Alternate insert mode implementation

This commit is contained in:
Tim Pope 2006-10-31 20:59:02 +00:00
parent 6c639ccfd4
commit f97446abd1

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@ -68,25 +68,33 @@
" Old text Command New text ~
" Hello w*orld! yssB {Hello world!}
" There is also *yS* and *ySS* which indent the surrounded text and place it
" on a line of its own.
" In visual mode, a simple "s" with an argument wraps the selection. This is
" referred to as the *vs* mapping, although ordinarily there will be
" additional keystrokes between the v and s. In linewise visual mode, the
" surroundings are placed on separate lines. In blockwise visual mode, each
" line is surrounded.
" Note that "s" already has a valid meaning in visual mode, but it is
" An "S" in visual mode (*vS*) behaves similarly but always places the
" surroundings on separate lines. Additionally, the surrounded text is
" indented.
" Note that "s" and "S" already have valid meaning in visual mode, but it is
" identical to "c". If you have muscle memory for "s" and would like to use a
" different key, add your own mapping and the existing one will be disabled.
" >
" vmap S <Plug>Vsurround
" vmap <Leader>s <Plug>Vsurround
" vmap <Leader>S <Plug>VSurround
" <
" Finally, there is an experimental insert mode mapping on <C-S>. Beware that
" this won't work on terminals with flow control (if you accidentally freeze
" your terminal, use <C-Q> to unfreeze it). The mapping inserts the specified
" surroundings and puts the cursor between them. If, immediately after <C-S>
" and before the replacement, carriage return is pressed, the prefix, cursor,
" and suffix will be placed on three separate lines. If this is a common use
" case you can add a mapping for it as well.
" and before the replacement, a second <C-S> or carriage return is pressed,
" the prefix, cursor, and suffix will be placed on three separate lines. If
" this is a common use case you can add a mapping for it as well.
" >
" imap <C-Z> <Plug>Isurround<CR>
" <
@ -253,7 +261,7 @@ function! s:inputreplacement()
if c == " "
let c = c . s:getchar()
if c =~ "\<Esc>\|\<C-C>\|\0"
if c =~ "\<Esc>" || c =~ "\<C-C>"
return ""
return c
@ -310,14 +318,15 @@ function! s:fixindent(str,spc)
return str
function! s:wrap(string,char,...)
function! s:wrap(string,char,type,...)
let keeper = a:string
let newchar = a:char
let type = a:0 ? (a:1 == 1 ? 'V' : a:1 ) : 'v'
let type = a:type
let linemode = type ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0
let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
let before = ""
let after = ""
if linemode
if type == "V"
let initspaces = matchstr(keeper,'\%^\s*')
let initspaces = matchstr(getline('.'),'\%^\s*')
@ -374,12 +383,12 @@ function! s:wrap(string,char,...)
let before = before . "\n\t"
if type ==# "v"
"let keeper = initspaces.keeper
let after = "\n" . initspaces . after
elseif newchar ==# 'l' || newchar == '\'
" LaTeX
let env = input('\begin{')
let env = '{' . env
let env = env . s:closematch(env)
@ -388,13 +397,12 @@ function! s:wrap(string,char,...)
let before = '\begin'.env
let after = '\end'.matchstr(env,'[^}]*').'}'
if type ==# 'v' || type ==# 'V'
let before = before ."\n\t"
if type ==# 'v'
let after = "\n".initspaces.after
"let keeper = initspaces.keeper
"if type ==# 'v' || type ==# 'V'
"let before = before ."\n\t"
"if type ==# 'v'
"let after = "\n".initspaces.after
elseif newchar ==# 'f' || newchar ==# 'F'
let fnc = input('function: ')
if fnc != ""
@ -414,18 +422,26 @@ function! s:wrap(string,char,...)
let before = newchar
let after = newchar
if type ==# 'V'
let before = initspaces.before
let after = initspaces.after
if type ==# 'V' || (special && type ==# "v")
let before = substitute(before,' \+$','','')
let after = substitute(after ,'^ \+','','')
if before !~ '\n\s*$'
let before = before."\n"
if after !~ '^\n'
let after = initspaces.after
"let before = substitute(before,'\n\n$','\n','')
"let after = substitute(after ,'\n\n$','\n','')
if keeper !~ '\n$' && after !~ '^\n'
let keeper = keeper . "\n"
if before !~ '\n\s*$'
let before = before . "\n"
if special
let before = before . "\t"
if type ==# 'V'
let before = initspaces.before
let g:initspc = initspaces
if before =~ '\n\s*\%$'
if type ==# 'v'
let keeper = initspaces.keeper
@ -444,17 +460,17 @@ function! s:wrap(string,char,...)
let keeper = before.keeper.after
elseif type =~ "^\<C-V>"
let keeper = substitute(keeper."\n",'\(.\{-\}\)\n',before.'\1'.after.'\n','g')
let g:vis = keeper
let keeper =
return keeper
function! s:wrapreg(reg,char)
function! s:wrapreg(reg,char,...)
let orig = getreg(a:reg)
let type = getregtype(a:reg)
let new = s:wrap(orig,a:char,type)
let special = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
let new = s:wrap(orig,a:char,type,special)
call setreg(a:reg,new,type)
" }}}1
@ -464,7 +480,7 @@ function! s:insert(...) " {{{1
"call inputsave()
let linemode = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
let char = s:inputreplacement()
while char == "\<CR>"
while char == "\<CR>" || char == "\<C-S>"
" TODO: use total count for additional blank lines
let linemode = linemode + 1
let char = s:inputreplacement()
@ -473,11 +489,21 @@ function! s:insert(...) " {{{1
if char == ""
return ""
" We could just use null, but nooooo, that won't work
"call inputsave()
call setreg('"',"\r",'c')
call s:wrapreg('"',char)
let text = @@
let reg_save = @@
call setreg('"',"\r",'v')
call s:wrapreg('"',char,linemode)
"if linemode
"call setreg('"',substitute(getreg('"'),'^\s\+','',''),'c')
if col('.') > col('$')
norm! p`]
norm! P`]
call search('\r','bW')
return "\<Del>"
let @@ = reg_save
"let text = s:wrap("\r",char,0)
"call inputrestore()
set paste
@ -616,7 +642,7 @@ function! s:changesurround() " {{{1
call s:dosurround(a,b)
endfunction " }}}1
function! s:opfunc(type) " {{{1
function! s:opfunc(type,...) " {{{1
let char = s:inputreplacement()
if char == ""
return s:beep()
@ -647,13 +673,17 @@ function! s:opfunc(type) " {{{1
let keeper = substitute(keeper,'\s*$','','')
call setreg(reg,keeper,type)
call s:wrapreg(reg,char)
call s:wrapreg(reg,char,a:0)
silent exe 'norm! gv'.(reg == '"' ? '' : '"' . reg).'p`['
if type == 'V' || getreg(reg) =~ '\n'
call s:reindent()
call setreg(reg,reg_save,reg_type)
let &selection = sel_save
function! s:opfunc2(arg)
call s:opfunc(a:arg,1)
endfunction " }}}1
function! s:closematch(str) " {{{1
@ -675,21 +705,32 @@ endfunction " }}}1
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Dsurround :<C-U>call <SID>dosurround(<SID>inputtarget())<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Csurround :<C-U>call <SID>changesurround()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Ysurround :set opfunc=<SID>opfunc<CR>g@
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSurround :set opfunc=<SID>opfunc2<CR>g@
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Yssurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(v:count1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc2(v:count1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Vsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode())<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc2(visualmode())<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>ISurround <C-R>=<SID>insert(1)<CR>
if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings
nmap ds <Plug>Dsurround
nmap cs <Plug>Csurround
nmap ys <Plug>Ysurround
nmap yS <Plug>YSurround
nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround
nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround
nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround
if !hasmapto("<Plug>Vsurround","v")
vmap s <Plug>Vsurround
if !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v")
vmap S <Plug>VSurround
if !hasmapto("<Plug>Isurround","i")
imap <C-S> <Plug>Isurround
"imap <C-S><C-S> <Plug>ISurround
let &cpo = s:cpo_save