Meng Zhuo c5f0409182 fix ** conflict with *, triggered while typing **<tab> snippet will
expand into `* *{e}*`. I change into `*&` user still don't have to
release their Shift key
2013-06-04 17:11:17 +08:00

70 lines
1.0 KiB

# rst
snippet :
:${1:field name}: ${2:field body}
snippet *
*${1:Emphasis}* ${2}
snippet *&
**${1:Strong emphasis}** ${2}
snippet _
.. _\`$1\`: ${2:link-block}
snippet =
snippet -
#some directive
snippet img
.. |${2:alias}| image:: ${1:img}
snippet fig
.. figure:: ${1:img}
:alt: ${2:alter text}
snippet con
.. contents::
snippet cod
.. code:: ${1:type}
${2:write some code}
snippet tip
.. tip::
${1:my tips}
snippet not
.. note::
${1:my notes}
snippet war
.. warning::
snippet imp
.. important::
${1:this is importatnt}
snippet att
.. attention::
snippet dan
.. danger::
snippet err
.. error::
${1:Error occur}
snippet cau
.. caution::
${1:Watch out!}
#Spinx only
snippet sid
.. sidebar:: ${1:Title}
# CJK optimize, CJK has no space between charaters
snippet *!
\ *${1:Emphasis}*\ ${2}
snippet *&!
\ **${1:Strong emphasis}**\ ${2}