This commit is contained in:
Tim Pope 2011-08-29 01:54:27 -04:00
parent 3d2d04a31b
commit 6fb16eae21

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@ -547,7 +547,6 @@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc2(v:count1)<CR>
" <C-U> discards the numerical argument but there's not much we can do with it " <C-U> discards the numerical argument but there's not much we can do with it
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Ysurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc<CR>g@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Ysurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc<CR>g@
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc2<CR>g@ nnoremap <silent> <Plug>YSurround :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>opfunc2<CR>g@
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Vsurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode())<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR> vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VgSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR> vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VgSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 0 : 1)<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR> inoremap <silent> <Plug>Isurround <C-R>=<SID>insert()<CR>
@ -561,13 +560,6 @@ if !exists("g:surround_no_mappings") || ! g:surround_no_mappings
nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround nmap yss <Plug>Yssurround
nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround nmap ySs <Plug>YSsurround
nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround nmap ySS <Plug>YSsurround
if !hasmapto("<Plug>Vsurround","v") && !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v")
if exists(":xmap")
xmap s <Plug>Vsurround
vmap s <Plug>Vsurround
if !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v") if !hasmapto("<Plug>VSurround","v")
if exists(":xmap") if exists(":xmap")
xmap S <Plug>VSurround xmap S <Plug>VSurround