Some big updates

* Use collection to denote the list of mappings
* Let default collections be defined through a function
* Allow separate leader keys for each collection
* Test for ultisnips before creating mappings
This commit is contained in:
Karl Yngve Lervåg 2015-08-05 23:25:32 +02:00
parent bccded6ee2
commit 3095c3ca72

View File

@ -11,149 +11,153 @@ endfunction
" }}}1
function! vimtex#imaps#init_script() " {{{1
" Define default lists of imaps
let s:imaps = {
\ 'miscellaneous' : {
\ 'list' : [
\ ['...', '\dots'],
\ ['<m-i>', '\item '],
\ ],
\ },
\ 'math' : {
\ 'math' : 1,
\ 'list' : [
\ ['__', '_\{$1\}'],
\ ['^^', '^\{$1\}'],
\ ['((', '\left($1\right)'],
\ ['[[', '\left[$1\right]'],
\ ['{{', '\left\{$1\right\}'],
\ ['exp', '\exp\left($1\right)'],
\ ['cos', '\cos'],
\ ['sin', '\sin'],
\ ['tan', '\tan'],
\ ['log', '\log'],
\ ['in', '\in'],
\ ['to', '\to'],
\ ['lim', '\lim_{$1}'],
\ ['qj', '\downarrow'],
\ ['ql', '\leftarrow'],
\ ['qh', '\rightarrow'],
\ ['qk', '\uparrow'],
\ ['qJ', '\Downarrow'],
\ ['qL', '\Leftarrow'],
\ ['qH', '\Rightarrow'],
\ ['qK', '\Uparrow'],
\ ],
\ },
\ 'math_leader' : {
\ 'leader' : 1,
\ 'math' : 1,
\ 'list' : [
\ ['i', '\int_{$1}^{$2}'],
\ ['S', '\sum_{$1}^{$2}'],
\ ['/', '\frac{$1}{$2}'],
\ ['0', '\emptyset'],
\ ['6', '\partial'],
\ ['8', '\infty'],
\ ['=', '\equiv'],
\ ['\', '\setminus'],
\ ['.', '\cdot'],
\ ['*', '\times'],
\ ['<', '\leq'],
\ ['>', '\geq'],
\ ['~', '\tilde{$1}'],
\ ['^', '\hat{$1}'],
\ [';', '\dot{$1}'],
\ ['_', '\bar{$1}'],
\ ],
\ },
\ 'greek' : {
\ 'leader' : 1,
\ 'math' : 1,
\ 'list' : [
\ ['a', '\alpha'],
\ ['b', '\beta'],
\ ['c', '\chi'],
\ ['d', '\delta'],
\ ['e', '\varepsilon'],
\ ['f', '\varphi'],
\ ['g', '\gamma'],
\ ['h', '\eta'],
\ ['k', '\kappa'],
\ ['l', '\lambda'],
\ ['m', '\mu'],
\ ['n', '\nu'],
\ ['o', '\omega'],
\ ['p', '\pi'],
\ ['q', '\theta'],
\ ['r', '\rho'],
\ ['s', '\sigma'],
\ ['t', '\tau'],
\ ['u', '\upsilon'],
\ ['z', '\zeta'],
\ ['D', '\Delta'],
\ ['F', '\Phi'],
\ ['G', '\Gamma'],
\ ['L', '\Lambda'],
\ ['N', '\nabla'],
\ ['O', '\Omega'],
\ ['Q', '\Theta'],
\ ['R', '\varrho'],
\ ['T', '\Tau'],
\ ['U', '\Upsilon'],
\ ['X', '\Xi'],
\ ['Y', '\Psi'],
\ ],
\ },
let s:has_ultisnips = exists('*UltiSnips#Anon')
" }}}1
function! vimtex#imaps#init_buffer() " {{{1
if !g:vimtex_imaps_enabled | return | endif
let b:vimtex.imap_collections = []
" Create predefined imaps
for [name, imaps] in items(s:imaps)
if get(g:, 'vimtex_imaps_' . name, 1)
echom 'imaps created: ' . name
call s:create_imaps(imaps)
for collection in s:default_collections()
if get(g:, 'vimtex_imaps_' . collection.title, 1)
call s:parse_collection(collection)
" Create custom imaps if defined
for imaps in get(g:, 'vimtex_imaps_custom', [])
call s:create_imaps(imaps)
for collection in get(g:, 'vimtex_imaps_custom', [])
call s:parse_collection(collection)
" Escape the leader
silent execute 'inoremap <silent><buffer>'
\ g:vimtex_imaps_leader . g:vimtex_imaps_leader
\ g:vimtex_imaps_leader
" }}}1
" Functions to create the imaps
function! s:create_imaps(imaps) " {{{1
let l:leader = get(a:imaps, 'leader', 0)
let l:math = get(a:imaps, 'math', 0)
function! s:default_collections() " {{{1
return [
\ {
\ 'title' : 'miscellaneous',
\ 'leader' : '',
\ 'mode' : '',
\ 'mappings' : [
\ ['...', '\dots'],
\ ['<m-i>', '\item '],
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'title' : 'math',
\ 'leader' : '',
\ 'mode' : 'm',
\ 'mappings' : [
\ ['__', '_\{$1\}'],
\ ['^^', '^\{$1\}'],
\ ['((', '\left($1\right)'],
\ ['[[', '\left[$1\right]'],
\ ['{{', '\left\{$1\right\}'],
\ ['exp', '\exp\left($1\right)'],
\ ['cos', '\cos'],
\ ['sin', '\sin'],
\ ['tan', '\tan'],
\ ['log', '\log'],
\ ['in', '\in'],
\ ['to', '\to'],
\ ['lim', '\lim_{$1}'],
\ ['qj', '\downarrow'],
\ ['ql', '\leftarrow'],
\ ['qh', '\rightarrow'],
\ ['qk', '\uparrow'],
\ ['qJ', '\Downarrow'],
\ ['qL', '\Leftarrow'],
\ ['qH', '\Rightarrow'],
\ ['qK', '\Uparrow'],
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'title' : 'math_leader',
\ 'mode' : 'm',
\ 'mappings' : [
\ ['i', '\int_{$1}^{$2}'],
\ ['S', '\sum_{$1}^{$2}'],
\ ['/', '\frac{$1}{$2}'],
\ ['0', '\emptyset'],
\ ['6', '\partial'],
\ ['8', '\infty'],
\ ['=', '\equiv'],
\ ['\', '\setminus'],
\ ['.', '\cdot'],
\ ['*', '\times'],
\ ['<', '\leq'],
\ ['>', '\geq'],
\ ['~', '\tilde{$1}'],
\ ['^', '\hat{$1}'],
\ [';', '\dot{$1}'],
\ ['_', '\bar{$1}'],
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'title' : 'greek',
\ 'mode' : 'm',
\ 'mappings' : [
\ ['a', '\alpha'],
\ ['b', '\beta'],
\ ['c', '\chi'],
\ ['d', '\delta'],
\ ['e', '\varepsilon'],
\ ['f', '\varphi'],
\ ['g', '\gamma'],
\ ['h', '\eta'],
\ ['k', '\kappa'],
\ ['l', '\lambda'],
\ ['m', '\mu'],
\ ['n', '\nu'],
\ ['o', '\omega'],
\ ['p', '\pi'],
\ ['q', '\theta'],
\ ['r', '\rho'],
\ ['s', '\sigma'],
\ ['t', '\tau'],
\ ['u', '\upsilon'],
\ ['z', '\zeta'],
\ ['D', '\Delta'],
\ ['F', '\Phi'],
\ ['G', '\Gamma'],
\ ['L', '\Lambda'],
\ ['N', '\nabla'],
\ ['O', '\Omega'],
\ ['Q', '\Theta'],
\ ['R', '\varrho'],
\ ['T', '\Tau'],
\ ['U', '\Upsilon'],
\ ['X', '\Xi'],
\ ['Y', '\Psi'],
\ ],
\ },
for [lhs, rhs] in a:imaps.list
" }}}1
function! s:parse_collection(collection) " {{{1
" Extract some collection metadata
let l:leader = get(a:collection, 'leader', g:vimtex_imaps_leader)
let l:mode = get(a:collection, 'mode', '')
let l:math = l:mode =~# 'm'
" Create mappings
for [lhs, rhs] in a:collection.mappings
let l:ultisnips = match(rhs, '$1') > 0
if l:ultisnips && !s:has_ultisnips | continue | endif
" Generate RHS
if l:math && l:ultisnips
let rhs = s:wrap_math_ultisnips(lhs, rhs)
elseif l:math
@ -162,16 +166,24 @@ function! s:create_imaps(imaps) " {{{1
let rhs = s:wrap_ultisnips(lhs, rhs)
" Add leader
let lhs = l:leader ? g:vimtex_imaps_leader . lhs : lhs
silent execute 'inoremap <silent><buffer>' lhs rhs
silent execute 'inoremap <silent><buffer>' l:leader . lhs rhs
" Escape leader if it exists
if l:leader !=# '' && !hasmapto(l:leader, 'i')
silent execute 'inoremap <silent><buffer>' l:leader . l:leader l:leader
let b:vimtex.imap_collections += [a:collection.title]
" }}}1
" Helper functions
function! s:wrap_math_ultisnips(lhs, rhs) " {{{1
return a:lhs . '<c-r>=<sid>is_math() ? UltiSnips#Anon('''
\ . a:rhs . ''', ''' . a:lhs . ''', '''', ''i'') : ''''<cr>'