" LaTeX plugin for Vim " " Maintainer: Karl Yngve LervÄg " Email: karl.yngve@gmail.com " function! latex#fold#init(initialized) " {{{1 if !g:latex_fold_enabled | return | endif " Set fold options setl foldmethod=expr setl foldexpr=latex#fold#level(v:lnum) setl foldtext=latex#fold#text() " Initalize folds call latex#fold#refresh() " Remap zx to refresh fold levels nnoremap zx :call latex#fold#refresh() " Define commands and maps command! -buffer VimLatexRefreshFolds call latex#fold#refresh() " Set options for automatic/manual mode if g:latex_fold_automatic " For some reason, foldmethod=expr makes undo slow (at least in some cases) nnoremap u :call FdmSave()u:call FdmRestore() " The foldexpr function returns "=" for most lines, which means it can " become slow for large files. The following is a hack that is based on " this reply to a discussion on the Vim Developer list: " http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.editors.vim.devel/14100 if !a:initialized augroup latex_fold autocmd! autocmd InsertEnter *.tex call FdmSave() autocmd InsertLeave *.tex call FdmRestore() augroup END endif else setl foldmethod=manual endif endfunction function! latex#fold#refresh() " {{{1 " Parse tex file to dynamically set the sectioning fold levels let b:latex.fold_parts = s:find_fold_parts() " Refresh folds if g:latex_fold_automatic normal! zx else setl foldmethod=expr normal! zx setl foldmethod=manual endif endfunction function! latex#fold#level(lnum) " {{{1 " Check for normal lines first (optimization) let line = getline(a:lnum) if line !~ '\(% Fake\|\\\(document\|begin\|end\|' \ . 'front\|main\|back\|app\|sub\|section\|chapter\|part\)\)' return "=" endif " Fold preamble if g:latex_fold_preamble if line =~# '^\s*\\documentclass' return ">1" elseif line =~# '^\s*\\begin\s*{\s*document\s*}' return "0" endif endif " Fold chapters and sections for [part, level] in b:latex.fold_parts if line =~# part return ">" . level endif endfor " Never fold \end{document} if line =~# '^\s*\\end{document}' return 0 endif " Fold environments if g:latex_fold_envs if line =~# s:notcomment . s:notbslash . '\\begin\s*{.\{-}}' if line !~# '\\end' return "a1" endif elseif line =~# s:notcomment . s:notbslash . '\\end\s*{.\{-}}' if line !~# '\\begin' return "s1" endif endif endif " Return foldlevel of previous line return "=" endfunction function! latex#fold#text() " {{{1 " Initialize let line = getline(v:foldstart) let level = v:foldlevel > 1 ? repeat('-', v:foldlevel-2) . '*' : '' let title = 'Not defined' let nt = 73 " Preamble, parts, sections and fakesections let sections = '\(\(sub\)*section\|part\|chapter\)' let secpat1 = '^\s*\\' . sections . '\*\?\s*{' let secpat2 = '^\s*\\' . sections . '\*\?\s*\[' if line =~ '\s*\\documentclass' let title = "Preamble" elseif line =~ '\\frontmatter' let title = "Frontmatter" elseif line =~ '\\mainmatter' let title = "Mainmatter" elseif line =~ '\\backmatter' let title = "Backmatter" elseif line =~ '\\appendix' let title = "Appendix" elseif line =~ secpat1 . '.*}' let title = matchstr(line, secpat1 . '\zs.*\ze}') elseif line =~ secpat1 let title = matchstr(line, secpat1 . '\zs.*') elseif line =~ secpat2 . '.*\]' let title = matchstr(line, secpat2 . '\zs.*\ze\]') elseif line =~ secpat2 let title = matchstr(line, secpat2 . '\zs.*') elseif line =~ 'Fake' . sections . ':' let title = matchstr(line,'Fake' . sections . ':\s*\zs.*') elseif line =~ 'Fake' . sections let title = matchstr(line, 'Fake' . sections) endif " Environments if line =~ '\\begin' " Capture environment name let env = matchstr(line,'\\begin\*\?{\zs\w*\*\?\ze}') let ne = 12 " Set caption/label based on type of environment if env == 'frame' let label = '' let caption = s:parse_caption_frame(line) elseif env == 'table' let label = s:parse_label() let caption = s:parse_caption_table(line) else let label = s:parse_label() let caption = s:parse_caption(line) endif " Add paranthesis to label if label != '' let label = substitute(strpart(label,0,nt-ne-2), '\(.*\)', '(\1)','') endif " Set size of label and caption part of string let nl = len(label) > nt - ne ? nt - ne : len(label) let nc = nt - ne - nl - 1 let caption = strpart(caption, 0, nc) " Create title based on env, caption and label let title = printf('%-' . ne . 's%-' . nc . 's %' . nl . 's', \ env, caption, label) endif let title = strpart(title, 0, nt) return printf('%-5s %-' . nt . 's', level, title) endfunction " }}}1 function! FdmRestore() " {{{1 let &l:foldmethod = s:fdm endfunction function! FdmSave() " {{{1 let s:fdm = &l:foldmethod setlocal foldmethod=manual endfunction let s:fdm='' " }}}1 " Define common regexps let s:notbslash = '\%(\\\@' let nline = 1 while nline < line("$") if getline(nline) =~# partpattern call insert(foldsections, [partpattern, 1]) break endif let nline += 1 endwhile endfor " Parse section commands (chapter, [sub...]section) let level = len(foldsections) > 0 ? 1 : 0 for part in g:latex_fold_sections " For each part, check if it is used in the file. We start adding the " part patterns to the fold sections array whenever we find one. let partpattern = '^\s*\(\\\|% Fake\)' . part . '\>' let nline = 1 while nline < line("$") if getline(nline) =~# partpattern let level += 1 call insert(foldsections, [partpattern, level]) break endif let nline += 1 endwhile endfor return foldsections endfunction function! s:parse_label() " {{{1 let i = v:foldend while i >= v:foldstart if getline(i) =~ '^\s*\\label' return matchstr(getline(i), '^\s*\\label{\zs.*\ze}') end let i -= 1 endwhile return "" endfunction function! s:parse_caption(line) " {{{1 let i = v:foldend while i >= v:foldstart if getline(i) =~ '^\s*\\caption' return matchstr(getline(i), \ '^\s*\\caption\(\[.*\]\)\?{\zs.\{-1,}\ze\(}\s*\)\?$') end let i -= 1 endwhile " If no caption found, check for a caption comment return matchstr(a:line,'\\begin\*\?{.*}\s*%\s*\zs.*') endfunction function! s:parse_caption_table(line) " {{{1 let i = v:foldstart while i <= v:foldend if getline(i) =~ '^\s*\\caption' return matchstr(getline(i), \ '^\s*\\caption\(\[.*\]\)\?{\zs.\{-1,}\ze\(}\s*\)\?$') end let i += 1 endwhile " If no caption found, check for a caption comment return matchstr(a:line,'\\begin\*\?{.*}\s*%\s*\zs.*') endfunction function! s:parse_caption_frame(line) " {{{1 " Test simple variants first let caption1 = matchstr(a:line,'\\begin\*\?{.*}{\zs.\+\ze}') let caption2 = matchstr(a:line,'\\begin\*\?{.*}{\zs.\+') if len(caption1) > 0 return caption1 elseif len(caption2) > 0 return caption2 else let i = v:foldstart while i <= v:foldend if getline(i) =~ '^\s*\\frametitle' return matchstr(getline(i), \ '^\s*\\frametitle\(\[.*\]\)\?{\zs.\{-1,}\ze\(}\s*\)\?$') end let i += 1 endwhile " If no caption found, check for a caption comment return matchstr(a:line,'\\begin\*\?{.*}\s*%\s*\zs.*') endif endfunction " }}}1 " vim: fdm=marker