Fixed get_delim()

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2013-10-09 12:03:04 +02:00
parent aad42917a4
commit bfd99c8c05

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@ -142,60 +142,83 @@ function! latex#util#get_env(...)
endfunction endfunction
" {{{1 latex#util#get_delim " {{{1 latex#util#get_delim
function! latex#util#get_delim(...) let s:latex_delim_open = [
let with_pos = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 \ '(',
\ '\[',
\ '\\{',
\ '\\\[',
\ '\\\Cleft\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\((\|\[\|\\{\)',
\ ]
let s:latex_delim_close = [
\ ')',
\ '\]',
\ '\\}',
\ '\\\]',
\ '\\\Cright\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\()\|\]\|\\}\)',
\ ]
function! latex#util#get_delim()
" Note: This functions has not been optimized
let begin_pat = '\C\\begin\_\s*{[^}]*}\|\\\@<!\\\[\|\\\@<!\\(' " Save position in order to restore before finishing
let end_pat = '\C\\end\_\s*{[^}]*}\|\\\@<!\\\]\|\\\@<!\\)' let pos_original = getpos('.')
let saved_pos = getpos('.')
" move to the left until on a backslash " Save position for more work later
let [bufnum, lnum, cnum, off] = getpos('.') let pos_save = getpos('.')
let line = getline(lnum)
while cnum > 1 && line[cnum - 1] != '\'
let cnum -= 1
call cursor(lnum, cnum)
" match begin/end pairs but skip comments " Check if the cursor is on top of a closing delimiter
let flags = 'bnW' let close_pats = '\(' . join(s:latex_delim_close, '\|') . '\)'
if strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1) =~ '^\%(' . begin_pat . '\)' let lnum = pos_save[1]
let flags .= 'c' let cnum = pos_save[2]
endif let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(close_pats, 'cbnW', lnum)
let [lnum1, cnum1] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^'. close_pats, cnum-1)
\ 'latex#util#in_comment()') if pos_save[2] <= (cnum + len(delim) - 1)
let pos_save[1] = lnum
let env = '' let pos_save[2] = cnum
call setpos('.', pos_save)
if lnum1
let line = strpart(getline(lnum1), cnum1 - 1)
if empty(env)
let env = matchstr(line, '^\C\\begin\_\s*{\zs[^}]*\ze}')
if empty(env)
let env = matchstr(line, '^\\\[')
if empty(env)
let env = matchstr(line, '^\\(')
endif endif
if with_pos == 1 let d1=''
let flags = 'nW' let d2=''
if !(lnum1 == lnum && cnum1 == cnum) let l1=1000000
let l2=1000000
let c1=1000000
let c2=1000000
for i in range(len(s:latex_delim_open))
call setpos('.', pos_save)
let open = s:latex_delim_open[i]
let close = s:latex_delim_close[i]
let flags = 'W'
" Check if the cursor is on top of an opening delimiter. If it is not,
" then we want to include matches at cursor position to match closing
" delimiters.
if searchpos(open, 'cn') != pos_save[1:2]
let flags .= 'c' let flags .= 'c'
endif endif
let [lnum2, cnum2] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, " Search for closing delimiter
\ 'latex#util#in_comment()') let pos = searchpairpos(open, '', close, flags, 'latex#util#in_comment()')
call setpos('.', saved_pos) " Check if the current is pair is the closest pair
return [env, lnum1, cnum1, lnum2, cnum2] if pos[0] && pos[0]*1000 + pos[1] < l2*1000 + c2
else let l2=pos[0]
call setpos('.', saved_pos) let c2=pos[1]
return env let d2=matchstr(strpart(getline(l2), c2 - 1), close)
let pos = searchpairpos(open,'',close,'bW', 'latex#util#in_comment()')
let l1=pos[0]
let c1=pos[1]
let d1=matchstr(strpart(getline(l1), c1 - 1), open)
endif endif
" Restore cursor position and return delimiters and positions
call setpos('.', pos_original)
return [d1,l1,c1,d2,l2,c2]
endfunction endfunction
" {{{1 latex#util#has_syntax " {{{1 latex#util#has_syntax