IdanArye c51b7f0b10 Added commands for stopping the debugger and for starting GDB.
Didn't add command for starting JDB, since it's too complex to provide
the source and classes file path in a command - might as well leave it
as a Vim function...
2014-02-08 02:33:18 +02:00

53 lines
2.1 KiB

command! -nargs=1 VBGrawWrite call vebugger#writeLine(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=1 -complete=file VBGstartGDB call vebugger#gdb#start(<q-args>,{})
command! -nargs=0 VBGkill call vebugger#killDebugger()
command! -nargs=0 VBGstepIn call vebugger#setWriteActionAndPerform('std','flow','stepin')
command! -nargs=0 VBGstepOver call vebugger#setWriteActionAndPerform('std','flow','stepover')
command! -nargs=0 VBGstepOut call vebugger#setWriteActionAndPerform('std','flow','stepout')
command! -nargs=0 VBGcontinue call vebugger#setWriteActionAndPerform('std','flow','continue')
command! -nargs=0 VBGtoggleLogBuffer call vebugger#toggleLogBuffer()
command! -nargs=+ VBGtoggleBreakpoint call vebugger#std#toggleBreakpoint(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 VBGtoggleBreakpointThisLine call vebugger#std#toggleBreakpoint(expand('%:~:.'),line('.'))
command! -nargs=0 VBGclearBreakpints call vebugger#std#clearBreakpoints()
command! -nargs=1 VBGeval call vebugger#std#eval(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=0 VBGevalWordUnderCursor call vebugger#std#eval(expand('<cword>'))
"Shamefully stolen from
function! s:get_visual_selection()
" Why is this not a built-in Vim script function?!
let [lnum1, col1] = getpos("'<")[1:2]
let [lnum2, col2] = getpos("'>")[1:2]
let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2)
let lines[-1] = lines[-1][: col2 - (&selection == 'inclusive' ? 1 : 2)]
let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:]
return join(lines, "\n")
command! -range -nargs=0 VBGevalSelectedText call vebugger#std#eval(s:get_visual_selection())
if exists('g:vebugger_leader')
if !empty(g:vebugger_leader)
for s:mapping in items({
exe 'nnoremap '.g:vebugger_leader.s:mapping[0].' :'.s:mapping[1].'<Cr>'
for s:mapping in items({
exe 'vnoremap '.g:vebugger_leader.s:mapping[0].' :'.s:mapping[1].'<Cr>'