Improve vimL in change.vim

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2015-06-06 19:47:05 +02:00
parent 72a5dd6a3b
commit a118fb5163

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@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ function! vimtex#change#close_environment() " {{{1
" Close environment
let env = vimtex#util#get_env()
if env == '\['
if env ==# '\['
return '\]'
elseif env == '\('
elseif env ==# '\('
return '\)'
elseif env != ''
elseif env !=# ''
return '\end{' . env . '}'
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function! vimtex#change#delim(open, close) " {{{1
let line = strpart(line,0,c1 - 1) . a:open . strpart(line, c1 + len(d1) - 1)
call setline(l1, line)
if l1 == l2
if l1 ==# l2
let n = len(a:open) - len(d1)
let c2 += n
let pos = getpos('.')
@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ endfunction
function! vimtex#change#env(new) " {{{1
let [env, l1, c1, l2, c2] = vimtex#util#get_env(1)
if a:new == ''
if a:new ==# ''
let beg = ''
let end = ''
elseif a:new == '\[' || a:new == '['
elseif a:new ==# '\[' || a:new ==# '['
let beg = '\['
let end = '\]'
elseif a:new == '\(' || a:new == '('
elseif a:new ==# '\(' || a:new ==# '('
let beg = '\('
let end = '\)'
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function! vimtex#change#env(new) " {{{1
let n1 = len(env) - 1
let n2 = len(env) - 1
if env != '\[' && env != '\('
if env !=# '\[' && env !=# '\('
let n1 += 8
let n2 += 6
@ -133,10 +133,11 @@ function! vimtex#change#env(new) " {{{1
let line = strpart(line, 0, c2 - 1) . l:end . strpart(line, c2 + n2)
call setline(l2, line)
if a:new == ''
if a:new ==# ''
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-delete-env)", v:count)
silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>(vimtex-change-env)" . a:new . " ", v:count)
silent! call repeat#set(
\ "\<plug>(vimtex-change-env)" . a:new . ' ', v:count)
@ -158,19 +159,19 @@ function! vimtex#change#to_command() " {{{1
let pos = getpos('.')
" Return if there is no word at cursor
if mode() == 'n'
if mode() ==# 'n'
let column = pos[2] - 1
let column = pos[2] - 2
if column <= 1 || line[column] =~ '\s'
if column <= 1 || line[column] =~# '\s'
return ''
" Prepend a backslash to beginning of the current word
normal! B
let column = getpos('.')[2]
if line[column - 1] != '\'
if line[column - 1] !=# '\'
let line = strpart(line, 0, column - 1) . '\' . strpart(line, column - 1)
call setline('.', line)
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ function! vimtex#change#to_command() " {{{1
normal! E
let column = getpos('.')[2]
let pos[2] = column + 1
if line[column - 1] != '{'
if line[column - 1] !=# '{'
let line = strpart(line, 0, column) . '{' . strpart(line, column)
call setline('.', line)
let pos[2] += 1
@ -196,12 +197,12 @@ function! vimtex#change#toggle_delim() " {{{1
let [d1, l1, c1, d2, l2, c2] = vimtex#util#get_delim()
if d1 == ''
if d1 ==# ''
return 0
elseif d1 =~ 'left'
elseif d1 =~# 'left'
let newd1 = substitute(d1, '\\left', '', '')
let newd2 = substitute(d2, '\\right', '', '')
elseif d1 !~ '\cbigg\?'
elseif d1 !~# '\cbigg\?'
let newd1 = '\left' . d1
let newd2 = '\right' . d2
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ function! vimtex#change#toggle_delim() " {{{1
let line = strpart(line, 0, c1 - 1) . newd1 . strpart(line, c1 + len(d1) - 1)
call setline(l1, line)
if l1 == l2
if l1 ==# l2
let n = len(newd1) - len(d1)
let c2 += n
let pos = getpos('.')
@ -230,11 +231,11 @@ endfunction
function! vimtex#change#toggle_env_star() " {{{1
let env = vimtex#util#get_env()
if env == '\('
if env ==# '\('
elseif env == '\['
elseif env ==# '\['
let new_env = equation
elseif env[-1:] == '*'
elseif env[-1:] ==# '*'
let new_env = env[:-2]
let new_env = env . '*'
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ function! vimtex#change#wrap_selection_prompt(...) " {{{1
execute 'keepjumps normal! `<i\begin{' . env . '}'
exe "setlocal indentexpr=" . ieOld
exe 'setlocal indentexpr=' . ieOld
" }}}1