" " Utility functions sorted by name " " {{{1 latex#util#convert_back function! latex#util#convert_back(line) " " Substitute stuff like '\IeC{\"u}' to corresponding unicode symbols " let line = a:line for [pat, symbol] in s:convert_back_list let line = substitute(line, pat, symbol, 'g') endfor " " There might be some missing conversions, which might be fixed by the last " substitution " return substitute(line, '\C\(\\IeC\s*{\)\?\\.\(.\)}', '\1', 'g') endfunction let s:convert_back_list = map([ \ ['\\''A}' , 'Á'], \ ['\\`A}' , 'À'], \ ['\\^A}' , 'À'], \ ['\\¨A}' , 'Ä'], \ ['\\"A}' , 'Ä'], \ ['\\''a}' , 'á'], \ ['\\`a}' , 'à'], \ ['\\^a}' , 'à'], \ ['\\¨a}' , 'ä'], \ ['\\"a}' , 'ä'], \ ['\\''E}' , 'É'], \ ['\\`E}' , 'È'], \ ['\\^E}' , 'Ê'], \ ['\\¨E}' , 'Ë'], \ ['\\"E}' , 'Ë'], \ ['\\''e}' , 'é'], \ ['\\`e}' , 'è'], \ ['\\^e}' , 'ê'], \ ['\\¨e}' , 'ë'], \ ['\\"e}' , 'ë'], \ ['\\''I}' , 'Í'], \ ['\\`I}' , 'Î'], \ ['\\^I}' , 'Ì'], \ ['\\¨I}' , 'Ï'], \ ['\\"I}' , 'Ï'], \ ['\\''i}' , 'í'], \ ['\\`i}' , 'î'], \ ['\\^i}' , 'ì'], \ ['\\¨i}' , 'ï'], \ ['\\"i}' , 'ï'], \ ['\\''{\?\\i }' , 'í'], \ ['\\''O}' , 'Ó'], \ ['\\`O}' , 'Ò'], \ ['\\^O}' , 'Ô'], \ ['\\¨O}' , 'Ö'], \ ['\\"O}' , 'Ö'], \ ['\\''o}' , 'ó'], \ ['\\`o}' , 'ò'], \ ['\\^o}' , 'ô'], \ ['\\¨o}' , 'ö'], \ ['\\"o}' , 'ö'], \ ['\\o }' , 'ø'], \ ['\\''U}' , 'Ú'], \ ['\\`U}' , 'Ù'], \ ['\\^U}' , 'Û'], \ ['\\¨U}' , 'Ü'], \ ['\\"U}' , 'Ü'], \ ['\\''u}' , 'ú'], \ ['\\`u}' , 'ù'], \ ['\\^u}' , 'û'], \ ['\\¨u}' , 'ü'], \ ['\\"u}' , 'ü'], \ ['\\`N}' , 'Ǹ'], \ ['\\\~N}' , 'Ñ'], \ ['\\''n}' , 'ń'], \ ['\\`n}' , 'ǹ'], \ ['\\\~n}' , 'ñ'], \], '[''\C\(\\IeC\s*{\)\?'' . v:val[0], v:val[1]]') " {{{1 latex#util#get_env function! latex#util#get_env(...) " latex#util#get_env([with_pos]) " Returns: " - environment " if with_pos is not given " - [environment, lnum_begin, cnum_begin, lnum_end, cnum_end] " if with_pos is nonzero let with_pos = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 let begin_pat = '\C\\begin\_\s*{[^}]*}\|\\\@ 1 && line[cnum - 1] != '\' let cnum -= 1 endwhile call cursor(lnum, cnum) " match begin/end pairs but skip comments let flags = 'bnW' if strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1) =~ '^\%(' . begin_pat . '\)' let flags .= 'c' endif let [lnum1, cnum1] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, \ 'latex#util#in_comment()') let env = '' if lnum1 let line = strpart(getline(lnum1), cnum1 - 1) if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\C\\begin\_\s*{\zs[^}]*\ze}') endif if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\\\[') endif if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\\(') endif endif if with_pos == 1 let flags = 'nW' if !(lnum1 == lnum && cnum1 == cnum) let flags .= 'c' endif let [lnum2, cnum2] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, \ 'latex#util#in_comment()') call setpos('.', saved_pos) return [env, lnum1, cnum1, lnum2, cnum2] else call setpos('.', saved_pos) return env endif endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#get_delim function! latex#util#get_delim() " Save position in order to restore before finishing let pos_original = getpos('.') " Save position for more work later let pos_save = getpos('.') " Check if the cursor is on top of a closing delimiter let close_pats = '\(' . join(s:delimiters_close, '\|') . '\)' let lnum = pos_save[1] let cnum = pos_save[2] let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(close_pats, 'cbnW', lnum) let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^'. close_pats, cnum-1) if pos_save[2] <= (cnum + len(delim) - 1) let pos_save[1] = lnum let pos_save[2] = cnum call setpos('.', pos_save) endif let d1='' let d2='' let l1=1000000 let l2=1000000 let c1=1000000 let c2=1000000 for i in range(len(s:delimiters_open)) call setpos('.', pos_save) let open = s:delimiters_open[i] let close = s:delimiters_close[i] let flags = 'W' " Check if the cursor is on top of an opening delimiter. If it is not, " then we want to include matches at cursor position to match closing " delimiters. if searchpos(open, 'cn') != pos_save[1:2] let flags .= 'c' endif " Search for closing delimiter let pos = searchpairpos(open, '', close, flags, 'latex#util#in_comment()') " Check if the current is pair is the closest pair if pos[0] && pos[0]*1000 + pos[1] < l2*1000 + c2 let l2=pos[0] let c2=pos[1] let d2=matchstr(strpart(getline(l2), c2 - 1), close) let pos = searchpairpos(open,'',close,'bW', 'latex#util#in_comment()') let l1=pos[0] let c1=pos[1] let d1=matchstr(strpart(getline(l1), c1 - 1), open) endif endfor " Restore cursor position and return delimiters and positions call setpos('.', pos_original) return [d1,l1,c1,d2,l2,c2] endfunction let s:delimiters_open = [ \ '(', \ '\[', \ '\\{', \ '\\\Cleft\s*\%([^\\a-zA-Z0-9]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)', \ '\\\cbigg\?\((\|\[\|\\{\)', \ ] let s:delimiters_close = [ \ ')', \ '\]', \ '\\}', \ '\\\Cright\s*\%([^\\a-zA-Z0-9]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)', \ '\\\cbigg\?\()\|\]\|\\}\)', \ ] " {{{1 latex#util#has_syntax function! latex#util#has_syntax(name, ...) " Usage: latex#util#has_syntax(name, [line], [col]) let line = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : line('.') let col = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : col('.') return 0 <= index(map(synstack(line, col), \ 'synIDattr(v:val, "name") == "' . a:name . '"'), 1) endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#in_comment function! latex#util#in_comment(...) let line = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : line('.') let col = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : col('.') return synIDattr(synID(line, col, 0), "name") =~# '^texComment' endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#kpsewhich function! latex#util#kpsewhich(file, ...) let cmd = 'kpsewhich ' let cmd .= a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : '' let cmd .= ' "' . a:file . '"' let out = system(cmd) " If kpsewhich has found something, it returns a non-empty string with a " newline at the end; otherwise the string is empty if len(out) " Remove the trailing newline let out = fnamemodify(out[:-2], ':p') endif return out endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#set_default function! latex#util#set_default(variable, default) if !exists(a:variable) let {a:variable} = a:default endif endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#tex2tree function! latex#util#tex2tree(str) let tree = [] let i1 = 0 let i2 = -1 let depth = 0 while i2 < len(a:str) let i2 = match(a:str, '[{}]', i2 + 1) if i2 < 0 let i2 = len(a:str) endif if i2 >= len(a:str) || a:str[i2] == '{' if depth == 0 let item = substitute(strpart(a:str, i1, i2 - i1), \ '^\s*\|\s*$', '', 'g') if !empty(item) call add(tree, item) endif let i1 = i2 + 1 endif let depth += 1 else let depth -= 1 if depth == 0 call add(tree, latex#util#tex2tree(strpart(a:str, i1, i2 - i1))) let i1 = i2 + 1 endif endif endwhile return tree endfunction " {{{1 latex#util#tree2tex function! latex#util#tree2tex(tree) if type(a:tree) == type('') return a:tree else return '{' . join(map(a:tree, 'latex#util#tree2tex(v:val)'), '') . '}' endif endfunction " }}}1 " vim: fdm=marker