaps-list)| `n` lx |(vimtex-reload)| `n` ls |(vimtex-toggle-main)| `n` dse |(vimtex-env-delete)| `n` dsc |(vimtex-cmd-delete)| `n` ds$ |(vimtex-env-delete-math)| `n` cse |(vimtex-env-change)| `n` csc |(vimtex-cmd-change)| `n` cs$ |(vimtex-cmd-change-math)| `n` tse |(vimtex-env-toggle-star)| `n` tsd |(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)| `nx` |(vimtex-cmd-create)| `ni` ]] |(vimtex-delim-close)| `i` ac |(vimtex-ac)| `nxo` ic |(vimtex-ic)| `nxo` ad |(vimtex-ad)| `nxo` id |(vimtex-id)| `nxo` ae |(vimtex-ae)| `nxo` ie |(vimtex-ie)| `nxo` a$ |(vimtex-a$)| `nxo` i$ |(vimtex-i$)| `nxo` % |(vimtex-%)| `nxo` ]] |(vimtex-]])| `nxo` ][ |(vimtex-][)| `nxo` [] |(vimtex-[])| `nxo` [[ |(vimtex-[[)| `nxo` -------------------------------------------------------------~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Options~ *vimtex-options* *g:vimtex_enabled* Set to 0 to disable |vimtex|. Default value: Undefined. *g:vimtex_disable_version_warning* |vimtex| will warn you if you are using an unsupported version of Vim. This warning may be disabled by setting this option to a nonzero value. Default value: Undefined. *g:vimtex_complete_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable |vimtex| completion. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_complete_close_braces* This option controls whether to append a closing brace after a label or a citation has been completed. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_complete_recursive_bib* This option toggles recursive searching for bibliography files. Note: This feature may lead to a significant lag for large projects. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_complete_img_use_tail* If enabled, only the tail part of file names are completed. This is useful if one uses the `graphicx` package and the `\graphicspath` command. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_delim_toggle_mod_list* Define list of delimiter modifiers to toggle through with |(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)|. For example, to toggle between no modifiers, the `\left/\right` pair, and the `\bigl/\bigr` pair, use: > let g:vimtex_delim_toggle_mod_list = [ \ ['\left', '\right'] \ ['\bigl', '\bigr'] \] < Default value: [['\left', '\right']] *g:vimtex_delim_stopline* A tolerance for the number of lines to search for matching delimiters in each direction. It is used in an expression for the {stopline} argument of |search()| function calls. If the option is increased it will make the matching more accurate, at the expense of potential lags. The default value should work well for most people. Default value: 500 *g:vimtex_format_enabled* If enabled, |vimtex| uses a custom |formatexpr| that should handle inline comments. That is, if it is enabled, then comments at end of lines will not be joined with the |gq| command. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_fold_enabled* Use this option to enable folding. More detailed info can be found in the section |vimtex-folding|. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_fold_manual* With this option enabled, |vimtex| uses |fold-manual| as the main |foldmethod|. It still uses the |foldexpr| function to compute the fold levels, but it only computes the fold levels on demand, see |VimtexRefreshFolds| and |vimtex-zx|. The reasoning behind this option is that the |fold-expr| method of folding may sometimes be slow, e.g. for long lines and large files. |fold-manual| is very fast. An alternative to this method of speeding up is to use a dedicated plugin for optimizing the fold functionality, see e.g. https://github.com/Konfekt/FastFold. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_fold_comments* Control whether or not to fold multiline comments. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_fold_levelmarker* Use custom section symbol for folding. Default value: '*' *g:vimtex_fold_preamble* Control whether or not to fold the preamble. Note: If |g:vimtex_fold_commands| contains `documentclass`, then this option will be automatically disabled. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_fold_envs* Control whether or not to fold environments. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_fold_markers* Use this option to disable/enable vim-style markers for folding, i.e. pairs of `{{{` and `}}}`. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_fold_parts* List of document parts that should be folded. Default value: > let g:vimtex_fold_parts = [ \ 'appendix', \ 'frontmatter', \ 'mainmatter', \ 'backmatter', \ ] < *g:vimtex_fold_sections* List of section constructs that should be folded. Default value: > let g:vimtex_fold_sections = [ \ 'part', \ 'chapter', \ 'section', \ 'subsection', \ 'subsubsection', \ ] < *g:vimtex_fold_commands* *g:vimtex_fold_commands_default* Use this option to disable/enable folding of commands. The option is a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is a regex in very magic mode (see |\v|) that matches the desired command name(s), and the value is the variant of command folding. There are three variants allowed (see below for a few examples that may be clarifying): `single` Useful for commands with a single long argument. `single_opt` Useful for commands that open with a single long optional argument, then a short "real" argument. `multi` Useful for commands that start with a short regular argument and continue with long optional and/or regular arguments. In order for the folding to work as expected, this style depends on the indentation to be correct. See the example below for how to properly format the folded regions. The option combines the contents of |g:vimtex_fold_commands| and |g:vimtex_fold_commands_default|. Entries in the former will have higher priority than entries in the latter. This way, it is easy to add custom entries without disturbing the defaults. For those who want to ignore the defaults, one may simple set |g:vimtex_fold_commands_default| to an empty dictionary. Examples of how command folds work for the different variants: > Variant Not folded Folded ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'single' \hypersetup{ \hypersetup{...} option 1, ..., option n } 'single_opt' \usepackage[ \usepackage[...]{name} option 1, ..., option n ]{name} 'multi' \newcommand{\command}[3]{ \newcommand{\command} ... Hello #1, #2, and #3. } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- < Note: |g:vimtex_fold_commands| deprecates the old *g:vimtex_fold_documentclass* option. To fold the `\documentclass` command, it may be added with the `single_opt` variant. As before, one must disable |g:vimtex_fold_preamble|. Default value: > let g:vimtex_fold_commands = {} let g:vimtex_fold_commands_default = { \ 'hypersetup' : 'single', \ 'tikzset' : 'single', \ 'usepackage' : 'single_opt', \ 'includepdf' : 'single_opt', \ '%(re)?new%(command|environment)' : 'multi', \ 'providecommand' : 'multi', \ 'presetkeys' : 'multi', \ 'Declare%(Multi|Auto)?CiteCommand' : 'multi', \ 'Declare%(Index)?%(Field|List|Name)%(Format|Alias)' : 'multi', \} *g:vimtex_imaps_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable the insert mode mappings. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_imaps_leader* The default leader key for insert mode mappings. Default value: '`' *g:vimtex_imaps_disabled* A list of mappings to disable. That is, any left-hand side that matches a string in this list will not be mapped to its corresponding right-hand side. This may be used to selectively disable one or more from the default list of mappings. Default value: [] *g:vimtex_imaps_list* The list of mappings to generate on start up. The list of activated mappings can be viewed with |VimtexImapsList|. Default value: Complicated, please see the source file for exact value: `autoload/vimtex/imaps.vim` *g:vimtex_indent_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable |vimtex| indentation. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_indent_bib_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable |vimtex| indentation of bibliography files. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_index_hide_line_numbers* If enabled, then line numbers will be hidden in the index windows. That is, |nonumber| and |norelativenumber| will be set locally. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_index_resize* Whether or not to automatically resize vim when index windows are opened. Note: This option makes sense if the index window is vertically split. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_index_show_help* Whether to display the index help text. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_index_split_pos* Define where index windows should be opened. This is a string that contains either the word 'full' to open in the current window, or any of the position commands, i.e. one or more of |:vertical|, |:leftabove|, |:rightbelow|, |:topleft|, and |:botright|. Default value: 'vert leftabove' *g:vimtex_index_split_width* For vertically split windows: Set width of index window. Default value: 30 *g:vimtex_labels_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable table of labels. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_toc_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable table of contents (ToC). Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_toc_fold* Turn on folding of ToC entries. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_toc_fold_levels* This option controls the number of fold levels that will be used if the folding of the ToC is enabled. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_toc_show_preamble* Whether to include the preamble in the ToC. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_toc_show_numbers* Set whether or not to show section numbers in ToC. Note: The numbers may also be toggled inside the ToC window with the `s` keybinding. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_toc_number_width* Set the display width of numbers in the ToC. If it is set to 0, then the width is set based on the section depth, see |g:vimtex_toc_secnumdepth|. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_toc_secnumdepth* Define the number of section levels to display. Set level corresponding to the desired latex variable `secnumdepth`. For more info on `secnumdepth`, see http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=LaTeX/Document_Structure. Note: The variable may be updated inside the ToC window with the mappings `+` and `-`. Default value: 3 *g:vimtex_mappings_enabled* Control whether or not to load the default mappings. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_motion_enabled* This option enables the motion mappings `%`, `[[`, `[]`, `][`, and `]]`. It also enables the highlighting of matching delimiters. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_motion_matchparen* Enable highlighting of matching delimiters. Note: This is an improved version of |matchparen|. It should be possible to keep |matchparen| activated, which matches delimiters listed in 'matchpairs'. The |vimtex| specific version will also match LaTeX specific delimiters, which is not possible with |matchparen|. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_latexmk_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable the `latexmk` interface |vimtex-latexmk|. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_latexmk_build_dir* This option sets the compilation build directory. It corresponds to the `-output-directory` option in `latexmk`. If the path is a relative path, then it will be considered relative to the main project file. Note that this option only works with `latexmk` version 4.27 and later. Default value: '' *g:vimtex_latexmk_callback* If enabled, this option tells `latexmk` to run |vimtex#latexmk#callback| after compilation is finished. Note 1: This feature requires |clientserver|. Note 2: Callbacks are only possible when continuous mode is active, see |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous|. Note 3: The callback is run with the vim executable defined by |g:vimtex_latexmk_progname|. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_latexmk_callback_hooks* A list of functions that will be called from the vimtex latexmk callback. The compilation status must be taken as an argument. This allows users to add custom callback functionality. Note: The Zathura and MuPDF viewers, if used, adds a hook to this list in order to store the viewer X window ID in order to prevent multiple viewer windows. Example: > let g:vimtex_latexmk_callback_hooks = ['MyTestHook'] function! MyTestHook(status) echom a:status endfunction < Default value: [] *g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous* If enabled, `latexmk` will run in continuous mode, i.e. with the `-pvc` argument. This means that the document is compiled automatically by `latexmk` every time a related file has been changed, until the processes is stopped. If disabled, `latexmk` will run single shot compilations. Note: The events |VimtexEventCompileStarted| and |VimtexEventCompileStopped| are only relevant when this option is enabled. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_latexmk_background* If continuous mode is disabled, then this option may be used to set whether single shot compilations should be run in the foreground or the background. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_latexmk_options* By default, |vimtex| passes the following options to `latexmk`: > -pdf -- Compile to pdf documents -verbose -- More verbose output -file-line-error -- Enable file:line:error style messages -synctex=1 -- Generate synctex data -interaction=nonstopmode -- Disable interactive mode < However, if `g:vimtex_latexmk_options` is defined and is nonzero, it will override the above with the user supplied options. Note: Options may also be specified indirectly to `latexmk` through both a global and a project specific `.latexmkrc` file. One should know, though, that options specified on the command line has priority, and so if one wants to override one of the above default options, then one has to set `g:vimtex_latexmk_options` to a string that contains the desired options. Default value: '' *g:vimtex_latexmk_progname* Path to vim executable. This is used for the callback functionality, and it must be set correctly in order for the callback function to work. The default value should work correctly in most cases, but in some cases, e.g. for MacVim, one might need to set it manually to get the callbacks to work as expected. Default value: |v:progpath| if it exists, else |v:progname|. *g:vimtex_quickfix_autojump* This option controls if vim should automatically jump to the first error whenever the |quickfix| window is opened. Note: This option does not go well with continuous compilation and callbacks, since the callbacks will open the quickfix window if there are errors. Thus I recommend to keep it disabled for continuous compilation, and rather enable it if one prefers single shot compilations. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_quickfix_ignore_all_warnings* This option controls whether or not LaTeX warnings should be included in the |quickfix| window. LaTeX errors will always be included. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_quickfix_ignored_warnings* A list of warning messages that should be ignored. The list is a list of strings. Any LaTeX warning that contains a string in the list will be ignored. To ignore some common LaTeX warnings, try the following setting: > let g:vimtex_quickfix_ignored_warnings = [ \ 'Underfull', \ 'Overfull', \ 'specifier changed to', \ ] < Note: This option is only relevant if |g:vimtex_quickfix_ignore_all_warnings| is disabled. Default value: [] *g:vimtex_quickfix_mode* This option controls the behaviour of the |quickfix| window in case errors and/or warnings are found. The recognized options are: Value Effect ~ 0 The quickfix window is never opened automatically. 1 The quickfix window is opened automatically when there are errors, and it becomes the active window. 2 The quickfix window is opened automatically when there are errors, but it does not become the active window. Note: The quickfix window will only be opened automatically if both the continuous mode and the callbacks are active, see |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous| and |g:vimtex_latexmk_callback|. Default value: 2 *g:vimtex_quickfix_open_on_warning* Control whether or not to automatically open the |quickfix| window in case there are warning messages and no error messages. Note: The quickfix window will only be opened automatically if both the continuous mode and the callbacks are active, see |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous| and |g:vimtex_latexmk_callback|. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_text_obj_enabled* Use this option to disable the text object mappings. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_text_obj_linewise_operators* List of operators that will act linewise on the delimiter text objects (i.e. `ie/ae`, `i$/a$`, and `id/ad`). Note, for inline regions the operators will not act linewise, since that would lead to side effects. Default value: ['d', 'y'] *g:vimtex_view_enabled* Use this option to disable/enable the |vimtex| viewer interface. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_view_automatic* If enabled, the viewer will open automatically when compilation is started in continuous mode. This is the default behaviour of `latexmk`. Default value: 1 *g:vimtex_view_use_temp_files* If enabled, this will copy output files to a corresponding set of files with `_vimtex` prepended to the name. If one combines this with the callback feature, this may provide a very convenient way to avoid that the pdf becomes unavailable during compilation, as it will only update the viewer outut file after a successful compilation. Note: This will disable the viewer from the latexmk end. That is, if this option is enabled, opening and updating the pdf viewer will have to be done by the user or by vimtex. Note: This works best with the 'mupdf' and 'zathura' viewers. In particular, these viewers should update automatically after the pdf is updated. For general viewers, one has to create a callback function and connect it through |g:vimtex_view_general_callback|, and then use this callback to update the viewer. Default value: 0 *g:vimtex_view_method* Set the viewer method. The general viewer |vimtex_viewer_general| defines a generic interface that allows sufficient customization for most viewer applications. However, a few applications require some special attention, and so |vimtex| provides a couple of custom viewers: |vimtex_viewer_mupdf| and |vimtex_viewer_zathura|. Possible values: 'general' (default) 'mupdf' 'zathura' *vimtex_viewer_general* This is a generic interface where the viewer application is specified through |g:vimtex_view_general_viewer| and the viewer options are given with |g:vimtex_view_general_options|. After successful compilation with `latexmk`, the viewer is started with the options provided by |g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk|. The interface allows the general viewer to support forward search with a lot of different applications: *vimtex_viewer_okular* https://okular.kde.org/ Okular is a very feature rich PDF viewer that supports forward and backward search. Recommended settings are: > let g:vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'okular' let g:vimtex_view_general_options = '--unique @pdf\#src:@line@tex' let g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk = '--unique' < Backward search must be set up from the viewer through Settings > Editor > Custom Text Editor. The following settings should work for Vim and neovim (Note: see |vimtex_faq_neovim|), respectively: > vim --remote-silent %f -c %l nvr --remote-silent %f -c %l < *vimtex_viewer_qpdfview* https://launchpad.net/qpdfview qpdfview is a tabbed document viewer. It supports forward search. Backward search must be set up from the viewer. > let g:vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'qpdfview' let g:vimtex_view_general_options \ = '--unique @pdf\#src:@tex:@line:@col' let g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk = '--unique' < *vimtex_viewer_skim* http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/ Skim is a PDF reader and note-taker for OS X. It is designed to help you read and annotate scientific papers in PDF, but is also great for viewing any PDF file. > let g:vimtex_view_general_viewer \ = '/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline' let g:vimtex_view_general_options = '-r @line @pdf @tex' " This adds a callback hook that updates Skim after compilation let g:vimtex_latexmk_callback_hooks = ['UpdateSkim'] function! UpdateSkim(status) if !a:status | return | endif let l:out = b:vimtex.out() let l:tex = expand('%:p') let l:cmd = [g:vimtex_view_general_viewer, '-r'] if !empty(system('pgrep Skim')) call extend(l:cmd, ['-g']) endif if has('nvim') call jobstart(l:cmd + [line('.'), l:out, l:tex]) elseif has('job') call job_start(l:cmd + [line('.'), l:out, l:tex]) else call system(join(l:cmd + [line('.'), shellescape(l:out), shellescape(l:tex)], ' ')) endif endfunction < Note: See the Skim wiki for documentation on how to get backward search to work: https://sourceforge.net/p/skim-app/wiki/TeX_and_PDF_Synchronization *vimtex_viewer_sumatrapdf* http://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/free-pdf-reader.html SumatraPDF is a PDF viewer for windows that is powerful, small, portable and starts up very fast. It supports forward search. Backward search must be set up from the viewer. > let g:vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'SumatraPDF' let g:vimtex_view_general_options \ = '-reuse-instance -forward-search @tex @line @pdf' let g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk = '-reuse-instance' < Note: It is possible to set up inverse search for SumatraPDF through the command line. This can be utilized to set the correct |servername| for inverse search: > let g:vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'SumatraPDF -reuse-instance ' \ . '-inverse-search "gvim --servername ' . v:servername \ . ' --remote-send \"^^' \ . ':drop \%f^:\%l^:normal\! zzzv^' \ . ':execute ''drop '' . fnameescape(''\%f'')^' \ . ':\%l^:normal\! zzzv^' \ . ':call remote_foreground('''.v:servername.''')^\""' < *vimtex_viewer_mupdf* http://www.mupdf.com/ A very minimalistic and quick PDF viewer. Supports forward and backward search. Backward search is available with |VimtexRSearch|, which is mapped to 'lr'. One may also define a set of keys that is sent to MuPDF on startup with |g:vimtex_view_mupdf_send_keys|. Note: Both forward and backward search requires `xdotool` to work. Forward search will only take you to the correct page. Backward search will take you to the line in Vim that corresponds to the first line of the current page in MuPDF. *vimtex_viewer_zathura* https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura/ Zathura is like MuPDF a very fast and minimalistic viewer, but it allows more user configuration. Zathura supports forward search and backward search. Note: Forward search requires `xdotool` to work properly, in order to not open a new Zathura instance for invocation of |VimtexView|. Note: Recent versions of Zathura no longer ensures synctex support. This has resulted in synctex support being dropped on some platforms, e.g. on OpenSUSE, cf. https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/384. A workaround is to build Zathura from source manually. *g:vimtex_view_general_viewer* Use generic viewer application, see |vimtex_viewer_general|. Default value: Linux: `xdg-open` Mac: `open` *g:vimtex_view_general_options* Set options for the specified general viewer, see |vimtex_viewer_general|. The options are parsed to substitute the following keywords: `@pdf` Path to pdf file `@tex` Path to tex file `@line` Current line number `@col` Current column number Default value: '@pdf' *g:vimtex_view_general_callback* Sets the name of a function that is called within |vimtex#latexmk#callback| after compilation has finished. The function does not take any arguments, instead it can use the `b:vimtex` variable directly, e.g. the pdf file is available as `b:vimtex.out()`. The function is part of the viewer dictionary, and as such it may be defined with the |func-dict| argument. See the source for the reference of the viewer dictionary. Default value: '' *g:vimtex_view_general_options_latexmk* Set options that are passed on to `latexmk` for the specified general viewer, see |vimtex_viewer_general|. This allows to send options that ensures a unique viewer, e.g. with |vimtex_viewer_qpdfview|. Only the `@line` escape is expanded. Default value: '' *g:vimtex_view_mupdf_options* Set options for mupdf (|vimtex_viewer_mupdf|). Default value: '' *g:vimtex_view_zathura_options* Set options for zathura (|vimtex_viewer_zathura|). Default value: '' *g:vimtex_view_mupdf_send_keys* A string of keys that will be sent to MuPDF just after the PDF file has been opened. Default value: '' *g:vimtex_syntax_minted* A list that contains dictionaries for each supported language. A language dictionary should be something similar to the following: > { 'lang' : NAME, 'syntax' : SYNTAX-FILE-NAME, 'ignored' : IGNORED-GROUPS } < If the `syntax` entry is not present, then the `lang` entry is used as name of the syntax file. The `ignored` entry is also optional, and is used to name syntax groups to ignore in the minted region. Default value: [] Example for some languages: > let g:vimtex_syntax_minted = [ \ { \ 'lang' : 'c', \ }, \ { \ 'lang' : 'cpp', \ 'environments' : ['cppcode', 'cppcode_test'], \ }, \ { \ 'lang' : 'csharp', \ 'syntax' : 'cs' \ }, \ { \ 'lang' : 'python', \ 'ignore' : [ \ 'pythonEscape', \ 'pythonBEscape', \ ], \ } \] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commands~ *vimtex-commands* *VimtexInfo* *(vimtex-info)* :VimtexInfo Show information that is stored by vimtex about the current LaTeX project (available mostly for debug purposes). *VimtexInfo!* *(vimtex-info-full)* :VimtexInfo! Show information that is stored by vimtex about all open LaTeX projects (available mostly for debug purposes). *VimtexRefreshFolds* :VimtexRefreshFolds Refresh folds, see |vimtex-zx|. *VimtexTocOpen* *(vimtex-toc-open)* :VimtexTocOpen Open table of contents. *VimtexTocToggle* *(vimtex-toc-toggle)* :VimtexTocToggle Toggle table of contents. *VimtexLabelsOpen* *(vimtex-labels-open)* :VimtexLabelsOpen Open table of labels. *VimtexLabelsToggle* *(vimtex-labels-toggle)* :VimtexLabelsToggle Toggle table of labels. *VimtexCompile* *(vimtex-compile)* :VimtexCompile Starts compilation, either in continuous mode or in single shot mode, depending on the value of |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous|. *VimtexCompileToggle* *(vimtex-compile-toggle)* :VimtexCompileToggle Toggles compilation. Only useful when continuous mode is enabled (|g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous|). *VimtexCompileSS* *(vimtex-compile-ss)* :VimtexCompileSS Start single shot compilation in background. *VimtexCompileSS!* :VimtexCompileSS! Like |VimtexCompileSS|, but in foreground. *VimtexCompileSelected* *(vimtex-compile-selected)* :VimtexCompileSelected Compile the selected part of the current LaTeX file. When used as a command, it takes a range, e.g.: > :start,end VimtexCompileSelected < When used as a normal mode mapping, the mapping will act as an |operator| on the following motion or text object. Finally, when used as a visual mode mapping, it will act on the selected lines. Note: This always works linewise! *VimtexOutput* *(vimtex-compile-output)* :VimtexOutput Open file where `latexmk` output is redirected. *VimtexStop* *(vimtex-stop)* :VimtexStop Stop compilation for the current project. *VimtexStopAll* *(vimtex-stop-all)* :VimtexStopAll Stop compilation for all open projects in the current vim instance. *VimtexStatus* *(vimtex-status)* :VimtexStatus Show compilation status for current project. *VimtexStatus!* *(vimtex-status-all)* :VimtexStatus! Show compilation status for all open projects in the current vim instance. *VimtexClean* *(vimtex-clean)* :VimtexClean Clean auxiliary files *VimtexClean!* *(vimtex-clean-full)* :VimtexClean! Clean auxiliary files, include output files *VimtexErrors* *(vimtex-errors)* :VimtexErrors Open |quickfix| window if there are errors or warnings. *VimtexLacheck* *(vimtex-lacheck)* :VimtexLacheck Run `lacheck` to check document for errors. *VimtexView* *(vimtex-view)* :VimtexView View `pdf` for current project, perform forward search if available. *VimtexRSearch* *(vimtex-reverse-search)* :VimtexRSearch Do reverse search (only available for MuPDF viewer). *VimtexReload* *(vimtex-reload)* :VimtexReload Reload |vimtex| scripts. This is primarely useful when developing and debugging |vimtex| itself. *VimtexCountLetters* *VimtexCountWords* :VimtexCountLetters Shows the number of letters/characters or words in :VimtexCountWords the current project. The count is created with `texcount` through a call on the main project file similar to: > texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -merge FILE < *VimtexCountLetters!* *VimtexCountWords!* :VimtexCountLetters! Similar to |VimtexCountLetters|/|VimtexCountWords|, but :VimtexCountWords! show separate reports for included files. I.e. presents the result of > texcount -nosub -sum [-letter] -inc FILE < *VimtexImapsList* *(vimtex-imaps-list)* :VimtexImapsList Show the list of insert mode mappings created by the |vimtex-imaps| feature. The mappings are displayed in a scratch buffer. Press `q` or `` to close the buffer. *VimtexToggleMain* *(vimtex-toggle-main)* :VimtexToggleMain In general, |vimtex| detects the main file for the current LaTeX project and uses it for compilation and many other features. However, in some cases it may be useful to instead focus on the current file, for instance in large projects. In such cases, one can use |VimtexToggleMain| to change which file to use as the "current project". It is easy to toggle back and forth, and both the "main project" and the "local project" can be used simultaneously if desired (e.g. for compilation). Note: To compile the current file when it is part of a larger project, one must of course include a preamble and the `\begin/\end{document}`! It is possible to have a working preamble in every file in a multi-file project with `subfiles`, see |vimtex-subfiles|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map definitions~ *vimtex-mappings* *vimtex-zx* When |vimtex| folding is enabled and when the manual mode is turned on (|g:vimtex_fold_manual|), then |vimtex| remaps |zx| and |zX| in such that the folds are refreshed appropriately. *(vimtex-env-delete)* *(vimtex-env-delete-math)* *(vimtex-env-change)* Delete/Change surrounding environment. *(vimtex-cmd-delete)* *(vimtex-cmd-delete-math)* *(vimtex-cmd-change)* Delete/Change surrounding command. *(vimtex-env-toggle-star)* Toggle starred environment. *(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)* Toggle delimiter modifiers, for instance between `(...)` and `\left(...\right)`. The normal mode mapping toggles the closes surrounding delimiter, whereas the visual mode mapping toggles all delimiters that are fully contained in the visual selection. The selection is preserved. See also |g:vimtex_delim_toggle_mod_list|. *(vimtex-cmd-create)* Convert the current word (word under or right before the cursor) into a LaTeX command. That is, it prepends a backslash and adds an opening brace. From normal mode, the mapping will leave you in insert mode. The mapping works both in normal and in insert mode. It is by default mapped to (see |vimtex-default-mappings| for a list of the default mappings). *(vimtex-delim-close)* Close the current environment or delimiter (insert mode). *(vimtex-ac)* Text object for commands (inclusive). *(vimtex-ic)* Text object for commands (exclusive). *(vimtex-ad)* Text object for delimiters (inclusive). *(vimtex-id)* Text object for delimiters (exclusive). *(vimtex-ae)* Text object for environments (inclusive). *(vimtex-ie)* Text object for environments (exclusive). *(vimtex-a$)* Text object for inline math (inclusive). *(vimtex-i$)* Text object for inline math (exclusive). *(vimtex-%)* Find matching pair. *(vimtex-]])* Section forward (inclusive). *(vimtex-][)* Section forward (exclusive). *(vimtex-[])* Section backward (inclusive). *(vimtex-[[)* Section backward (exclusive). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insert mode mappings~ *vimtex-imaps* Some LaTeX commands are very common, and so it is both natural and convenient to have insert mode mappings/abbreviations for them. |vimtex| therefore provides a list of such mappings that are enabled by default, see |g:vimtex_imaps_list|. The mappings utilize a map leader defined by |g:vimtex_imaps_leader|. The default list of maps are all math mode mappings, but one may also add mappings that are available and useful outside of math mode. To see the list of mappings that are created, one can use the command |VimtexImapsList|, which is by default mapped to `lm`. It is of course possible to customize the list of mappings. First, one may specifically disable a default mapping through |g:vimtex_imaps_disabled|. Second, one may specify |g:vimtex_imaps_list|, which will overwrite the default list. Finally, one may add new maps through calls to the function |vimtex#imap#add_map|. The following are some examples of how to customize the mappings: > " Disable \alpha and \beta mappings let g:vimtex_imaps_disabled = ['a', 'b'] " Add custom mapping through vimtex#imap#add_map call vimtex#imaps#add_map({ \ 'lhs' : 'test', \ 'rhs' : '\tested', \ 'wrapper' : 'vimtex#imaps#wrap_trivial' \}) < *vimtex#imaps#add_map* This function is used to add new insert mode mappings. It takes a single dictionary argument: > map = { \ 'lhs' : lhs, \ 'rhs' : rhs, \ 'leader' : leader_key, \ 'wrapper' : function_name, \ 'context' : value, \ } Explanation of the keys: lhs~ Mandatory argument. The left-hand side part of the map. lhs_rhs~ Mandatory argument. The right-hand side part of the map. leader~ Custom leader key. If the key is not present, then |g:vimtex_imaps_leader| is used as leader key. wrapper~ The name of a wrapper function that is used to generate the `rhs`. Two functions are available from |vimtex|: `vimtex#imaps#wrap_trivial` Trivial wrapper: Simply returns `rhs`. `vimtex#imaps#wrap_math` Only define `rhs` if inside a math environment. This is the default wrapper function and will be used if no other wrapper is supplied. `vimtex#imaps#wrap_environment` Only define `rhs` if inside one of the environments specified through a list of environment names. The list must be supplied through the `context` key. Of course, one may use custom wrapper functions. To write a custom wrapper function, please see the source for examples on how the |vimtex| wrappers are written. context~ A value that can be used by the chosen wrapper function. *vimtex-neosnippet* *vimtex-UltiSnips* Note: that this feature is not the same as the snippet feature of |UltiSnips| or |neosnippet|. The imaps feature of |vimtex| previously supported `automatic` snippets, but these have been removed after careful considerations and input from |vimtex| users, please see vimtex issue #295: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/295#issuecomment-164262446 It has been decided that the best approach is to only provide basic mappings, and to let users manully create automatic snippets through the anonymous snippet functions in |UltiSnips| and |neosnippet|, please see |UltiSnips#Anon| and |neosnippet#anonymous|, respectively. Here are a couple of examples that show how to create such mappings: > " Using neosnippet#anonymous inoremap __ neosnippet#anonymous('_${1}${0}') inoremap ^^ neosnippet#anonymous('^${1}${0}') " Using UltiSnips#Anon inoremap __ __=UltiSnips#Anon('_{$1}$0', '__', '', 'i') inoremap ^^ ^^=UltiSnips#Anon('^{$1}$0', '^^', '', 'i') A drawback with the anonymous UltiSnips snippets is that they do not nest. That is, if you did `__` twice in a row, only the second one could be escaped. In recent versions of |UltiSnips|, one may set normal snippets to trigger automatically, see |UltiSnips-autotrigger|. This allows nesting, and is therefore a better approach than using the anonymous snippet function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Events~ *vimtex-events* |vimtex| defines some events that may be used for further customization through |autocmd|s, in particular the |User| autocmd. *VimtexEventQuit* This event is triggered when the last buffer for a particular LaTeX project is exited. The event may be used for instance to issue a |VimtexClean| command when exiting. *VimtexEventInitPost* This event is triggered after |vimtex| initialization is completed. It may be used to automatically start compiling a document. *VimtexEventCompileStarted* This event is triggered after compilation with `latexmk` is started in continuous mode (|g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous|). *VimtexEventCompileStopped* This event is triggered after compilation with `latexmk` is stopped. Examples: > augroup vimtex_config au! au User VimtexEventQuit VimtexClean au User VimtexEventInitPost VimtexCompile augroup END ============================================================================== COMPLETION *vimtex-completion* If |g:vimtex_complete_enabled| is 1 (default), then |vimtex| sets the 'omnifunc' to provide omni completion, see |compl-omni|. Omni completion is then accessible with |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|. The omni completion completes citations, labels, glossary entries and filenames. If desired, one may set |g:vimtex_complete_close_braces|, which makes the completion include closing braces. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_complete_enabled| |g:vimtex_complete_close_braces| |g:vimtex_complete_recursive_bib| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete citations~ *vimtex-complete-cites* Citation completion is triggered by '\cite{' commands. The completion parses included bibliography files (`*.bib`) and `thebibliography` environments to gather the completion candidates. As an example, assume that a bibliography file is included with the following entry: > @book { knuth1981, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Seminumerical Algorithms", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = "1981" } Then the bibliography key `knuth1981` will be completed with e.g.: > \cite{Knuth 1981 \cite{algo \cite{Don.*Knuth In particular, note that regular expressions (or vim patterns) can be used after '\cite{' to search for candidates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete labels~ *vimtex-complete-labels* Label completion is triggered by '\ref{' commands. The completion parses every relevant aux file to gather the completion candidates. This is important, because it means that the completion only works when the LaTeX document has been compiled. As an example: > \ref{sec: offers a list of all matching labels, with their associated value and page number. The label completion matches: 1. labels: > \ref{sec: < 2. numbers: > \eqref{2 < 3. labels and numbers together (separated by whitespace): > \eqref{eq 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete file names for figures~ *vimtex-complete-images* File name completion for figures is triggered by '\includegraphic{' commands. By default, the paths are completed relative to the root path of the main file. One can use the option |g:vimtex_complete_img_use_tail| to instead complete only the tail part of file names. This is useful if one uses the `graphicx` package and the `\graphicspath` command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete input/include tex files~ *vimtex-complete-input* File name completion for input/include files is triggered by '\input{', '\include{', or '\includeonly{' commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete include PDF files~ *vimtex-complete-pdf* File name completion for PDF files offered by the `pdfpages` package is triggered by '\includepdf{' commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete include standalone files~ *vimtex-complete-standalone* File name completion for standalone files offered by the package `standalone` is triggered by '\includepdf{' commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete include glossary entries~ *vimtex-complete-glossary* Glossary entry completion from the `glossaries` package are triggered by the commands '\gls{', '\glspl{' and their variations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autocomplete~ *vimtex-complete-auto* Vim does not provide automatic completion by itself, but there exist at least two good plugins that provide this: |neocomplete| and |youcompleteme|. Moreover, there is |VimCompletesMe| that overrides to trigger different built-in completions, such as the omni-completion by vimtex, depending on the context. See below for descriptions on how to setup these with |vimtex|. neocomplete~ *vimtex-complete-neocomplete* |neocomplete| is my preferred choice for an automatic completion engine in vim. The plugin is available here: https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim. The following options may be used to enable automatic completion for LaTeX documents with |neocomplete| and |vimtex|s omni completion function: > if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.tex = \ '\v\\%(' \ . '\a*cite\a*%(\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|\a*ref%(\s*\{[^}]*|range\s*\{[^,}]*%(}\{)?)' \ . '|hyperref\s*\[[^]]*' \ . '|includegraphics\*?%(\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|%(include%(only)?|input)\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|\a*(gls|Gls|GLS)(pl)?\a*%(\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|includepdf%(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|includestandalone%(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*' \ . ')' deoplete~ *vimtex-complete-deoplete* |deoplete| is similar to |neocomplete|, but is written specifically for Neovim, see here: https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim. To configure for `vimtex`, one may use: > if !exists('g:deoplete#omni#input_patterns') let g:deoplete#omni#input_patterns = {} endif let g:deoplete#omni#input_patterns.tex = '\\(?:' \ . '\w*cite\w*(?:\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*{[^}]*' \ . '|\w*ref(?:\s*\{[^}]*|range\s*\{[^,}]*(?:}{)?)' \ . '|hyperref\s*\[[^]]*' \ . '|includegraphics\*?(?:\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|(?:include(?:only)?|input)\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|\w*(gls|Gls|GLS)(pl)?\w*(\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|includepdf(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*' \ . '|includestandalone(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*' \ .')' Note: I don't personally use |deoplete|, and I have not tested the above expression. Please let me know if the regex does not work as intended, so that we can update it appropriately. YouCompleteMe~ *vimtex-complete-youcompleteme* |youcompleteme| is probably the most popular code-completion engine for Vim. The github repository is here: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe. It is described as: > YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine > for Vim. It has several completion engines: an identifier-based engine that > works with every programming language, a semantic, Clang [3]-based engine > that provides native semantic code completion for the C-family languages, > a Jedi [4]-based completion engine for Python, an OmniSharp [5]-based > completion engine for C# and an omnifunc-based completer that uses data from > Vim's omnicomplete system to provide semantic completions for many other > languages (Ruby, PHP etc.). To enable automatic completion with |youcompleteme|, use the following options: > if !exists('g:ycm_semantic_triggers') let g:ycm_semantic_triggers = {} endif let g:ycm_semantic_triggers.tex = [ \ 're!\\[A-Za-z]*cite[A-Za-z]*(\[[^]]*\]){0,2}{[^}]*', \ 're!\\[A-Za-z]*ref({[^}]*|range{([^,{}]*(}{)?))', \ 're!\\hyperref\[[^]]*', \ 're!\\includegraphics\*?(\[[^]]*\]){0,2}{[^}]*', \ 're!\\(include(only)?|input){[^}]*', \ 're!\\\a*(gls|Gls|GLS)(pl)?\a*(\s*\[[^]]*\]){0,2}\s*\{[^}]*', \ 're!\\includepdf(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*', \ 're!\\includestandalone(\s*\[[^]]*\])?\s*\{[^}]*', \ ] < VimCompletesMe~ *vimtex-complete-vcm* A plugin that maps to trigger the built-in completion that is most suitable to the current contex. The plugin is available here: https://github.com/ajh17/VimCompletesMe. The following options may be used to enable completion with the trigger for LaTeX documents with |VimCompletesMe| and |vimtex|s omni completion function: > augroup VimCompletesMeTex autocmd! autocmd FileType tex let b:vcm_omni_pattern = augroup END < Note: Here `` is the same pattern as was defined above for neocomplete. ============================================================================== FOLDING *vimtex-folding* |vimtex| can fold documents according to the LaTeX structure (part, chapter, section and subsection). Folding is turned off by default, but it can be enabled if desired, either through the option |g:vimtex_fold_enabled|, or manually with > set foldmethod=expr set foldexpr=vimtex#fold#level(v:lnum) set foldtext=vimtex#fold#text() When folding is enabled and a LaTeX document is opened, the document is parsed in order to define the highest fold level based on which parts (such as frontmatter, backmatter, and appendix) and section types (chapter, section, etc.) are present. This parsing is done automatically every time the folds are recomputed, if there are any changes to the file. The fold function also recognizes "fake" sections. That is, it parses comments similar to: > % Fakepart title % Fakechapter title % Fakesection title % Fakesubsection title The fake sections are folded at the same level as the corresponding "real" sections. The fold title is the provided title with the `Fake...` part prepended. Note: The |fold-expr| method of folding is well known to be slow, e.g. for long lines and large files. To speed things up, the user may want to enable the |g:vimtex_fold_manual| option. An alternative is to add a dedicated plugin that improves folding speed for the slow fold methods, e.g. https://github.com/Konfekt/FastFold. In order to get slightly cleaner fold text, I recommend setting the global 'fillchars' option. To preserve the default vertical separator and only change the fold filler, use e.g.: > set fillchars=vert:|,fold:\ Associated settings: |g:vimtex_fold_enabled| |g:vimtex_fold_manual| |g:vimtex_fold_comments| |g:vimtex_fold_levelmarker| |g:vimtex_fold_preamble| |g:vimtex_fold_envs| |g:vimtex_fold_markers| |g:vimtex_fold_parts| |g:vimtex_fold_sections| |g:vimtex_fold_commands| |g:vimtex_fold_commands_default| ============================================================================== INDENTATION *vimtex-indent* *vimtex-bib-indent* |vimtex| provides custom indentation functions both for LaTeX documents and for bibliography files (`.bib` files). Associated settings: |g:vimtex_indent_enabled| |g:vimtex_indent_bib_enabled| ============================================================================== SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING *vimtex-syntax* Vim ships with syntax highlighting for LaTeX documents out of the box, please see |ft-tex-syntax|. |vimtex| therefore does not provide its own syntax highlighting. However, |vimtex| does add some minor improvements: - Support for `biblatex` and `natbib` package - Support for `cleveref` package - Improved highlighting of `listings` package - Nested syntax highlighting for `dot2tex` - Nested syntax highlighting for `minted` (see |g:vimtex_syntax_minted|) Before enabling additional syntax highlighting, |vimtex| also checks the |g:tex_fast| variable (defined by |ft-tex-syntax|) that allows one to selectively enable or disable highlighting for specific groups. If |g:tex_fast| is set, additional syntax highlighting for bold, italic, and reference groups are enabled only if they are explicitly allowed. ============================================================================== NAVIGATION *vimtex-navigation* *vimtex-index* The |vimtex-index| is an interface that is used to display lists and indexes in vertically or horizontally split windows. It supports custom keybindings inside the index window, including actions on the list elements. The position of the window is controlled by |g:vimtex_index_split_pos|. By default, the top of the buffer will display help text to explain the local keybindings. This may be turned off with |g:vimtex_index_show_help|. The |vimtex-index| interface is used by the table of contents |vimtex-toc| and the table of labels |vimtex-labels|. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_index_hide_line_numbers| |g:vimtex_index_resize| |g:vimtex_index_show_help| |g:vimtex_index_split_pos| |g:vimtex_index_split_width| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of contents~ *vimtex-toc* |vimtex-toc| shows a table of contents (ToC) for the current LaTeX document. The ToC entries may be activated/jumped to with or . The local keybindings are described if |g:vimtex_index_show_help| is enabled. One may force entries into the ToC through designated comments with the following syntax: > % vimtex-include: /path/to/file The path may be absolute or relative. In the latter case, it will be relative to the current root (as printed by |:VimtexInfo|). This will add an entry in the ToC which makes it easy to open any file. Any file opened through the ToC that was included in this manner will be linked to the current vimtex project, and thus the ToC and similar commands will be available, even if the file is not a LaTeX file. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_toc_enabled| |g:vimtex_toc_fold| |g:vimtex_toc_fold_levels| |g:vimtex_toc_number_width| |g:vimtex_toc_show_preamble| |g:vimtex_toc_show_numbers| |g:vimtex_toc_secnumdepth| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of labels~ *vimtex-labels* |vimtex-labels| shows a table of labels similar to the ToC. The table entries may be filtered with the `f` keybinding. Filters may be removed with the `c` keybinding. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_labels_enabled| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unite sources~ *vimtex-unite* *vimtex_toc* *vimtex_labels* https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim The |unite.vim| plugin is a popular interface for many things, including outlines. Although |vimtex| includes a simple interface for tables of contents and labels, it also makes sense to provide these as sources to |unite.vim|. The source names are: vimtex_toc Table of contents vimtex_labels Table of labels The sources use similar syntax highlighting to the internal |vimtex| interfaces. If one prefers the |unite.vim| sources to the |vimtex| interface, one may override the default mappings, e.g.: > nnoremap lt :Unite vimtex_toc nnoremap ly :Unite vimtex_labels ============================================================================== LATEXMK *vimtex-latexmk* http://users.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/latexmk-jcc > latexmk is a perl script for running LaTeX the correct number of times to > resolve cross references, etc; it also runs auxiliary programs (bibtex, > makeindex if necessary, and dvips and/or a previewer as requested). It has > a number of other useful capabilities, for example to start a previewer and > then run latex whenever the source files are updated, so that the previewer > gives an up-to-date view of the document. The script runs on both UNIX and > MS-WINDOWS (XP, etc). |vimtex| uses `latexmk` to compile the LaTeX document. It utilizes by default the preview continuous mode. This means that after the compilation is turned on, `latexmk` will automatically recompile when any LaTeX project file is changed. If one prefers to have single shot compilations, one may disable the continuous mode with |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous|. If it is disabled, then the option |g:vimtex_latexmk_background| may be used to decide if single shot compilation should run in the foreground or the background. Regardless of the |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous| option, single shot compilation may always be issued with |VimtexCompileSS|. It is also possible to compile a selection of the file. To do this, one may either use the mapping, |(vimtex-compile-selected)|, or the command |VimtexCompileSelected|. This will compile the selected text by copying it to a temporary file with the same preamble as the current file. It will be compiled similarly to a single shot compile, and if there are errors, they will be shown in the quickfix list. For more info, see |VimtexCompileSelected|. |vimtex| passes a "sensible" default set of options to `latexmk`. This may be customized with |g:vimtex_latexmk_options|, where the default options are also described. If vim is compiled with the |+clientserver| option and if |g:vimtex_latexmk_callback| is enabled (which it is by default), then compilation errors will be parsed automatically. This is done by utilizing the tricks explained in |vimtex-latexmk-tricks|. Note that this only works for continuous compilation mode. One can always check for compilation errors with |VimtexErrors|. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_latexmk_enabled| |g:vimtex_latexmk_callback| |g:vimtex_latexmk_callback_hooks| |g:vimtex_latexmk_autojump| |g:vimtex_latexmk_continuous| |g:vimtex_latexmk_background| |g:vimtex_latexmk_options| Associated events: |VimtexEventCompileStarted| |VimtexEventCompileStopped| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Latexmk tricks~ *vimtex-latexmk-tricks* One may customize the `latexmk` options through |g:vimtex_latexmk_options|. However, one may also configure `latexmk` explicitly through a global `~/.latexmkrc` file, or a project specific `.latexmkrc` file. It is important to know that command line arguments have priority, so one may want to use custom options if one wants to specify particular things in a configuration file. A particular set of options are very convenient for a good coupling between `latexmk` and Vim: `$compiling_cmd`, `$success_cmd`, and `$failure_cmd`. These options can be used to specify commands that are run by `latexmk` before and after compilation. This is used by |vimtex| to achieve callbacks after compilation has finished with something like this: > $success_cmd = "gvim --remote-expr 'vimtex#latexmk#callback(1)'"; $failure_cmd = "gvim --remote-expr 'vimtex#latexmk#callback(0)'"; Another neat way to use this is to use `xdotool` to change the window title of the viewer to indicate the compilation status: > $compiling_cmd = "xdotool search --name \"%D\" " . "set_window --name \"%D compiling...\""; $success_cmd = "xdotool search --name \"%D\" " . "set_window --name \"%D OK\""; $failure_cmd = "xdotool search --name \"%D\" " . "set_window --name \"%D FAILURE\""; Note: If you define these options similar to the above `xdotool` trick and still want to enable the |vimtex| callbacks, then one must include a semicolon at the end of the `cmd` strings so that |vimtex| may append safely to the options. Note: More info on `xdotool` here: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lacheck~ *vimtex-latexmk-lacheck* After compilation of a LaTeX document, the log file will contain errors that are parsed by |vimtex| as explained above. However, there are syntax checkers for LaTeX. |vimtex| provides a simple interface to `lacheck` for checking LaTeX manuscripts for errors. This is available through |VimtexLacheck|. ============================================================================== VIEW *vimtex-view* |vimtex| provides the command |VimtexView| to open the desired viewer. The command is mapped to 'lv' by default. The list of supported viewers are given in the description of |g:vimtex_view_method|. For supported viewers, |VimtexView| will also perform forward search when the viewer is opened. Associated settings: |g:vimtex_view_enabled| |g:vimtex_view_automatic| |g:vimtex_view_method| |g:vimtex_view_use_temp_files| |g:vimtex_view_general_viewer| |g:vimtex_view__options| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synctex support~ *vimtex-synctex* Synctex is a tool that enables synchronization of the text editor position and the pdf viewer position. The tool may be used to add mappings in vim to go to the current position in the compiled pdf document (forward search), and also to go from a specific position in the pdf file to the corresponding position in vim (inverse/backward search). To make synctex work, it must be enabled. vimtex enables this by default by passing `-synctex=1` on the command line, unless the user sets the option |g:vimtex_latexmk_options| to a nonempty value. In the latter case, the user should ensure that the synctex flag is passed, i.e. with: > let g:vimtex_latexmk_options = '... -synctex=1 ...' Alternatively, one can put this in ones `~/.latexmkrc` file: > $pdflatex = 'pdflatex -synctex=1 %O %S'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forward search~ *vimtex-synctex-forward-search* For supported viewers, |VimtexView| (lv) will issue a forward search if the viewer is already opened. The forward search will take you to the page or position in the viewer that corresponds to the current line in your vim session. See |g:vimtex_view_method| for a list of supported viewers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backward search~ *vimtex-synctex-backward-search* *vimtex-synctex-inverse-search* In supported viewers one may set up backward or inverse search. When correctly set up, this allows one to go directly from a selected line in the viewer (typically by double clicking with the mouse or something similar) to the corresponding line inside the Vim instance. Backward search is typically set up inside the specific viewer through an option named something like "inverse search command-line". A standard value for the option is: > gvim --remote-silent +%l "%f" Note: Inverse search relies on the |clientserver| functionality of vim. Each instance of vim runs its own server. The above mentioned standard value implies the default server name, which might not be the actual name of the server for the vim instance you are using. Note: For backward search to work on windows, one must ensure that the folder that contains `gVim.exe` is in your `%PATH%` environment variable. ============================================================================== CODE STRUCTURE *vimtex-code* The |vimtex| code is based on the |autoload| feature of vim. For each new latex buffer, the function *vimtex#init* initializes the variables and functionalities based on the desired options |vimtex-options|. The first run performs some global initialization, which is mainly to define autocommands. Other functionality is provided by additional autoloaded scripts. Every additional script should have an initialization script that sets default commands and mappings, creates autocommands and performs other necessary initialization. This initialization script is then called from 'vimtex#init'. For each LaTeX project that is opened, a |Dictionary| is created and added to the list 'g:vimtex_data'. The dictionary is initialized with data tied to the current project. The dictionary is also linked to the buffer variable 'b:vimtex'. Note that a project might consist of several files, so for a multi-file project one may have several buffers that are linked to the same data blob. This is by design, and enabled vimtex |vimtex| to work properly for multi-file latex projects. It also allows the editing of different latex projects simultaneously in different buffers. The command |VimtexInfo| (mapped to li by default) will show the contents of the local data blob. ============================================================================== FAQ *vimtex-faq* *vimtex-faq-surround* Q: |vimtex| provides `dse`, `dsc`, `cse`, and `csc`. These seem to be inspired by |surround.vim|. Does |vimtex| also provide the corresponding `yse` and `ysc`? A: The mentioned mappings are indeed inspired by |surround.vim|. However, |vimtex| does not provide `yse` and `ysc`. If you use |surround.vim|, then the asked for mappings may be easily added if one adds the following lines to ones `vimrc` file: > augroup latexSurround autocmd! autocmd FileType tex call s:latexSurround() augroup END function! s:latexSurround() let b:surround_{char2nr("e")} \ = "\\begin{\1environment: \1}\n\t\r\n\\end{\1\1}" let b:surround_{char2nr("c")} = "\\\1command: \1{\r}" endfunction < *vimtex-faq-isfname* Q: Vim throws error when jumping to file with |gf|. A: This might be due to the |isfname| setting, which by default contains `{,}` on windows. |isfname| is a global option, and can therefore not be set by `vimtex`. Suggested solution is to remove `{,}` from |isfname| by: > set isfname-={,} < *vimtex-faq-neovim* Q: Does |vimtex| work with neovim? A: Yes. Most features work out of the box, but the `latexmk` coupling and some of the viewer functionality require the |--remote| options from the |clientserver|. For some reason, these options have been removed from neovim, see #1750 [0]. There does remain some hope that the options will be reimplemented sometime in the future. In the meantime, there exists a workaround: `neovim-remote` [1] is a simple tool that implements the |--remote| options through a python script. If one downloads this tool and sets the option |g:vimtex_latexmk_progname| to `nvr` (or the full path, if `nvr` is not in `$PATH`), then everything should work. [0]: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/1750 [1]: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/262 *vimtex-faq-tags* Q: How can I jump from a `\ref{label}` to the corresponding label? A: This is not a feature provided by |vimtex| itself, but vim has very good support for tag navigation, see |tags-and-searches|. It is worth mentioning that the |ctags| support for LaTeX is somewhat lacking. This can be amended by adding some lines to your `~/.ctags` configuration file, e.g.: > --langdef=tex2 --langmap=tex2:.tex --regex-tex2=/\\label[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/l,label/ < See [0,1] for references. I also find |gutentags| [2] to be very convenient for automatically generating and updating tag files. [0]: http://stackoverflow.com/q/8119405/51634 [1]: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/348 [2]: https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags *vimtex-faq-tags-bibtex* Q: How can I jump from a `\cite{key}` to the corresponding bibtex entry? A: This is not a feature provided by |vimtex| itself. Similar to |vimtex-faq-tags|, the feature is available through |tags-and-searches|. The following `~/.ctags` configuration will be useful: > --langdef=bibtex --langmap=bibtex:.bib --regex-bibtex=/@string\{([^ "#%')(,=}{]+)/\1/s,BibTeX-Strings/i --regex-bibtex=/@(article|book|booklet|inbook|incollection|inproceedings|manual|masterthesis|misc|phdthesis|proceedings|techreport|unpublished)\{([^,]+),/\2/e,BibTeX-Entries/i --regex-bibtex=/[[:space:]]*author[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*("([^"]+)"|\{([^\}]+)\})[[:space:]]*,?[[:space:]]*$/\2\3/a,BibTeX-Authors/i < See [0] for references. [0]: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/564 ============================================================================== Troubleshooting *vimtex-troubleshooting* With different operating systems and different plugin configurations, there are a few things that must be considered for system interoperability. A number of common problems and suggested solutions are included in the following troubleshooting section. Problem: The user wants to use vim-polyglot~ This is a problem, because vim-polyglot [0] includes and enables LaTeX-Box by default. LaTeX-Box will not work well with vimtex, e.g. because of conflicting mappings. Suggested solution: Don't use vim-polyglot. [0]: https://github.com/sheerun/vim-polyglot Problem: Upon starting continuous compilation the status bar indicates~ 'latexmk compile: started continuous mode' but compilation never terminates~ and the quickfix window does not load.~ Tips: 1. Ensure that a latexmk process and a Perl process have started. If they have not been started, then these two programs may not accessible given your operating system's PATH environment variable. 2. On Windows, some releases of Perl have been known to not trigger callbacks upon successful/failed compilation. It is highly suggested to install a dedicated Perl distribution (e.g. Strawberry Perl). See https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/378 for more information. 3. Ensure that the option `-interaction=nonstopmode` is provided to latexmk. This is done by default by vimtex, unless the user provides custom options through |g:vimtex_latexmk_options|. In the latter case, the user must ensure that the said option is also provided. Problem: In Windows, environment text object commands, like `vae` and `vie`, do~ not select the entire body of the environment.~ More specifically, given: > \begin{someenv} some content \end{someenv} < The command `dae` results in: > } < and `die` results in: > \begin{someenv} t \end{someenv} Solution: It seems that vim for Windows comes with some options set by default in the vimrc file. One of these has been reported to be `:behave mswin` (see |:behave)| which, among other things, sets the 'selection' option to "exclusive". This can be ameliorated by pursuing one of two options: 1) Add `:behave xterm` to your vimrc file. 2) Add `:set selection=inclusive` to your vimrc file. See also: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex/issues/408 ============================================================================== CREDITS *vimtex-credits* |vimtex| is developed by Karl Yngve Lervåg , and is distributed under the MIT license. The project is available as a Git repository: https://github.com/lervag/vimtex. |vimtex| was developed from scratch, but much of the code has been based on LaTeX-Box: https://github.com/LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box. LaTeX-suite was also an inspiration: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/. ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *vimtex-changelog* The following changelog only logs particularly important changes, such as changes that break backwards compatibility. See the git log for the detailed changelog. 2016-05-31: A lot of things have updated~ I know that people would like to see a simple list of changes. Unfortunately, I am bad at keeping this changelog updated. All details are available in the git log, though. The reason I added this entry is to note that I have removed an option: *g:vimtex_env_complete_list* --- It is no longer necessary. Completion candidates are instead parsed from the project. 2016-02-06: Large refactoring of delimiter parsing~ I've refactored a lot of the code in order to make the parsing of delimiters and features that rely on delimiter detection and similar more consistent. This results in some changes in option names and similar, but it should make it easier to provide improved and more robust features. There is one feature change: The delimiter toggle now consistently toggles the modifier, not the delimiter itself, and it toggles between a range of modifiers by default. For customization, see |g:vimtex_delim_toggle_mod_list|. The following options have changed names: *g:vimtex_change_set_formatexpr* ---> |g:vimtex_format_enabled| *g:vimtex_change_complete_envs* ---> |g:vimtex_env_complete_list| *g:vimtex_change_toggled_delims* ---> |g:vimtex_delim_toggle_mod_list| The following options have been removed: *g:vimtex_change_ignored_delims_pattern* --- It was no longer necessary The following mappings have been renamed: *(vimtex-delete-env)* ---> |(vimtex-env-delete)| *(vimtex-delete-cmd)* ---> |(vimtex-cmd-delete)| *(vimtex-change-env)* ---> |(vimtex-env-change)| *(vimtex-change-cmd)* ---> |(vimtex-cmd-change)| *(vimtex-toggle-star)* ---> |(vimtex-env-toggle-star)| *(vimtex-toggle-delim)* ---> |(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)| *(vimtex-create-cmd)* ---> |(vimtex-cmd-create)| *(vimtex-close-env)* ---> |(vimtex-delim-close)| 2015-10-19: Added convenient insert mode mappings~ I've merged the `math_mappings` branch (see #172 and #251). It adds the feature that is explained in |vimtex-imaps|. 2015-06-06: Minor but convenient restructuring (++)~ I've changed a lot of the code structure in relatively small ways. For instance, instead of referring to the particular data blobs through the global array, I instead linked a buffer variable to the correct global array element. One particular change is that all modules are now initialized in three steps: 1. Initialize module options 2. Initialize script variables and single execution functionalities 3. Initialize buffer options Finally, I've cleaned up a lot of the code by removing some deprecation warnings and similar. 2015-03-21: Implemented index buffers, deprecated vimtex_toc filetype~ The system for displaying the table of content relied on a dedicated filetype plugin. This was inherited from LaTeX-Box, and worked quite well. However, I intend to implement more functionality that uses the same kind of buffer to display similar things, such as a list of labels. I realized I wanted the ToC window to be more adaptable, so I implemented the `index` interface for such buffers. The `index` in itself may be used to create ToC-like buffers with simple actions. The |vimtex-toc| uses and expands the `index` in such a way that the changes should barely be noticeable from the user perspective. Note however the following variable name changes: *g:vimtex_toc_numbers_width* ---> |g:vimtex_toc_number_width| *g:vimtex_toc_hide_preamble* ---> |g:vimtex_toc_show_preamble| *g:vimtex_toc_numbers* ---> |g:vimtex_toc_show_numbers| *g:vimtex_toc_hide_line_numbers* ---> |g:vimtex_index_hide_line_numbers| *g:vimtex_toc_resize* ---> |g:vimtex_index_resize| *g:vimtex_toc_hide_help* ---> |g:vimtex_index_show_help| *g:vimtex_toc_split_pos* ---> |g:vimtex_index_split| *g:vimtex_toc_width* -/ *vim-latex-namechange* 2015-03-08: Changed the name to vimtex~ The old name `vim-latex` was already used by LaTeX-Suite. I was not aware of the name clash in the beginning. Due to the rising popularity of this plugin, it has become clear that such a name clash is very inconvenient. The present change is therefore very much needed. The name change is reflected throughout the plugin in the names of commands, mappings, functions, and options. People should update their `vimrc` settings accordingly. For instance, every option name should be changed from > g:latex_... = ... to > g:vimtex_... = ... 2014-12-07: Added more general view functionality~ Added new module for view functionality. This allows more complex view functions (and commands), for instance to do forward (and possibly backwards) searching through `synctex`. In the first version, I added forward search for mupdf by use of the `synctex` command and `xdotools`. The `g:latex_viewer` option has now been deprecated. Instead one should use |g:vimtex_view_method| and |g:vimtex_view_general_viewer|. Deprecated option: *g:latex_viewer* 2014-06-13: Changed some option names~ Some |vimtex| option names were changed in an attempt to make the names more consistent. These options are listed here for reference: *g:latex_errorformat_ignore_warnings* *g:latex_errorformat_show_warnings* *g:latex_latexmk_autojump* *g:latex_latexmk_quickfix* The new names are, respectively: |g:vimtex_quickfix_ignored_warnings| |g:vimtex_quickfix_ignore_all_warnings| |g:vimtex_quickfix_autojump| |g:vimtex_quickfix_mode| 2013-10-05: First public release~ ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: