Escape backslashes in path

Backslashes in path must be escaped before being processed by the
substitute() function.
This commit is contained in:
micbou 2015-07-04 13:31:23 +02:00
parent 892ad49132
commit b1020447d3

View File

@ -121,14 +121,18 @@ endfunction
" }}}1
function! vimtex#util#fnameescape(path) " {{{1
" Blackslashes in path must be escaped to be correctly parsed by the
" substitute() function.
let l:path = escape(a:path, '\')
" In a Windows environment, a path used in "cmd" only needs to be enclosed by
" double quotes. shellscape() on Windows with "shellslash" set will produce
" double quotes. shellescape() on Windows with "shellslash" set will produce
" a path enclosed by single quotes, which "cmd" does not recognize and
" reports an error. Any path that goes into vimtex#util#execute() should be
" processed through this function.
return has('win32') ? '"' . a:path . '"' : shellescape(a:path)
return has('win32') ? '"' . l:path . '"' : shellescape(l:path)
" }}}1