Fixed dsc and csc (fixes #245 and #247)

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2015-10-13 00:10:50 +02:00
parent 7cd7fc639c
commit c031c74559

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@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ function! vimtex#change#init_buffer() " {{{1
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-delete-env) nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-delete-env)
\ :call vimtex#change#env('')<cr> \ :call vimtex#change#env('')<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-delete-cmd) vaBom`o<esc>xg``xdF\ nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-delete-cmd)
\:silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-delete-cmd)", v:count)<cr> \ :call vimtex#change#command_delete()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-change-env) nnoremap <silent><buffer> <plug>(vimtex-change-env)
\ :call vimtex#change#env_prompt()<cr> \ :call vimtex#change#env_prompt()<cr>
@ -56,32 +56,102 @@ endfunction
" }}}1 " }}}1
function! vimtex#change#get_command(...) " {{{1
let l:position = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : searchpos('\S', 'bcn')
let l:line = getline(l:position[0])
let l:char = l:line[l:position[1]-1]
for l:syntax in reverse(map(call('synstack', l:position),
\ 'synIDattr(v:val, ''name'')'))
if l:syntax ==# 'texStatement'
let l:p = searchpos('\\', 'bcn')
let l:c = matchstr(l:line, '\\\zs\w\+', l:p[1]-1)
return [l:c] + l:p
elseif l:syntax ==# 'texMatcher'
\ || (l:syntax ==# 'Delimiter' && l:char =~# '{\|}')
let l:curpos = getcurpos()
normal! vaBoh
let l:result = vimtex#change#get_command(searchpos('\S', 'bcn'))
call setpos('.', l:curpos)
return l:result
return ['', 0, 0]
function! vimtex#change#command() " {{{1 function! vimtex#change#command() " {{{1
let pos_save = getpos('.') " Get old command
let savereg = @a let [l:old, l:line, l:col] = vimtex#change#get_command()
if l:old ==# '' | return | endif
" Get new command
let l:new = input('Change ' . old . ' for: ')
let l:new = empty(l:new) ? l:old : l:new
" Store current cursor position
let l:curpos = getcurpos()
if l:line == l:curpos[1]
let l:curpos[2] += len(l:new) - len(l:old)
" This is a hack to make undo restore the correct position " This is a hack to make undo restore the correct position
normal! ix normal! ix
normal! x normal! x
normal! F\lve"ay " Perform the change
let old = @a let l:tmppos = copy(l:curpos)
let l:tmppos[1:2] = [l:line, l:col+1]
let new = input('Change ' . old . ' for: ') cal setpos('.', l:tmppos)
if empty(new) let l:savereg = @a
let new = old let @a = l:new
endif normal! cea
let pos_save[2] += len(new) - len(old) let @a = l:savereg
let @a = new
normal! F\lcea
let @a = savereg
call setpos('.', pos_save)
" Restore cursor position and create repeat hook
call setpos('.', l:curpos)
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-change-cmd)" . new . ' ', v:count) silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-change-cmd)" . new . ' ', v:count)
endfunction endfunction
function! vimtex#change#command_delete() " {{{1
" Get old command
let [l:old, l:line, l:col] = vimtex#change#get_command()
if l:old ==# '' | return | endif
" Store current cursor position
let l:curpos = getcurpos()
if l:line == l:curpos[1]
let l:curpos[2] -= len(l:old)+1
" This is a hack to make undo restore the correct position
normal! ix
normal! x
" Use temporary cursor position
let l:tmppos = copy(l:curpos)
let l:tmppos[1:2] = [l:line, l:col]
call setpos('.', l:tmppos)
normal! de
" Delete surrounding braces if present
while getline('.')[l:col-1 :] =~# '^\s*{'
normal! f{vaBm`oxg``x
if l:line == l:curpos[1]
let l:curpos[2] -= 1
if l:curpos[2] < 0
let l:curpos[2] = 0
let l:tmppos = getpos('.')
let l:col = l:tmppos[2]
" Restore cursor position and create repeat hook
call setpos('.', l:curpos)
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-delete-cmd)", v:count)
function! vimtex#change#close_environment() " {{{1 function! vimtex#change#close_environment() " {{{1
" Close delimiters " Close delimiters
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpairpos('\C\\left\>', '', '\C\\right\>', 'bnW', let [lnum, cnum] = searchpairpos('\C\\left\>', '', '\C\\right\>', 'bnW',