# #!/usr/bin/perl # strict warnings snippet strwar use strict; use warnings; # standard versioning with perlcritic bypass snippet vers ## no critic our $VERSION = '${1:version}'; eval $VERSION; ## use critic # new 'switch' like feature snippet switch use feature 'switch'; # Anonymous subroutine snippet asub sub { ${1:# body } } # Begin block snippet begin BEGIN { ${1:# begin body} } # call package function with some parameter snippet pkgmv __PACKAGE__->${1:package_method}(${2:var}); # call package function without a parameter snippet pkgm __PACKAGE__->${1:package_method}(); # call package "get_" function without a parameter snippet pkget __PACKAGE__->get_${1:package_method}(); # call package function with a parameter snippet pkgetv __PACKAGE__->get_${1:package_method}(${2:var}); # complex regex snippet qrx qr/ ${1:regex} /xms #simpler regex snippet qr/ qr/${1:regex}/x #given snippet given given ($${1:var}) { ${2:# cases} ${3:# default} } # switch-like case snippet when when (${1:case}) { ${2:# body} } # hash slice snippet hslice @{ ${1:hash} }{ ${2:array} } # map snippet map map { ${2: body } } ${1: @array } ; # Pod stub snippet ppod =head1 NAME ${1:ClassName} - ${2:ShortDesc} =head1 SYNOPSIS use $1; ${3:# synopsis...} =head1 DESCRIPTION ${4:# longer description...} =head1 INTERFACE =head1 DEPENDENCIES =head1 SEE ALSO # Heading for a subroutine stub snippet psub =head2 ${1:MethodName} ${2:Summary....} # Subroutine signature snippet parg =over 2 =item Arguments =over 3 =item C<${1:DataStructure}> ${2:Sample} =back =item Return =over 3 =item C<${3:...return data}> =back =back