Some nice improvements

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2013-10-09 20:34:26 +02:00
parent 374e983d09
commit a56d48dc53
5 changed files with 288 additions and 224 deletions

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@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ function! latex#change#init(initialized)
nnoremap <silent><buffer> cse :call latex#change#env_prompt()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> tse :call latex#change#env_toggle_star()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> tsl :call latex#change#delim_toggle()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> tsr :call latex#change#delim_toggle()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> tse :call latex#change#toggle_env_star()<cr>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> tsd :call latex#change#toggle_delim()<cr>
@ -24,40 +22,6 @@ function! latex#change#delim(open, close)
call setline(l2, line)
" {{{1 latex#change#delim_toggle
function! latex#change#delim_toggle()
" Toggle \left and \right variants of delimiters
let [d1, l1, c1, d2, l2, c2] = latex#util#get_delim()
if d1 =~ 'left'
let newd1 = substitute(d1, '\\left', '', '')
let newd2 = substitute(d2, '\\right', '', '')
elseif d1 !~ '\cbigg\?'
let newd1 = '\left' . d1
let newd2 = '\right' . d2
let line = getline(l1)
let line = strpart(line, 0, c1 - 1) . newd1 . strpart(line, c1 + len(d1) - 1)
call setline(l1, line)
if l1 == l2
let n = len(newd1) - len(d1)
let c2 += n
let pos = getpos('.')
let pos[2] += n
call setpos('.', pos)
let line = getline(l2)
let line = strpart(line, 0, c2 - 1) . newd2 . strpart(line, c2 + len(d2) - 1)
call setline(l2, line)
" {{{1 latex#change#env
function! latex#change#env(new_env)
let [env, l1, c1, l2, c2] = latex#util#get_env(1)
@ -102,8 +66,42 @@ function! latex#change#env_prompt()
" {{{1 latex#change#env_toggle_star
function! latex#change#env_toggle_star()
" {{{1 latex#change#toggle_delim
function! latex#change#toggle_delim()
" Toggle \left and \right variants of delimiters
let [d1, l1, c1, d2, l2, c2] = latex#util#get_delim()
if d1 =~ 'left'
let newd1 = substitute(d1, '\\left', '', '')
let newd2 = substitute(d2, '\\right', '', '')
elseif d1 !~ '\cbigg\?'
let newd1 = '\left' . d1
let newd2 = '\right' . d2
let line = getline(l1)
let line = strpart(line, 0, c1 - 1) . newd1 . strpart(line, c1 + len(d1) - 1)
call setline(l1, line)
if l1 == l2
let n = len(newd1) - len(d1)
let c2 += n
let pos = getpos('.')
let pos[2] += n
call setpos('.', pos)
let line = getline(l2)
let line = strpart(line, 0, c2 - 1) . newd2 . strpart(line, c2 + len(d2) - 1)
call setline(l2, line)
" {{{1 latex#change#toggle_env_star
function! latex#change#toggle_env_star()
let env = latex#util#get_env()
if env == '\('
@ -155,32 +153,6 @@ function! latex#change#wrap_selection_prompt(...)
" }}}1
" Work in progress
" {{{1 latex#change#surround
function! latex#change#surround()
let pos = getpos('.')
let a = getchar()
if a =~ '^\d\+$'
let a = nr2char(a)
if a == "e"
call latex#change#env_prompt()
elseif a == "
echo "Not implemented"
"let b = getchar()
"if b =~ '^\d\+$'
" let b = nr2char(b)
"echo 'a=' . a . ' b=' . b
call setpos('.', pos)
" {{{1 s:sidwrap
let s:SID = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '\zs<SNR>\d\+_\ze.*$')
function! s:sidwrap(func)

View File

@ -21,15 +21,20 @@ function! latex#motion#init(initialized)
onoremap <silent><buffer> [] :normal v[]<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :normal v[[<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ie :latex#motion#select_current_env('inner')<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ae :latex#motion#select_current_env('outer')<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ie :call latex#motion#select_environment(1)<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ae :call latex#motion#select_environment()<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ie :normal vie<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ae :normal vae<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> i$ :latex#motion#select_inline_math('inner')<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> a$ :latex#motion#select_inline_math('outer')<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> i$ :call latex#motion#select_inline_math(1)<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> a$ :call latex#motion#select_inline_math()<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> i$ :normal vi$<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> a$ :normal va$<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> id :<c-u>call latex#motion#select_delimiter(1)<cr>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ad :<c-u>call latex#motion#select_delimiter()<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> id :normal vi(<cr>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ad :normal va(<cr>
@ -55,9 +60,6 @@ endfunction
" {{{1 latex#motion#find_matching_pair
function! latex#motion#find_matching_pair(...)
" Note: This code is ugly, but it seems to work.
if a:0 > 0
normal! gv
@ -68,18 +70,14 @@ function! latex#motion#find_matching_pair(...)
let nl = line('.')
let nc = col('.')
" Combine all open/close pats
let all_pats = join(g:latex_motion_open_pats+g:latex_motion_close_pats, '\|')
let all_pats = '\C\(' . all_pats . '\|\$\)'
" Find delimiter under cursor
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(all_pats, 'cbnW', nl-2)
let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^'. all_pats, cnum-1)
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(s:delimiters, 'cbnW', nl-2)
let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^' . s:delimiters, cnum-1)
" If delimiter not found, try to search forward instead
if empty(delim)
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(all_pats, 'cnW', nl+2)
let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^'. all_pats, cnum-1)
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(s:delimiters, 'cnW', nl+2)
let delim = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^'. s:delimiters, cnum-1)
if empty(delim)
@ -100,9 +98,9 @@ function! latex#motion#find_matching_pair(...)
call cursor(lnum2,cnum2)
for i in range(len(g:latex_motion_open_pats))
let open_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . g:latex_motion_open_pats[i]
let close_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . g:latex_motion_close_pats[i]
for i in range(len(s:delimiters))
let open_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . s:delimiters_open[i]
let close_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . s:delimiters_close[i]
if delim =~# '^' . open_pat
call searchpairpos(open_pat, '', close_pat,
@ -135,25 +133,13 @@ function! latex#motion#next_sec(type, backwards, visual)
" Define search pattern and do the search while preserving "/
let save_search = @/
let flags = 'W'
if a:backwards
let flags = 'b' . flags
" Define section pattern
let sec_pat = join([
\ '(sub)*section',
\ 'chapter',
\ 'part',
\ 'appendix',
\ '(front|back|main)matter',
\ ], '|')
let sec_pat = b:notcomment . '\v\s*\\(' . sec_pat . ')>'
" Perform the search
call search(sec_pat, flags)
let @/ = save_search
call search(s:section, flags)
" For the [] and ][ commands we move down or up after the search
if a:type == 1
@ -165,11 +151,48 @@ function! latex#motion#next_sec(type, backwards, visual)
" {{{1 latex#motion#select_current_env
function! latex#motion#select_current_env(seltype)
" {{{1 latex#motion#select_delimiter
function! latex#motion#select_delimiter(...)
let inner = a:0 > 0
let [d1, l1, c1, d2, l2, c2] = latex#util#get_delim()
if inner
let c1 += len(d1)
if c1 != len(getline(l1))
let l1 += 1
let c1 = 1
if inner
let c2 -= 1
if c2 < 1
let l2 -= 1
let c2 = len(getline(l2))
let c2 += len(d2) - 1
if l1 < l2 || (l1 == l2 && c1 < c2)
call cursor(l1,c1)
if visualmode() ==# 'V'
normal! V
normal! v
call cursor(l2,c2)
" {{{1 latex#motion#select_environment
function! latex#motion#select_environment(...)
let inner = a:0 > 0
let [env, lnum, cnum, lnum2, cnum2] = latex#util#get_env(1)
call cursor(lnum, cnum)
if a:seltype == 'inner'
if inner
if env =~ '^\'
call search('\\.\_\s*\S', 'eW')
@ -182,7 +205,7 @@ function! latex#motion#select_current_env(seltype)
normal! v
call cursor(lnum2, cnum2)
if a:seltype == 'inner'
if inner
call search('\S\_\s*', 'bW')
if env =~ '^\'
@ -194,8 +217,8 @@ function! latex#motion#select_current_env(seltype)
" {{{1 latex#motion#select_inline_math
function! latex#motion#select_inline_math(seltype)
" seltype is either 'inner' or 'outer'
function! latex#motion#select_inline_math(...)
let inner = a:0 > 0
let dollar_pat = '\\\@<!\$'
@ -207,7 +230,7 @@ function! latex#motion#select_inline_math(seltype)
if a:seltype == 'inner'
if inner
normal! l
@ -219,12 +242,47 @@ function! latex#motion#select_inline_math(seltype)
call s:search_and_skip_comments(dollar_pat, 'W')
if a:seltype == 'inner'
if inner
normal! h
" }}}1
" {{{1 Common patterns
" Patterns to match opening and closing delimiters/environments
let s:delimiters_open = [
\ '{',
\ '(',
\ '\[',
\ '\\{',
\ '\\(',
\ '\\\[',
\ '\\\Cbegin\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\\Cleft\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\((\|\[\|\\{\)',
\ ]
let s:delimiters_close = [
\ '}',
\ ')',
\ '\]',
\ '\\}',
\ '\\)',
\ '\\\]',
\ '\\\Cend\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\\Cright\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\()\|\]\|\\}\)',
\ ]
let s:delimiters = join(s:delimiters_open + s:delimiters_close, '\|')
let s:delimiters = '\(' . s:delimiters . '\|\$\)'
" Pattern to match section/chapter/...
let s:section = b:notcomment . '\v\s*\\'
let s:section.= '((sub)*section|chapter|part|appendix|(front|back|main)matter)'
let s:section.= '>'
" }}}1
" {{{1 s:highlight_matching_pair
function! s:highlight_matching_pair(...)
if latex#util#in_comment() | return | endif
@ -237,13 +295,9 @@ function! s:highlight_matching_pair(...)
let nc = col('.')
let line = getline(nl)
" Combine all open/close pats
let all_pats = join(g:latex_motion_open_pats+g:latex_motion_close_pats, '\|')
let all_pats = '\C\(' . all_pats . '\|\$\)'
" Find delimiter under cursor
let cnum = searchpos(all_pats, 'cbnW', nl)[1]
let delim = matchstr(line, '^'. all_pats, cnum-1)
let cnum = searchpos(s:delimiters, 'cbnW', nl)[1]
let delim = matchstr(line, '^'. s:delimiters, cnum-1)
" Only highlight when cursor is on delimiters
if empty(delim) || strlen(delim)+cnum-hmode < nc
@ -270,26 +324,26 @@ function! s:highlight_matching_pair(...)
" Match other delimitors
for i in range(len(g:latex_motion_open_pats))
let open_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . g:latex_motion_open_pats[i]
let close_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . g:latex_motion_close_pats[i]
for i in range(len(s:delimiters_open))
let open_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . s:delimiters_open[i]
let close_pat = '\C' . b:notbslash . s:delimiters_close[i]
if delim =~# '^' . open_pat
let [lnum2, cnum2] = searchpairpos(open_pat, '', close_pat,
\ 'nW', 'latex#util#in_comment()', line('w$'), 200)
execute '2match MatchParen /\%(\%' . nl . 'l\%' . cnum
\ . 'c' . g:latex_motion_open_pats[i] . '\|\%'
\ . 'c' . s:delimiters_open[i] . '\|\%'
\ . lnum2 . 'l\%' . cnum2 . 'c'
\ . g:latex_motion_close_pats[i] . '\)/'
\ . s:delimiters_close[i] . '\)/'
elseif delim =~# '^' . close_pat
let [lnum2, cnum2] = searchpairpos(open_pat, '',
\ '\C\%(\%'. nl . 'l\%' . cnum . 'c\)\@!' . close_pat,
\ 'bnW', 'latex#util#in_comment()', line('w0'), 200)
execute '2match MatchParen /\%(\%' . lnum2 . 'l\%' . cnum2
\ . 'c' . g:latex_motion_open_pats[i] . '\|\%'
\ . 'c' . s:delimiters_open[i] . '\|\%'
\ . nl . 'l\%' . cnum . 'c'
\ . g:latex_motion_close_pats[i] . '\)/'
\ . s:delimiters_close[i] . '\)/'

View File

@ -142,27 +142,7 @@ function! latex#util#get_env(...)
" {{{1 latex#util#get_delim
let s:latex_delim_open = [
\ '(',
\ '\[',
\ '\\{',
\ '\\\[',
\ '\\\Cleft\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\((\|\[\|\\{\)',
\ ]
let s:latex_delim_close = [
\ ')',
\ '\]',
\ '\\}',
\ '\\\]',
\ '\\\Cright\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\()\|\]\|\\}\)',
\ ]
function! latex#util#get_delim()
" Note: This functions has not been optimized
" Save position in order to restore before finishing
let pos_original = getpos('.')
@ -170,7 +150,7 @@ function! latex#util#get_delim()
let pos_save = getpos('.')
" Check if the cursor is on top of a closing delimiter
let close_pats = '\(' . join(s:latex_delim_close, '\|') . '\)'
let close_pats = '\(' . join(s:delimiters_close, '\|') . '\)'
let lnum = pos_save[1]
let cnum = pos_save[2]
let [lnum, cnum] = searchpos(close_pats, 'cbnW', lnum)
@ -187,10 +167,10 @@ function! latex#util#get_delim()
let l2=1000000
let c1=1000000
let c2=1000000
for i in range(len(s:latex_delim_open))
for i in range(len(s:delimiters_open))
call setpos('.', pos_save)
let open = s:latex_delim_open[i]
let close = s:latex_delim_close[i]
let open = s:delimiters_open[i]
let close = s:delimiters_close[i]
let flags = 'W'
" Check if the cursor is on top of an opening delimiter. If it is not,
@ -221,6 +201,21 @@ function! latex#util#get_delim()
return [d1,l1,c1,d2,l2,c2]
let s:delimiters_open = [
\ '(',
\ '\[',
\ '\\{',
\ '\\\Cleft\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\((\|\[\|\\{\)',
\ ]
let s:delimiters_close = [
\ ')',
\ '\]',
\ '\\}',
\ '\\\Cright\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ '\\\cbigg\?\()\|\]\|\\}\)',
\ ]
" {{{1 latex#util#has_syntax
function! latex#util#has_syntax(name, ...)
" Usage: latex#util#has_syntax(name, [line], [col])

View File

@ -33,9 +33,11 @@ CONTENTS *vim-latex-contents*
6. Folding .............................. |vim-latex-folding|
7. Latexmk .............................. |vim-latex-latexmk|
8. Motion ............................... |vim-latex-motion|
9. Table of contents .................... |vim-latex-toc|
10. Function reference ................... |vim-latex-functions|
11. Limitations .......................... |vim-latex-limitations|
9. Change ............................... |vim-latex-change|
10. Table of contents .................... |vim-latex-toc|
11. Utility functions .................... |vim-latex-util|
12. Function reference ................... |vim-latex-functions|
13. Limitations .......................... |vim-latex-limitations|
INTRO *vim-latex-intro*
@ -132,32 +134,37 @@ convenience to list all the defined mappings, and it is by default mapped to
'<localleader>lh'. The default mappings may be disabled with the option
|g:latex_default_mappings|, if the user wishes to create his own mappings.
n % *@:call latex#motion#find_matching_pair('n')<cr>
v % *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#find_matching_pair('v')<cr>
o % *@:call latex#motion#find_matching_pair('o')<cr>
n % *@:call latex#motion#find_matching_pair()<CR>
v % *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#find_matching_pair(1)<CR>
o % *@:normal v%<CR>
v a$ *@:latex#motion#select_inline_math('outer')<cr>
v i$ *@:latex#motion#select_inline_math('inner')<cr>
o a$ *@:normal va$<cr>
o i$ *@:normal vi$<cr>
v a$ *@:call latex#motion#select_inline_math()<CR>
v i$ *@:call latex#motion#select_inline_math(1)<CR>
o a$ *@:normal va$<CR>
o i$ *@:normal vi$<CR>
v ae *@:latex#motion#select_current_env('outer')<cr>
v ie *@:latex#motion#select_current_env('inner')<cr>
o ae *@:normal vae<cr>
o ie *@:normal vie<cr>
v ae *@:call latex#motion#select_environment()<CR>
v ie *@:call latex#motion#select_environment(1)<CR>
o ae *@:normal vae<CR>
o ie *@:normal vie<CR>
n [[ *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(0,1,0)<cr>
n [] *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(1,1,0)<cr>
n ][ *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(1,0,0)<cr>
n ]] *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(0,0,0)<cr>
v [[ *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(0,1,1)<cr>
v [] *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(1,1,1)<cr>
v ][ *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(1,0,1)<cr>
v ]] *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(0,0,1)<cr>
o [[ *@:normal v[[<cr>
o [] *@:normal v[]<cr>
o ][ *@:normal v][<cr>
o ]] *@:normal v]]<cr>
v ad *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#select_delimiter()<CR>
v id *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#select_delimiter(1)<CR>
o ad *@:normal va(<CR>
o id *@:normal vi(<CR>
n [[ *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(0,1,0)<CR>
n [] *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(1,1,0)<CR>
n ][ *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(1,0,0)<CR>
n ]] *@:call latex#motion#next_sec(0,0,0)<CR>
v [[ *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(0,1,1)<CR>
v [] *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(1,1,1)<CR>
v ][ *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(1,0,1)<CR>
v ]] *@:<C-U>call latex#motion#next_sec(0,0,1)<CR>
o [[ *@:normal v[[<CR>
o [] *@:normal v[]<CR>
o ][ *@:normal v][<CR>
o ]] *@:normal v]]<CR>
n <localleader>li *@:call latex#info()<cr>
n <localleader>lh *@:call latex#help()<cr>
@ -174,10 +181,27 @@ n <localleader>lG *@:call latex#latexmk#status(1)<cr>
n <localleader>lc *@:call latex#latexmk#clean()<cr>
n <localleader>lC *@:call latex#latexmk#clean(1)<cr>
n <localleader>li *@:call latex#info()<CR>
n <localleader>lh *@:call latex#help()<CR>
n <localleader>lv *@:call latex#view()<CR>
n <localleader>lR *@:call latex#reinit()<CR>
n <localleader>lt *@:call latex#toc#open()<CR>
n <localleader>lT *@:call latex#toc#toggle()<CR>
n <localleader>ll *@:call latex#latexmk#compile()<CR>
n <localleader>lk *@:call latex#latexmk#stop(1)<CR>
n <localleader>lK *@:call latex#latexmk#stop_all()<CR>
n <localleader>le *@:call latex#latexmk#errors()<CR>
n <localleader>lg *@:call latex#latexmk#status()<CR>
n <localleader>lG *@:call latex#latexmk#status(1)<CR>
n <localleader>lc *@:call latex#latexmk#clean()<CR>
n <localleader>lC *@:call latex#latexmk#clean(1)<CR>
n zx *@:call latex#fold#refresh()<cr>zx
n dse *@:call latex#change#env('')<cr>
n cse *@:call latex#change#env_prompt()<cr>
n dse *@:call latex#change#env('')<CR>
n cse *@:call latex#change#env_prompt()<CR>
n tse *@:call latex#change#env_toggle_star()<CR>
n tse *@:call latex#change#env_toggle_star()<cr>
n tsd *@:call latex#change#delim_toggle()<CR>
OPTIONS *vim-latex-options*
@ -206,10 +230,8 @@ Overview:~
@ -345,20 +367,6 @@ main tex file in multi-file projects. >
Define a list of patterns that match closing braces and environments. >
let g:latex_motion_close_pats = [
\ '}',
\ ')',
\ '\]',
\ '\\}',
\ '\\)',
\ '\\\]',
\ '\\end\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\right\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ ]
Whether to enable the motion interface. If it is disabled, then neither the
default mappings nor the autocommands that enable highlighting of matching
@ -372,20 +380,6 @@ but disables the builtin |matchparen|. >
let g:latex_motion_matchparen = 1
Define a list of patterns that match opening braces and environments. >
let g:latex_motion_open_pats = [
\ '{',
\ '(',
\ '\[',
\ '\\{',
\ '\\(',
\ '\\\[',
\ '\\begin\s*{.\{-}}',
\ '\\left\s*\%([^\\]\|\\.\|\\\a*\)',
\ ]
Enable interface for TOC. If it is disabled, then mappings for the TOC will
not be created. >
@ -584,6 +578,34 @@ Functions:
CHANGE *vim-latex-change*
Utility functions are provided to manipulate the current environments or
UTILITY FUNCTIONS *vim-latex-util*
TABLE OF CONTENTS *vim-latex-toc*
@ -613,6 +635,12 @@ descriptions follow.
@ -634,11 +662,32 @@ Overview:~
Detailed descriptions:~
An 'omnifunc' for label and citation completion, see |vim-latex-completion|.
@ -717,6 +766,24 @@ the TOC window.
Toggle TOC window: If TOC window is open, then close it. If it is closed,
then open it (but do not move the cursor to the window).
Open the output file (specified with |g:latex_latexmk_output|) with the
default viewer |g:latex_viewer|.

View File

@ -71,30 +71,6 @@ call latex#util#set_default('g:latex_errorformat_ignore_warnings',
" {{{1 Motion
call latex#util#set_default('g:latex_motion_enabled', 1)
call latex#util#set_default('g:latex_motion_matchparen', 1)
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call latex#util#set_default('g:latex_motion_close_pats',
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" {{{1 Toc
call latex#util#set_default('g:latex_toc_enabled', 1)