" vimtex - LaTeX plugin for Vim " " Maintainer: Karl Yngve LervÄg " Email: karl.yngve@gmail.com " " {{{1 Script Initialization " " The flag s:initialized is set to 1 after vimtex has been initialized to " prevent errors if the scripts are loaded more than once (e.g. when opening " more than one LaTeX buffer in one vim instance). Thus it allows us to " distinguish between global initialization and buffer initialization. " if !exists('s:initialized') let s:initialized = 0 endif " " Define list of vimtex modules " if !exists('s:modules') let s:modules = map( \ split( \ globpath( \ fnamemodify(expand(''), ':r'), \ '*.vim'), \ '\n'), \ 'fnamemodify(v:val, '':t:r'')') endif " }}}1 function! vimtex#init() " {{{1 call s:check_version() " " First initialize buffer options and construct (if necessary) the vimtex " data blob. " call s:init_buffer() " " Then we initialize the modules. This is done in three steps: " " 1. Initialize options (load default options if not otherwise set). This is " only done once for each vim session. " " 2. Initialize module scripts (set script variables and similar). This is " also only done once for each vim session. " " 3. Initialize module for current buffer. This is done for each new LaTeX " buffer. " if !s:initialized call s:init_modules('options') call s:init_modules('script') endif call s:init_modules('buffer') " " Initialize local blob (if main file is different then current file) " call s:init_local_blob() " " Parse the document to set local options " call s:init_local_options() " " Finally we create the mappings " call s:init_mappings() let s:initialized = 1 " " Allow custom configuration through an event hook " if exists('#User#VimtexEventInitPost') doautocmd User VimtexEventInitPost endif endfunction " }}}1 function! vimtex#info(global) " {{{1 if !s:initialized echoerr 'Error: vimtex has not been initialized!' return endif if a:global for [id, data] in items(g:vimtex_data) let d = deepcopy(data) for f in ['aux', 'out', 'log'] silent execute 'let d.' . f . ' = data.' . f . '()' endfor call vimtex#echo#formatted([ \ "\ng:vimtex_data[", ['VimtexSuccess', id], '] : ', \ ['VimtexSuccess', remove(d, 'name') . "\n"]]) call s:print_dict(d) endfor else let d = deepcopy(b:vimtex) for f in ['aux', 'out', 'log'] silent execute 'let d.' . f . ' = b:vimtex.' . f . '()' endfor call vimtex#echo#formatted([ \ 'b:vimtex : ', \ ['VimtexSuccess', remove(d, 'name') . "\n"]]) call s:print_dict(d) endif endfunction " }}}1 function! vimtex#wc(detailed, ...) " {{{1 " Run texcount, save output to lines variable let cmd = 'cd ' . vimtex#util#shellescape(b:vimtex.root) let cmd .= '; texcount -nosub -sum ' let cmd .= a:0 > 0 ? '-letter ' : '' let cmd .= a:detailed > 0 ? '-inc ' : '-merge ' let cmd .= vimtex#util#shellescape(b:vimtex.base) let lines = split(system(cmd), '\n') " Create wordcount window if bufnr('TeXcount') >= 0 bwipeout TeXcount endif split TeXcount " Add lines to buffer for line in lines call append('$', printf('%s', line)) endfor 0delete _ " Set mappings nnoremap q :bwipeout " Set buffer options setlocal bufhidden=wipe setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal cursorline setlocal nobuflisted setlocal nolist setlocal nospell setlocal noswapfile setlocal nowrap setlocal tabstop=8 setlocal nomodifiable " Set highlighting syntax match TexcountText /^.*:.*/ contains=TexcountValue syntax match TexcountValue /.*:\zs.*/ highlight link TexcountText VimtexMsg highlight link TexcountValue Constant endfunction " }}}1 " {{{1 function! vimtex#reload() let s:file = expand('') if get(s:, 'reload_guard', 1) function! vimtex#reload() let s:reload_guard = 0 let l:scripts = [s:file] \ + map(copy(s:modules), \ 'fnamemodify(s:file, '':h'') . ''/vimtex/'' . v:val . ''.vim''') for l:file in l:scripts execute 'source' l:file endfor let s:initialized = 0 call vimtex#init() " Reload indent file if exists('b:did_vimtex_indent') unlet b:did_indent runtime indent/tex.vim endif call vimtex#echo#info('reloaded') unlet s:reload_guard endfunction endif " }}}1 function! vimtex#toggle_main() " {{{1 if exists('b:vimtex_local') let b:vimtex_local.active = !b:vimtex_local.active let b:vimtex_id = b:vimtex_local.active \ ? b:vimtex_local.sub_id \ : b:vimtex_local.main_id let b:vimtex = g:vimtex_data[b:vimtex_id] call vimtex#echo#status(['vimtex: ', \ ['Normal', 'Changed to `'], \ ['VimtexSuccess', b:vimtex.base], \ ['Normal', "' "], \ ['VimtexInfo', b:vimtex_local.active ? '[local]' : '[main]' ]]) endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:check_version() " {{{1 if s:initialized || get(g:, 'vimtex_disable_version_warning', 0) return endif if v:version <= 703 && !has('patch544') echoerr 'vimtex error: Please use Vim version 7.3.544 or newer!' endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:init_buffer() " {{{1 " " First we set some vim options " let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Ensure tex files are prioritized when listing files for suf in [ \ '.log', \ '.aux', \ '.bbl', \ '.out', \ '.blg', \ '.brf', \ '.cb', \ '.dvi', \ '.fdb_latexmk', \ '.fls', \ '.idx', \ '.ilg', \ '.ind', \ '.inx', \ '.pdf', \ '.synctex.gz', \ '.toc', \ ] execute 'set suffixes+=' . suf endfor setlocal suffixesadd=.tex setlocal comments=sO:%\ -,mO:%\ \ ,eO:%%,:% setlocal commentstring=%%s let &l:define = '\\\([egx]\|char\|mathchar\|count\|dimen\|muskip\|skip' let &l:define .= '\|toks\)\=def\|\\font\|\\\(future\)\=let' let &l:define .= '\|\\new\(count\|dimen\|skip' let &l:define .= '\|muskip\|box\|toks\|read\|write\|fam\|insert\)' let &l:define .= '\|\\\(re\)\=new\(boolean\|command\|counter\|environment' let &l:define .= '\|font\|if\|length\|savebox' let &l:define .= '\|theorem\(style\)\=\)\s*\*\=\s*{\=' let &l:define .= '\|DeclareMathOperator\s*{\=\s*' let &l:include = '\v\\%(input|include)\{' let &l:includeexpr = 'substitute(' let &l:includeexpr .= "substitute(v:fname, '\\\\space', '', 'g')," let &l:includeexpr .= "'^.\\{-}{\"\\?\\|\"\\?}.*', '', 'g')" let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " " Next we initialize the data blob " " Create container for data blobs if it does not exist let g:vimtex_data = get(g:, 'vimtex_data', {}) " Get main file number and check if data blob already exists let main = s:get_main() let id = s:get_id(main) " Create data blob if id >= 0 " Link to existing blob let b:vimtex_id = id let b:vimtex = g:vimtex_data[id] else " Create new blob let b:vimtex = {} let b:vimtex.tex = main let b:vimtex.root = fnamemodify(b:vimtex.tex, ':h') let b:vimtex.base = fnamemodify(b:vimtex.tex, ':t') let b:vimtex.name = fnamemodify(b:vimtex.tex, ':t:r') let b:vimtex.aux = function('s:get_aux') let b:vimtex.log = function('s:get_log') let b:vimtex.out = function('s:get_out') let b:vimtex.ext = function('s:get_ext') let s:vimtex_next_id = get(s:, 'vimtex_next_id', -1) + 1 let b:vimtex_id = s:vimtex_next_id let g:vimtex_data[b:vimtex_id] = b:vimtex endif " " Define commands and mappings " " Define commands command! -buffer -bang VimtexInfo call vimtex#info( == "!") command! -buffer -bang VimtexCountWords call vimtex#wc( == "!") command! -buffer -bang VimtexCountLetters call vimtex#wc( == "!", 1) command! -buffer VimtexReload call vimtex#reload() command! -buffer VimtexToggleMain call vimtex#toggle_main() " Define mappings nnoremap (vimtex-info) :VimtexInfo nnoremap (vimtex-info-full) :VimtexInfo! nnoremap (vimtex-reload) :VimtexReload nnoremap (vimtex-toggle-main) :VimtexToggleMain " " Attach autocommands " augroup vimtex_buffers au BufFilePre call s:filename_changed_pre() au BufFilePost call s:filename_changed_post() au BufLeave call s:buffer_left() au BufDelete call s:buffer_deleted() au QuitPre call s:buffer_deleted(b:vimtex_id) augroup END endfunction " }}}1 function! s:init_mappings() " {{{1 if !get(g:,'vimtex_mappings_enabled', 1) | return | endif function! s:map(mode, lhs, rhs, ...) if (a:0 > 0) || (maparg(a:lhs, a:mode) ==# '') silent execute a:mode . 'map ' a:lhs a:rhs endif endfunction call s:map('n', 'li', '(vimtex-info)') call s:map('n', 'lI', '(vimtex-info-full)') call s:map('n', 'lx', '(vimtex-reload)') call s:map('n', 'ls', '(vimtex-toggle-main)') call s:map('n', 'ds$', '(vimtex-env-delete-math)') call s:map('n', 'cs$', '(vimtex-env-change-math)') call s:map('n', 'dse', '(vimtex-env-delete)') call s:map('n', 'cse', '(vimtex-env-change)') call s:map('n', 'tse', '(vimtex-env-toggle-star)') call s:map('n', 'dsc', '(vimtex-cmd-delete)') call s:map('n', 'csc', '(vimtex-cmd-change)') call s:map('n', '', '(vimtex-cmd-create)') call s:map('i', '', '(vimtex-cmd-create)') call s:map('n', 'tsd', '(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)') call s:map('v', 'tsd', '(vimtex-delim-toggle-modifier)') call s:map('i', ']]', '(vimtex-delim-close)') if get(g:, 'vimtex_latexmk_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', 'll', '(vimtex-compile-toggle)') call s:map('n', 'lo', '(vimtex-compile-output)') call s:map('n', 'lL', '(vimtex-compile-selected)') call s:map('x', 'lL', '(vimtex-compile-selected)') call s:map('n', 'lk', '(vimtex-stop)') call s:map('n', 'lK', '(vimtex-stop-all)') call s:map('n', 'le', '(vimtex-errors)') call s:map('n', 'lc', '(vimtex-clean)') call s:map('n', 'lC', '(vimtex-clean-full)') call s:map('n', 'lg', '(vimtex-status)') call s:map('n', 'lG', '(vimtex-status-all)') endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_motion_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', ']]', '(vimtex-]])') call s:map('n', '][', '(vimtex-][)') call s:map('n', '[]', '(vimtex-[])') call s:map('n', '[[', '(vimtex-[[)') call s:map('x', ']]', '(vimtex-]])') call s:map('x', '][', '(vimtex-][)') call s:map('x', '[]', '(vimtex-[])') call s:map('x', '[[', '(vimtex-[[)') call s:map('o', ']]', '(vimtex-]])') call s:map('o', '][', '(vimtex-][)') call s:map('o', '[]', '(vimtex-[])') call s:map('o', '[[', '(vimtex-[[)') " These are forced in order to overwrite matchit mappings call s:map('n', '%', '(vimtex-%)', 1) call s:map('x', '%', '(vimtex-%)', 1) call s:map('o', '%', '(vimtex-%)', 1) endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_text_obj_enabled', 0) call s:map('x', 'ic', '(vimtex-ic)') call s:map('x', 'ac', '(vimtex-ac)') call s:map('o', 'ic', '(vimtex-ic)') call s:map('o', 'ac', '(vimtex-ac)') call s:map('x', 'id', '(vimtex-id)') call s:map('x', 'ad', '(vimtex-ad)') call s:map('o', 'id', '(vimtex-id)') call s:map('o', 'ad', '(vimtex-ad)') call s:map('x', 'ie', '(vimtex-ie)') call s:map('x', 'ae', '(vimtex-ae)') call s:map('o', 'ie', '(vimtex-ie)') call s:map('o', 'ae', '(vimtex-ae)') call s:map('x', 'i$', '(vimtex-i$)') call s:map('x', 'a$', '(vimtex-a$)') call s:map('o', 'i$', '(vimtex-i$)') call s:map('o', 'a$', '(vimtex-a$)') endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_toc_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', 'lt', '(vimtex-toc-open)') call s:map('n', 'lT', '(vimtex-toc-toggle)') endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_labels_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', 'ly', '(vimtex-labels-open)') call s:map('n', 'lY', '(vimtex-labels-toggle)') endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_view_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', 'lv', '(vimtex-view)') if has_key(b:vimtex.viewer, 'reverse_search') call s:map('n', 'lr', '(vimtex-reverse-search)') endif endif if get(g:, 'vimtex_imaps_enabled', 0) call s:map('n', 'lm', '(vimtex-imaps-list)') endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:init_modules(initmode) " {{{1 for module in s:modules if index(get(s:, 'disabled_modules', []), module) >= 0 | continue | endif try execute 'call vimtex#' . module . '#init_' . a:initmode . '()' catch /E117.*#init_/ endtry endfor endfunction " }}}1 function! s:init_local_blob() " {{{1 let l:filename = expand('%:p') if b:vimtex.tex !=# l:filename let l:local = deepcopy(b:vimtex) let l:local.tex = l:filename let l:local.pid = 0 let l:local.name = fnamemodify(l:filename, ':t:r') let l:local.root = fnamemodify(l:filename, ':h') let l:local.base = fnamemodify(l:filename, ':t') let s:vimtex_next_id += 1 let g:vimtex_data[s:vimtex_next_id] = l:local let b:vimtex_local = { \ 'active' : 0, \ 'main_id' : b:vimtex_id, \ 'sub_id' : s:vimtex_next_id, \} endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:init_local_options() " {{{1 let b:vimtex.sources = [] for [l:file, l:lnum, l:line] in vimtex#parser#tex(b:vimtex.tex) let l:cand = substitute(l:file, '\M' . b:vimtex.root, '', '') if l:cand[0] ==# '/' | let l:cand = l:cand[1:] | endif if index(b:vimtex.sources, l:cand) < 0 call add(b:vimtex.sources, l:cand) endif endfor endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_id(main) " {{{1 for [id, data] in items(g:vimtex_data) if data.tex == a:main return str2nr(id) endif endfor return -1 endfunction function! s:get_main() " {{{1 " " Check if the current file is a main file " if s:file_is_main(expand('%:p')) return expand('%:p') endif " " Use buffer variable if it exists " if exists('b:vimtex_main') && filereadable(b:vimtex_main) return fnamemodify(b:vimtex_main, ':p') endif " " Search for TEX root specifier at the beginning of file. This is used by " several other plugins and editors. " let l:candidate = s:get_main_from_specifier( \ '^\c\s*%\s*!\?\s*tex\s\+root\s*=\s*\zs.*\ze\s*$') if !empty(l:candidate) return l:candidate endif " " Support for subfiles package " let l:candidate = s:get_main_from_specifier( \ '^\C\s*\\documentclass\[\zs.*\ze\]{subfiles}') if !empty(l:candidate) return l:candidate endif " " Search for .latexmain-specifier " let l:candidate = s:get_main_latexmain(expand('%:p')) if !empty(l:candidate) return l:candidate endif " " Check if we are class or style file " if index(['cls', 'sty'], expand('%:e')) >= 0 let id = getbufvar('#', 'vimtex_id', -1) if id >= 0 return g:vimtex_data[id].tex else let s:disabled_modules = ['latexmk', 'view'] return expand('%:p') endif endif " " Search for main file recursively through include specifiers " let l:candidate = s:get_main_recurse() if l:candidate !=# '' return l:candidate endif " " Fallback to the current file " return expand('%:p') endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_main_from_specifier(spec) " {{{1 for l:line in getline(1, 5) let l:filename = matchstr(l:line, a:spec) if len(l:filename) > 0 if l:filename[0] ==# '/' if filereadable(l:filename) | return l:filename | endif else " The candidate may be relative both to the current buffer file and to " the working directory (for subfile package) for l:candidate in map([ \ expand('%:p:h'), \ getcwd()], \ 'simplify(v:val . ''/'' . l:filename)') if filereadable(l:candidate) | return l:candidate | endif endfor endif endif endfor return '' endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_main_latexmain(file) " {{{1 " " Gather candidate files " let l:path = expand('%:p:h') let l:dirs = l:path while l:path != fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') let l:path = fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') let l:dirs .= ',' . l:path endwhile let l:candidates = split(globpath(fnameescape(l:dirs), '*.latexmain'), '\n') " " Use first valid candidate " for l:cand in l:candidates let l:cand = fnamemodify(l:cand, ':p:r') if s:file_reaches_current(l:cand) return l:cand endif endfor return '' endfunction function! s:get_main_recurse(...) " {{{1 " " Either start the search from the original file, or check if the supplied " file is a main file (or invalid) " if a:0 == 0 let l:file = expand('%:p') else let l:file = a:1 if s:file_is_main(l:file) return l:file elseif !filereadable(l:file) return '' endif endif " " Gather candidate files " let l:path = expand('%:p:h') let l:dirs = l:path while l:path != fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') let l:path = fnamemodify(l:path, ':h') let l:dirs .= ',' . l:path endwhile let l:candidates = split(globpath(fnameescape(l:dirs), '*.tex'), '\n') " " Search through candidates " for l:cand in l:candidates " Avoid infinite recursion (checking the same file repeatedly) if l:cand == l:file | continue | endif let l:file_re = '\s*((.*)\/)?' . fnamemodify(l:file, ':t:r') let l:filter = 'v:val =~# ''\v' let l:filter .= '\\%(input|include)\{' . l:file_re let l:filter .= '|\\subimport\{[^\}]*\}\{' . l:file_re let l:filter .= '''' if len(filter(readfile(l:cand), l:filter)) > 0 return s:get_main_recurse(fnamemodify(l:cand, ':p')) endif endfor endfunction " }}}1 function! s:file_is_main(file) " {{{1 " " Check if a:file is a main file " return filereadable(a:file) \ && len(filter(readfile(a:file, 0, 50), \ 'v:val =~# ''\C\\documentclass\_\s*[\[{]''')) > 0 endfunction " }}}1 function! s:file_reaches_current(file) " {{{1 if !filereadable(a:file) | return 0 | endif for l:line in readfile(a:file) let l:file = matchstr(l:line, \ '\v\\%(input|include|subimport\{[^\}]*\})\s*\{\zs\f+') if empty(l:file) | continue | endif if l:file[0] !=# '/' let l:file = fnamemodify(a:file, ':h') . '/' . l:file endif if l:file !~# '\.tex$' let l:file .= '.tex' endif if expand('%:p') ==# l:file \ || s:file_reaches_current(l:file) return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_log() dict " {{{1 return self.ext('log') endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_aux() dict " {{{1 return self.ext('aux') endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_out(...) dict " {{{1 return call(self.ext, ['pdf'] + a:000, self) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_ext(ext, ...) dict " {{{1 " First check build dir (latexmk -output_directory option) if get(g:, 'vimtex_latexmk_build_dir', '') !=# '' let cand = g:vimtex_latexmk_build_dir . '/' . self.name . '.' . a:ext if g:vimtex_latexmk_build_dir[0] !=# '/' let cand = self.root . '/' . cand endif if a:0 > 0 || filereadable(cand) return fnamemodify(cand, ':p') endif endif " Next check for file in project root folder let cand = self.root . '/' . self.name . '.' . a:ext if a:0 > 0 || filereadable(cand) return fnamemodify(cand, ':p') endif " Finally return empty string if no entry is found return '' endfunction " }}}1 function! s:filename_changed_pre() " {{{1 let thisfile = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p') let s:filename_changed = thisfile ==# b:vimtex.tex let s:filename_old = b:vimtex.base endfunction " }}}1 function! s:filename_changed_post() " {{{1 if s:filename_changed let b:vimtex.tex = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p') let b:vimtex.base = fnamemodify(b:vimtex.tex, ':t') let b:vimtex.name = fnamemodify(b:vimtex.tex, ':t:r') let message = ['vimtex: ', \ ['VimtexWarning', 'Filename change detected!'], \ "\n Old filename: ", ['VimtexInfo', s:filename_old], \ "\n New filename: ", ['VimtexInfo', b:vimtex.base]] if b:vimtex.pid let message += ["\n latexmk process: ", \ ['VimtexInfo', b:vimtex.pid], \ ['VimtexWarning', ' killed!']] call vimtex#latexmk#stop() endif " Update viewer output file names if exists('b:vimtex.viewer.out') call vimtex#view#common#use_temp_files_p(b:vimtex.viewer) endif call vimtex#echo#status(message) endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:print_dict(dict, ...) " {{{1 let level = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 for entry in sort(sort(items(a:dict), \ 's:print_dict_sort_2'), \ 's:print_dict_sort_1') let title = repeat(' ', 2 + 2*level) . entry[0] if type(entry[1]) == type([]) call vimtex#echo#echo(title . "\n") for val in entry[1] call vimtex#echo#formatted([['None', \ repeat(' ', 4 + 2*level) . string(val) . "\n"]]) endfor elseif type(entry[1]) == type({}) call vimtex#echo#echo(title . "\n") call s:print_dict(entry[1], level + 1) else call vimtex#echo#formatted([title . ' : ', \ ['None', string(entry[1]) . "\n"]]) endif endfor endfunction " }}}1 function! s:print_dict_sort_1(i1, i2) " {{{1 return type(a:i1[1]) - type(a:i2[1]) endfunction " }}}1 function! s:print_dict_sort_2(i1, i2) " {{{1 return string(a:i1[1]) == string(a:i2[1]) ? 0 \ : string(a:i1[1]) > string(a:i2[1]) ? 1 \ : -1 endfunction " }}}1 function! s:buffer_left() " {{{1 let s:vimtex_id = b:vimtex_id endfunction " }}}1 function! s:buffer_deleted(...) " {{{1 " " Get the relevant blob id " let l:vimtex_id = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : get(s:, 'vimtex_id', -1) if exists('s:vimtex_id') | unlet s:vimtex_id | endif if !has_key(g:vimtex_data, l:vimtex_id) | return | endif " " Count the number of open buffers for the given blob " let l:buffers = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)') let l:vimtex_ids = map(l:buffers, 'getbufvar(v:val, ''vimtex_id'', -1)') let l:count = count(l:vimtex_ids, l:vimtex_id) " " Check if the deleted buffer was the last remaining buffer of an opened " latex project " if l:count <= 1 let l:vimtex = remove(g:vimtex_data, l:vimtex_id) if exists('#User#VimtexEventQuit') if exists('b:vimtex') let b:vimtex_tmp = b:vimtex endif let b:vimtex = l:vimtex doautocmd User VimtexEventQuit if exists('b:vimtex_tmp') let b:vimtex = b:vimtex_tmp unlet b:vimtex_tmp else unlet b:vimtex endif endif endif endfunction " }}}1 " vim: fdm=marker sw=2