Add a fold marker to the newly added util function and move it to the correct place in alphabetical order;

Correct a small typo
This commit is contained in:
Fang Zhang 2015-01-30 10:58:32 +08:00
parent ab8dbd88c8
commit cbc968a194

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@ -6,18 +6,6 @@
" Utility functions sorted by name
function! latex#util#fnameescape(path)
" In a Windows environment, a path used in "cmd" only needs to be
" enclosed by double quotes. shellscape() on Windows with
" "shellslash" set will produce a path enclosed by single quotes,
" which "cmd" does not recognize and reports an error.
" Any path that goes into latex#util#execute() should be
" processed through this function.
return has('win32') ? '"' . a:path . '"' : shellescape(a:path)
function! latex#util#convert_back(line) " {{{1
" Substitute stuff like '\IeC{\"u}' to corresponding unicode symbols
@ -97,7 +85,7 @@ let s:convert_back_list = map([
function! latex#util#error_deprecated(variable) " {{{1
if exists(a:variable)
echoerr "Deprecation error: " . a:variable
echoerr "Please red docs for more info!"
echoerr "Please read docs for more info!"
echoerr ":h vim-latex-changelog"
@ -182,7 +170,19 @@ function! latex#util#execute(exe) " {{{1
" }}}1
function! latex#util#fnameescape(path) " {{{1
" In a Windows environment, a path used in "cmd" only needs to be
" enclosed by double quotes. shellscape() on Windows with
" "shellslash" set will produce a path enclosed by single quotes,
" which "cmd" does not recognize and reports an error.
" Any path that goes into latex#util#execute() should be
" processed through this function.
return has('win32') ? '"' . a:path . '"' : shellescape(a:path)
function! latex#util#get_env(...) " {{{1
" latex#util#get_env([with_pos])
" Returns: