Edited fix used for bug #191
The previous method used to determine if the foldmethod option was set from a modeline wasn't working for me. The function vimtex#fold#s:check_modeline was always returning false. I changed the function to use a simple regex search on the actual file itself searching for a modeline in the proper line ranges.
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ function! vimtex#fold#init_buffer() " {{{1
if !g:vimtex_fold_enabled | return | endif
" Don't override modeline settings
silent let l:fdm_set_in_modeline = s:check_modeline()
if !l:fdm_set_in_modeline | return | endif
if s:check_modeline() | return | endif
" Set fold options
setlocal foldmethod=expr
@ -353,12 +352,25 @@ endfunction
" }}}1
function! s:check_modeline() " {{{1
redir => l:check_modeline
verbose setlocal foldmethod
redir END
return l:check_modeline =~# 'Last set from modeline'
" Return 1 if foldmethod set in modeline
" Return 0 otherwise
let l:search_string='vim:.*foldmethod'
" Preserve current cursor position
let l:save_cursor = getpos(".")
" Check for modeline at the top
call cursor(1, 1)
let l:check_modeline_top = search(l:search_string, 'n', &modelines)
" Check for modeline at bottom
normal G$
let l:check_modeline_bottom = search(l:search_string, 'b', line('.')-1-&modelines)
" Reset original cursor position
call setpos('.', l:save_cursor)
return l:check_modeline_top || l:check_modeline_bottom
" }}}1
" vim: fdm=marker sw=2
Reference in New Issue
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