Merge pull request #360 from lucc/descriptions
tex,vim: add snippet descriptions
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ snippet "b(egin)?" "begin{} / end{}" br
snippet tab
snippet tab "tabular / array environment" b
$0${2/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ priority -50
# SnipMate Snippets #
snippet gvar "Global / configuration variable"
snippet gvar "Global / configuration variable" b
if !exists("g:${1:MyUltraImportantVar}")
let g:$1 = ${2:"${3:<tab>}"}
snippet guard
snippet guard "script reload guard" b
if exists('${1:did_`!p snip.rv = snip.fn.replace('.','_')`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
let $1 = 1${3}
snippet f
snippet f "function" b
fun ${1:function_name}(${2})
${3:" code}
@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
snippet nc
snippet nc \newcommand
\newcommand{\${1:cmd}}[${2:opt}]{${3:realcmd}} ${0}
snippet up
snippet up \usepackage
\usepackage[${1:options}]{${2:package}} ${0}
snippet nuc
snippet nuc \newunicodechar
\newunicodechar{${1}}{${2:\ensuremath}${3:tex-substitute}}} ${0}
snippet dmo
snippet dmo \DeclareMathOperator
\DeclareMathOperator{${1}}{${2}} ${0}
# \begin{}...\end{}
snippet begin
snippet begin \begin{} ... \end{} block
# Tabular
snippet tab
snippet tab tabular (or arbitrary) environment
snippet thm
snippet thm thm (or arbitrary) environment with optional argument
snippet center
snippet center center environment
# Align(ed)
snippet ali
snippet ali align(ed) environment
# Gather(ed)
snippet gat
snippet gat gather(ed) environment
# Equation
snippet eq
snippet eq equation environment
# Equation
snippet eq*
snippet eq* unnumbered equation environment
# Unnumbered Equation
snippet \
snippet \ unnumbered equation: \[ ... \]
# Equation array
snippet eqnarray
snippet eqnarray eqnarray environment
# Label
snippet lab
snippet lab \label
# Enumerate
snippet enum
snippet enum enumerate environment
\item ${0}
# Itemize
snippet itemize
snippet itemize itemize environment
\item ${0}
snippet item
snippet item \item
\item ${1}
# Description
snippet desc
snippet desc description environment
\item[${1}] ${0}
# Endless new item
snippet ]i
snippet ]i \item (recursive)
\item ${1}
# Matrix
snippet mat
snippet mat smart matrix environment
# Cases
snippet cas
snippet cas cases environment
${1:equation}, &\text{ if }${2:case}\\
# Split
snippet spl
snippet spl split environment
# Part
snippet part
snippet part document \part
\part{${1:part name}} % (fold)
% part $2 (end)
# Chapter
snippet cha
snippet cha \chapter
\chapter{${1:chapter name}}
# Section
snippet sec
snippet sec \section
\section{${1:section name}}
# Section without number
snippet sec*
snippet sec* \section*
\section*{${1:section name}}
# Sub Section
snippet sub
snippet sub \subsection
\subsection{${1:subsection name}}
# Sub Section without number
snippet sub*
snippet sub* \subsection*
\subsection*{${1:subsection name}}
# Sub Sub Section
snippet subs
snippet subs \subsubsection
\subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}
# Sub Sub Section without number
snippet subs*
snippet subs* \subsubsection*
\subsubsection*{${1:subsubsection name}}
# Paragraph
snippet par
snippet par \paragraph
\paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}
# Sub Paragraph
snippet subp
snippet subp \subparagraph
\subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}
snippet ni
snippet ni \noindent
snippet itd
snippet itd description \item
\item[${1:description}] ${0:item}
snippet figure
snippet figure reference to a figure
snippet table
snippet table reference to a table
snippet listing
snippet listing reference to a listing
snippet section
snippet section reference to a section
${1:Section}~\ref{sec:${2}} ${0}
snippet page
snippet page reference to a page
${1:page}~\pageref{${2}} ${0}
snippet index
snippet index \index
\index{${1:index}} ${0}
snippet citen
snippet citen \citen
\citen{${1}} ${0}
# natbib citations
snippet citep
snippet citep \citep
\citep{${1}} ${0}
snippet citet
snippet citet \citet
\citet{${1}} ${0}
snippet cite
snippet cite \cite[]{}
\cite[${1}]{${2}} ${0}
snippet citea
snippet citea \citeauthor
\citeauthor{${1}} ${0}
snippet citey
snippet citey \citeyear
\citeyear{${1}} ${0}
snippet fcite
snippet fcite \footcite[]{}
#Formating text: italic, bold, underline, small capital, emphase ..
snippet it
snippet it italic text
snippet bf
snippet bf bold face text
snippet under
snippet under underline text
snippet emp
snippet emp emphasize text
snippet sc
snippet sc small caps text
#Choosing font
snippet sf
snippet sf sans serife text
snippet rm
snippet rm roman font text
snippet tt
snippet tt typewriter (monospace) text
snippet ft
snippet ft \footnote
snippet fig
snippet fig figure environment (includegraphics)
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ snippet fig
snippet tikz
snippet tikz figure environment (tikzpicture)
@ -230,31 +230,31 @@ snippet tikz
snippet stackrel
snippet stackrel \stackrel{}{}
\stackrel{${1:above}}{${2:below}} ${0}
snippet frac
snippet frac \frac{}{}
\frac{${1:num}}{${2:denom}} ${0}
snippet sum
snippet sum \sum^{}_{}
\sum^{${1:n}}_{${2:i=1}} ${0}
snippet lim
snippet lim \lim_{}
\lim_{${1:x \to +\infty}} ${0}
snippet frame
snippet frame frame environment
snippet block
snippet block block environment
snippet alert
snippet alert alertblock environment
snippet example
snippet example exampleblock environment
snippet col2
snippet col2 two-column environment
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
snippet header
snippet header standard Vim script file header
" File: ${1:`expand('%:t')`}
" Author: ${2:`g:snips_author`}
" Description: ${3}
${0:" Last Modified: `strftime("%B %d, %Y")`}
snippet guard
snippet guard script reload guard
if exists('${1:did_`vim_snippets#Filename()`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
let $1 = 1${0}
snippet f
snippet f function
fun! ${1:`expand('%') =~ 'autoload' ? substitute(matchstr(expand('%:p'),'autoload/\zs.*\ze.vim'),'[/\\]','#','g').'#' : ''`}${2:function_name}(${3})
snippet t
snippet t try ... catch statement
catch ${2}
snippet for
snippet for for ... in loop
for ${1} in ${2}
snippet forkv
snippet forkv for [key, value] in loop
for [${1},${2}] in items(${3})
unlet $1 $2
snippet wh
snippet wh while loop
while ${1}
snippet if
snippet if if statement
if ${1}
snippet ife
snippet ife if ... else statement
if ${1}
snippet au
snippet au augroup ... autocmd block
augroup ${1:AU_NAME}
" this one is which you're most likely to use?
autocmd ${2:BufRead,BufNewFile} ${3:*.ext,*.ext3|<buffer[=N]>} ${0}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user