Derived types use caracter '.' in package name. But in the filename dot are replaced by '-' . For exemple : ```ada package Mother_Package.Daughter_Package is -- ... end Mother_Package.Daughter_Package; ``` is in a file named : Mother_Package-Daughter_Package.ads So function ada_case(word) change the '-' in filename to dot in the package name with mixedcase.
This directory contains the snippets for UltiSnips. https://github.com/sirver/ultisnips Standing On The Shoulders of Giants =================================== The snippets have been collected from various other project which I want to express my gratitude for. My main source for inspiration where the following two projects: TextMate: http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/ SnipMate: http://code.google.com/p/snipmate/ UltiSnips has seen contributions by many individuals. Those contributions have been merged into this collection seamlessly and without further comments. -- vim:ft=rst:nospell: