Fixed #548: Multi-line TOC entries and more

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2016-10-20 22:30:46 +02:00
parent e0630ee223
commit a8df5777a7

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@ -125,6 +125,20 @@ function! vimtex#toc#get_entries() " {{{1
\} \}
for [l:file, l:lnum, l:line] in l:parsed for [l:file, l:lnum, l:line] in l:parsed
" Handle multi-line sections (and chapter/subsection/etc)
if get(s:, 'sec_continue', 0)
let [l:end, l:count] = s:find_indx_closing_brace(0, l:line, s:sec_count, 1)
if l:count == 0
let l:toc[-1].title = s:parse_line_sec_title(
\ l:toc[-1].title . strpart(l:line, 0, l:end))
unlet s:sec_count
unlet s:sec_continue
let l:toc[-1].title .= l:line
let s:sec_count = l:count
" Add TOC entry for each included file " Add TOC entry for each included file
" Note: We do some "magic" in order to filter out the TOC entries that are " Note: We do some "magic" in order to filter out the TOC entries that are
@ -380,11 +394,20 @@ endfunction
" }}}1 " }}}1
function! s:parse_line_sec(file, lnum, line) " {{{1 function! s:parse_line_sec(file, lnum, line) " {{{1
let level = matchstr(a:line, s:re_sec_level)
let title = matchlist(a:line, s:re_sec)[1] let title = matchlist(a:line, s:re_sec)[1]
if empty(title) if empty(title)
let title = matchstr(a:line, s:re_sec_title) let title = matchstr(a:line, s:re_sec_title)
let l:count = 1
\ + len(substitute(title, '[^{]', '', 'g'))
\ - len(substitute(title, '[^}]', '', 'g'))
if l:count > 0
let s:sec_continue = 1
let s:sec_count = l:count
let title = s:parse_line_sec_title(title)
endif endif
let level = matchstr(a:line, s:re_sec_level)
" Check if section is starred " Check if section is starred
if a:line =~# s:re_sec_starred if a:line =~# s:re_sec_starred
@ -403,6 +426,12 @@ function! s:parse_line_sec(file, lnum, line) " {{{1
\ } \ }
endfunction endfunction
" }}}1
function! s:parse_line_sec_title(title) " {{{1
let l:title = substitute(a:title, '\}\s*$', '', '')
return s:clear_texorpdfstring(l:title)
" }}}1 " }}}1
function! s:parse_bib_input(line) " {{{1 function! s:parse_bib_input(line) " {{{1
let l:file = matchstr(a:line, s:re_bibs) let l:file = matchstr(a:line, s:re_bibs)
@ -471,6 +500,48 @@ endfunction
" }}}1 " }}}1
function! s:clear_texorpdfstring(title) " {{{1
let l:i1 = match(a:title, '\\texorpdfstring')
if l:i1 < 0 | return a:title | endif
" Find start of included part
let l:i2 = s:find_indx_closing_brace(match(a:title, '{', l:i1+1), a:title, 1)
let l:i2 = match(a:title, '{', l:i2+1)
if l:i2 < 0 | return a:title | endif
" Find end of included part
let l:i3 = s:find_indx_closing_brace(l:i2, a:title, 1)
if l:i3 < 0 | return a:title | endif
return strpart(a:title, 0, l:i1)
\ . strpart(a:title, l:i2+1, l:i3-l:i2-1)
\ . s:clear_texorpdfstring(strpart(a:title, l:i3+1))
" }}}1
function! s:find_indx_closing_brace(start, string, count, ...) " {{{1
let l:i2 = a:start
let l:count = a:count
while l:count > 0
let l:i2 = match(a:string, '{\|}', l:i2+1)
if l:i2 < 0 | break | endif
if a:string[l:i2] ==# '{'
let l:count += 1
let l:count -= 1
if a:0 > 0
return [l:i2, l:count]
return l:i2
" }}}1
" {{{1 Script initialization " {{{1 Script initialization
let s:name = 'Table of contents (vimtex)' let s:name = 'Table of contents (vimtex)'
@ -510,7 +581,7 @@ let s:sec_to_value = {
let s:re_sec = '\v^\s*\\%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)\*?\s*%(\[(.{-})\])?\{' let s:re_sec = '\v^\s*\\%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)\*?\s*%(\[(.{-})\])?\{'
let s:re_sec_starred = '\v^\s*\\%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)\*' let s:re_sec_starred = '\v^\s*\\%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)\*'
let s:re_sec_level = '\v^\s*\\\zs%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)' let s:re_sec_level = '\v^\s*\\\zs%(part|chapter|%(sub)*section)'
let s:re_sec_title = s:re_sec . '\zs.{-}\ze\}?\%?\s*$' let s:re_sec_title = s:re_sec . '\zs.{-}\}?\ze\%?\s*$'
let s:re_vimtex_include = '%\s*vimtex-include:\?\s\+\zs\f\+' let s:re_vimtex_include = '%\s*vimtex-include:\?\s\+\zs\f\+'
let s:re_matters = '\v^\s*\\%(front|main|back)matter>' let s:re_matters = '\v^\s*\\%(front|main|back)matter>'
let s:re_structure = '\v^\s*\\((front|main|back)matter|appendix)>' let s:re_structure = '\v^\s*\\((front|main|back)matter|appendix)>'