William Travis Holton bf5bea2685 move custom perl snippets to subdirectory
So that the snipMate plugin will load them
2011-09-02 14:05:37 +02:00

37 lines
549 B

# #!/usr/bin/perl
# use test classes
snippet tuse
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Test::Exception;
# local test lib
snippet tlib
use lib qw{ ./t/lib };
#test methods
snippet tmeths
$ENV{TEST_METHOD} = '${1:regex}';
# runtestclass
snippet trunner
use ${1:test_class};
snippet tsub
sub t${1:number}_${2:test_case} :Test(${3:num_of_tests}) {
my $self = shift;
${4:# body}
#prep test method
snippet tprep
sub prep${1:number}_${2:test_case} :Test(startup) {
my $self = shift;
${4:# body}