Optimize fold refresh

This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2014-07-27 21:06:26 +02:00
parent 4c83713129
commit 3a2e2af293

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ endfunction
function! latex#fold#refresh(map) " {{{1
" Parse tex file to dynamically set the sectioning fold levels
let b:latex.fold_parts = s:find_fold_parts()
let b:latex.fold_parts = s:parse_folded()
" Refresh folds
if g:latex_fold_automatic
@ -192,61 +192,59 @@ let s:fdm=''
let s:notbslash = '\%(\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\)\@<='
let s:notcomment = '\%(\%(\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\)\@<=%.*\)\@<!'
function! s:find_fold_parts() " {{{1
function! s:parse_folded() " {{{1
" This function parses the tex file to find the sections that are to be
" folded and their levels, and then predefines the patterns for optimized
" folding. For convenience, we ignore sectioning commands that are not
" present in the document. We also ignore top level parts such as
" \frontmatter, \appendix, \part, and similar, unless there are at least two
" such commands in a document.
" Parse current buffer to find which sections to fold and their levels. The
" patterns are predefined to optimize the folding.
" We ignore top level parts such as \frontmatter, \appendix, \part, and
" similar, unless there are at least two such commands in a document.
" Initialize
let foldsections = []
let folded = []
let buffer = readfile(expand('%'))
" Parse part commands (frontmatter, appendix, part, etc)
let lines = filter(copy(buffer), 'v:val =~ ''' . s:parts . '''')
for part in g:latex_fold_parts
" For each part, check if it is used in the file. We start adding the
" part patterns to the fold sections array whenever we find one.
let partpattern = '^\s*\(\\\|% Fake\)' . part . '\>'
let nline = 1
while nline < line("$")
if getline(nline) =~# partpattern
call insert(foldsections, [partpattern, 1])
for line in lines
if line =~# partpattern
call insert(folded, [partpattern, 1])
let nline += 1
" Require minimum of two parts to fold
if len(foldsections) > 1
" We want a minimum of two top level parts
if len(folded) >= 2
let level = 1
let level = 0
let foldsections = []
let folded = []
" Parse section commands (chapter, [sub...]section)
let lines = filter(copy(buffer), 'v:val =~ ''' . s:secs . '''')
for part in g:latex_fold_sections
" For each part, check if it is used in the file. We start adding the
" part patterns to the fold sections array whenever we find one.
let partpattern = '^\s*\(\\\|% Fake\)' . part . '\>'
let nline = 1
while nline < line("$")
if getline(nline) =~# partpattern
for line in lines
if line =~# partpattern
let level += 1
call insert(foldsections, [partpattern, level])
call insert(folded, [partpattern, level])
let nline += 1
return foldsections
return folded
let s:parts = '\v^\s*(\\|\% Fake)(' . join(g:latex_fold_parts, '|') . ')>'
let s:secs = '\v^\s*(\\|\% Fake)(' . join(g:latex_fold_secs, '|') . ')>'
" }}}1
function! s:parse_label() " {{{1
let i = v:foldend
while i >= v:foldstart