# Prototype snippet proto ${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3:first_argument}) { ${4:// body...} }; # Function snippet fun function ${1:function_name}(${2:argument}) { ${3:// body...} } # Anonymous Function snippet f function (${1}) { ${3} }${2:;} # Immediate function snippet (f (function (${1}) { ${3:/* code */} }(${2})); # if snippet if if (${1:true}) { ${2} } # if ... else snippet ife if (${1:true}) { ${2} } else { ${3} } # tertiary conditional snippet ter ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b} # switch snippet switch switch (${1:expression}) { case '${3:case}': ${4:// code} break; ${5} default: ${2:// code} } # case snippet case case '${1:case}': ${2:// code} break; ${3} # for (...) {...} snippet for for (var ${2:i} = 0, l = ${1:arr}.length; $2 < l; $2 ++) { var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${4:} } # for (...) {...} (Improved Native For-Loop) snippet forr for (var ${2:i} = ${1:arr}.length - 1; $2 >= 0; $2 --) { var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${4:} } # while (...) {...} snippet wh while (${1:/* condition */}) { ${2:/* code */} } # try snippet try try { ${1:/* code */} } catch (${2:e}) { ${3:/* handle error */} } # do...while snippet do do { ${2:/* code */} } while (${1:/* condition */}); # Object Method snippet :f ${1:method_name}: function (${2:attribute}) { ${4} }${3:,} # setTimeout function snippet timeout setTimeout(function () {${3}}${2}, ${1:10}); # Get Elements snippet get getElementsBy${1:TagName}('${2}')${3} # Get Element snippet gett getElementBy${1:Id}('${2}')${3} # console.log (Firebug) snippet cl console.log(${1}); # return snippet ret return ${1:result} # for (property in object ) { ... } snippet fori for (var ${1:prop} in ${2:Things}) { ${3:$2[$1]} } # hasOwnProperty snippet has hasOwnProperty(${1}) # docstring snippet /** /** * ${1:description} * */ snippet @par @param {${1:type}} ${2:name} ${3:description} snippet @ret @return {${1:type}} ${2:description} # JSON.parse snippet jsonp JSON.parse(${1:jstr}); # JSON.stringify snippet jsons JSON.stringify(${1:object}); # self-defining function snippet sdf var ${1:function_name} = function (${2:argument}) { ${3:// initial code ...} $1 = function ($2) { ${4:// main code} }; }; # singleton snippet sing function ${1:Singleton} (${2:argument}) { // the cached instance var instance; // rewrite the constructor $1 = function $1($2) { return instance; }; // carry over the prototype properties $1.prototype = this; // the instance instance = new $1(); // reset the constructor pointer instance.constructor = $1; ${3:// code ...} return instance; } # Crockford's object function snippet obj object(o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); }