####################################################################### # Rust Snippets # ####################################################################### priority -50 ############### # Functions # ############### snippet fn "A function, optionally with arguments and return type." b fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3/..*/ -> /}${3} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet test "Test function" b #[test] fn ${1:test_function_name}() { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet new "A new function" b pub fn new(${2}) -> ${1:Name} { ${VISUAL}${0}return $1 { ${3} }; } endsnippet snippet main "The main function" b pub fn main() { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet let "A let statement" b let ${1:name}${3} = ${VISUAL}${2}; endsnippet snippet pln "println!(..)" b println!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2}); endsnippet snippet ec "extern crate ..." b extern crate ${1:sync}; endsnippet snippet ecl "...extern crate log;" b #![feature(phase)] #[phase(syntax, link)] extern crate log; endsnippet snippet mod "A mod." b mod ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.lower() or "name"`} { ${VISUAL}${0} } /* $1 */ endsnippet snippet crate "Create header information" b // Crate ID #![crate_id = "${1:crate_name}#${2:0.0.1}"] // Additional metadata attributes #![desc = "${3:Descrption.}"] #![license = "${4:BSD}"] #![comment = "${5:Comment.}"] // Specify the output type #![crate_type = "${6:lib}"] endsnippet snippet allow "#[allow(..)]" b #[allow(${1:unused_variable})] endsnippet snippet feat "#![feature(..)]" b #![feature(${1:macro_rules})] endsnippet ################## # Common types # ################## snippet opt "Option<..>" Option<${1:int}> endsnippet snippet res "Result<.., ..>" Result<${1:~str}, ${2:()}> endsnippet snippet if "if .. (if)" b if ${1:/* condition */} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet mat "match" match ${1} { ${2} => ${3}, } endsnippet snippet while "while .. {}" b while ${1:condition} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet for "for .. in .." b for ${1:i} in ${2:range(0u, 10)} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet spawn "spawn(proc() { .. });" b spawn(proc() { ${VISUAL}${0} }); endsnippet snippet chan "A channel" b let (${1:tx}, ${2:rx}): (Sender<${3:int}>, Receiver<${4:int}>) = channel(); endsnippet snippet duplex "Duplex stream" b let (${1:from_child}, ${2:to_child}) = sync::duplex(); endsnippet ##################### # TODO commenting # ##################### snippet todo "A Todo comment" // [TODO]: ${1:Description} - `!v strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%P")` endsnippet ############ # Struct # ############ snippet st "Struct" b struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "name"`} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet stn "Struct with new constructor." b pub struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "name"`} { ${3} } impl $1 { pub fn new(${2}) -> $1 { ${4}return $1 { ${5} }; } } endsnippet ########## # Enum # ########## snippet enum "An enum" b enum ${1:enum_name} { ${VISUAL}${0}, } endsnippet ########## # Impl # ########## snippet imp "An impl" b impl ${1:Name} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet snippet drop "Drop implementation" b impl Drop for ${1:Name} { fn drop(&mut self) { ${VISUAL}${0} } } endsnippet ############ # Traits # ############ snippet trait "Trait block" b trait ${1:Name} { ${VISUAL}${0} } endsnippet ############# # Statics # ############# snippet ss "A static string." static ${1}: &'static str = "${VISUAL}${0}"; endsnippet snippet stat "A static variable." static ${1}: ${2:uint} = ${VISUAL}${0}; endsnippet # vim:ft=snippets: