Improve syntax in indent file

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2016-03-24 12:52:45 +01:00
parent 986b46c78f
commit 8d78038f06

View File

@ -23,94 +23,86 @@ setlocal indentkeys+=[,(,{,),},],\&,=item
function! VimtexIndent() " {{{1
" Find a non-blank non-comment line above the current line
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
while lnum != 0 && getline(lnum) =~# '^\s*%'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
let l:nprev = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
while l:nprev != 0 && getline(l:nprev) =~# '^\s*%'
let l:nprev = prevnonblank(l:nprev - 1)
" Zero indent for top of file
if lnum == 0
if l:nprev == 0
return 0
" Get current and previous line, remove comments
let cline = substitute(getline(v:lnum), '\\\@<!%.*', '', '')
let pline = substitute(getline(lnum), '\\\@<!%.*', '', '')
" Get current and previous line and remove comments
let l:cur = substitute(getline(v:lnum), '\\\@<!%.*', '', '')
let l:prev = substitute(getline(l:nprev), '\\\@<!%.*', '', '')
" Check for verbatim modes
if synIDattr(synID(v:lnum, indent(v:lnum), 1), 'name') ==# 'texZone'
if empty(cline)
return indent(lnum)
return indent(v:lnum)
return empty(l:cur) ? indent(l:nprev) : indent(v:lnum)
" Align on ampersands
if cline =~# '^\s*&' && pline =~# '\\\@<!&.*'
return indent(v:lnum) + match(pline, '\\\@<!&') - stridx(cline, '&')
" Find previous non-empty non-comment non-ampersand line
while lnum != 0 && (match(pline, '\\\@<!&') != -1 || pline =~# '^\s*%')
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
let pline = getline(lnum)
" Zero indent for top of file
if lnum == 0
return 0
if l:cur =~# '^\s*&' && l:prev =~# '\\\@<!&.*'
return indent(v:lnum) + match(l:prev, '\\\@<!&') - stridx(l:cur, '&')
" Use previous indentation for comments
if cline =~# '^\s*%'
if l:cur =~# '^\s*%'
return indent(v:lnum)
let ind = indent(lnum)
" Find previous non-empty non-comment non-ampersand line
while l:nprev != 0 && (match(l:prev, '\\\@<!&') != -1 || l:prev =~# '^\s*%')
let l:nprev = prevnonblank(l:nprev - 1)
let l:prev = getline(l:nprev)
if l:nprev == 0
return 0
let l:ind = indent(l:nprev)
" Add indent on begin environment
if pline =~# '\\begin{.*}' && pline !~ s:envs_noindent
let ind = ind + &sw
if l:prev =~# '\\begin{.*}' && l:prev !~ s:envs_noindent
let l:ind = l:ind + &sw
" Add extra indent for list environments
if pline =~ s:envs_lists
let ind = ind + &sw
if l:prev =~ s:envs_lists
let l:ind = l:ind + &sw
" Subtract indent on end environment
if cline =~# '\\end{.*}' && cline !~ s:envs_noindent
let ind = ind - &sw
if l:cur =~# '\\end{.*}' && l:cur !~ s:envs_noindent
let l:ind = l:ind - &sw
" Subtract extra indent for list environments
if cline =~ s:envs_lists
let ind = ind - &sw
if l:cur =~ s:envs_lists
let l:ind = l:ind - &sw
" Indent opening and closing delimiters
let [l:re_open, l:re_close] = vimtex#delim#get_valid_regexps(v:lnum, col('.'))
let ind += &sw*(
\ max([s:count(pline, l:re_open) - s:count(pline, l:re_close), 0])
\ - max([s:count(cline, l:re_close) - s:count(cline, l:re_open), 0]))
let l:ind += &sw*(
\ max([s:count(l:prev, l:re_open) - s:count(l:prev, l:re_close), 0])
\ - max([s:count(l:cur, l:re_close) - s:count(l:cur, l:re_open), 0]))
" Indent list items
if pline =~# '^\s*\\\(bib\)\?item'
let ind += &sw
if l:prev =~# '^\s*\\\(bib\)\?item'
let l:ind += &sw
if cline =~# '^\s*\\\(bib\)\?item'
let ind -= &sw
if l:cur =~# '^\s*\\\(bib\)\?item'
let l:ind -= &sw
" Indent tikz elements
if pline =~# s:tikz_commands && pline !~# ';'
let ind += &sw
elseif pline !~# s:tikz_commands && pline =~# ';'
let ind -= &sw
if l:prev =~# s:tikz_commands && l:prev !~# ';'
let l:ind += &sw
elseif l:prev !~# s:tikz_commands && l:prev =~# ';'
let l:ind -= &sw
return ind
return l:ind
function! s:count(line, pattern) " {{{1