" {{{1 latex#init let s:initialized = 0 function! latex#init() call s:init_environment() call s:init_errorformat() call latex#toc#init(s:initialized) call latex#fold#init(s:initialized) call latex#motion#init(s:initialized) call latex#change#init(s:initialized) call latex#latexmk#init(s:initialized) call latex#complete#init(s:initialized) " " This variable is used to allow a distinction between global and buffer " initialization " let s:initialized = 1 endfunction " {{{1 latex#info function! latex#info() echo "Buffer data" echo printf(' id: %-s', b:latex.id) echo printf('fold sections: %-s', string(b:latex.fold_sections)) echo "\n" echo "Latex blobs" let n = -1 for data in g:latex#data let n += 1 if n > 0 echo "\n" endif let d = copy(data) let d.aux = d.aux() let d.out = d.out() let d.log = d.log() echo printf('%6s: %-s', 'id', n) for [key, val] in sort(items(d), "s:info_sort_func") if key =~ '\vaux|out|root|log|tex' let val = s:truncate(val) endif echo printf('%6s: %-s', key, val) endfor endfor endfunction " {{{1 latex#help function! latex#help() if g:latex_default_mappings echo "Latex mappings" nmap vmap omap endif endfunction " {{{1 latex#reinit function! latex#reinit() " " Stop latexmk processes (if running) " call latex#latexmk#stop_all() " " Reset global variables " let s:initialized = 0 unlet g:latex#data " " Reset and reinitialize buffers " bufdo if getbufvar('%', '&filetype') == 'tex' | \ unlet b:notbslash b:notcomment b:latex | \ call latex#init() | \ endif endfunction " {{{1 latex#view function! latex#view() let outfile = g:latex#data[b:latex.id].out() if !filereadable(outfile) echomsg "Can't view: Output file is not readable!" return endif silent execute '!' . g:latex_viewer . ' ' . outfile . ' &>/dev/null &' if !has("gui_running") redraw! endif endfunction " }}}1 " {{{1 s:init_environment function! s:init_environment() " " Initialize global and local data blobs " call latex#util#set_default('g:latex#data', []) call latex#util#set_default('b:latex', {}) " " Initialize some common patterns " call latex#util#set_default('b:notbslash', '\%(\\\@= 0 let b:latex.id = id else let data = {} let data.tex = main let data.root = fnamemodify(data.tex, ':h') let data.base = fnamemodify(data.tex, ':t') let data.name = fnamemodify(data.tex, ':t:r') function data.aux() dict return s:get_main_ext(self, 'aux') endfunction function data.log() dict return s:get_main_ext(self, 'log') endfunction function data.out() dict return s:get_main_ext(self, g:latex_latexmk_output) endfunction call add(g:latex#data, data) let b:latex.id = len(g:latex#data) - 1 endif if g:latex_default_mappings nnoremap li :call latex#info() nnoremap lh :call latex#help() nnoremap lv :call latex#view() nnoremap lR :call latex#reinit() endif endfunction " {{{1 s:init_errorformat function! s:init_errorformat() " " Note: The error formats assume we're using the -file-line-error with " [pdf]latex. For more info, see |errorformat-LaTeX|. " " Push file to file stack setlocal efm+=%+P**%f " Match errors setlocal efm=%E!\ LaTeX\ %trror:\ %m setlocal efm+=%E%f:%l:\ %m setlocal efm+=%E!\ %m " More info for undefined control sequences setlocal efm+=%Z\ %m " Show warnings if g:latex_errorformat_show_warnings " Ignore some warnings for w in g:latex_errorformat_ignore_warnings let warning = escape(substitute(w, '[\,]', '%\\\\&', 'g'), ' ') exe 'setlocal efm+=%-G%.%#'. warning .'%.%#' endfor setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %.%#line\ %l%.%# setlocal efm+=%+W%.%#\ at\ lines\ %l--%*\\d setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %m setlocal efm+=%+W%.%#%.%#Warning:\ %m endif " Ignore unmatched lines setlocal efm+=%-G%.%# endfunction " }}}1 " {{{1 s:get_id function! s:get_id(main) if exists('g:latex#data') && !empty(g:latex#data) let id = 0 while id < len(g:latex#data) if g:latex#data[id].tex == a:main return id endif let id += 1 endwhile endif return -1 endfunction " {{{1 s:get_main_tex function! s:get_main_tex() if !search('\C\\begin\_\s*{document}', 'nw') let tex_files = glob('*.tex', 0, 1) + glob('../*.tex', 0, 1) call filter(tex_files, \ "count(g:latex_main_tex_candidates, fnamemodify(v:val,':t:r'))") if !empty(tex_files) return fnamemodify(tex_files[0], ':p') endif endif return expand('%:p') endfunction " {{{1 s:get_main_ext function! s:get_main_ext(texdata, ext) " Create set of candidates let candidates = [ \ a:texdata.name, \ g:latex_build_dir . '/' . a:texdata.name, \ ] " Search through the candidates for f in map(candidates, \ 'a:texdata.root . ''/'' . v:val . ''.'' . a:ext') if filereadable(f) return fnamemodify(f, ':p') endif endfor " Return empty string if no entry is found return '' endfunction " {{{1 s:info_sort_func function! s:info_sort_func(a, b) if a:a[1][0] == "!" " Put cmd's way behind return 1 elseif a:b[1][0] == "!" " Put cmd's way behind return -1 elseif a:a[1][0] == "/" && a:b[1][0] != "/" " Put full paths behind return 1 elseif a:a[1][0] != "/" && a:b[1][0] == "/" " Put full paths behind return -1 elseif a:a[1][0] == "/" && a:b[1][0] == "/" " Put full paths behind return -1 else return a:a[1] > a:b[1] ? 1 : -1 endif endfunction " {{{1 s:truncate function! s:truncate(string) if len(a:string) >= winwidth('.') - 9 return a:string[0:10] . "..." . a:string[-winwidth('.')+23:] else return a:string endif endfunction " }}}1 " vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix