330 lines
8.6 KiB
330 lines
8.6 KiB
snippet add
${1:obj}.add('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet addClass
${1:obj}.addClass('${2:class name}')${3}
snippet after
${1:obj}.after('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')${3}
snippet ajax
url: "${1:mydomain.com/url}",
type: "${2:POST}",
dataType: "${3:xml/html/script/json}",
data: $.param( $("${4:Element or Expression}") ),
complete: function() {
${5://called when complete}
success: function() {
${6://called when successful}
error: function() {
${7://called when there is an error}
snippet ajaxerror
.ajaxError(function(${1:request, settings}) {
${2://stuff to do when an AJAX call returns an error};
snippet ajaxget
$.get('${1:/test/ajax-test.xml}', function(xml){
${2:alert( ("title",xml).text() ) //optional stuff to do after get;}
snippet ajaxgetif
$.getIfModified('${1:/test/test.cgi}', function(data){
${2:alert( "Data loaded: " + data ) //optional stuff to do after get;}
snippet ajaxpost
<+<+param1+>: "<+value1+>", <+param2+>: "<+value2+>"+>},
<+//stuff to do after event occurs;+>
snippet ajaxsend
.ajaxSend(function(${1:request, settings}) {
${2://stuff to do when an AJAX call returns an error};
snippet ajaxsetup
url: "${1:mydomain.com/url}",
type: "${2:POST}",
dataType: "${3:xml/html/script/json}",
data: $.param( $("${4:Element or Expression}") ),
complete: function() {
${5://called when complete}
success: function() {
${6://called when successful}
error: function() {
${7://called when there is an error}
snippet ajaxstart
$.ajaxStart(function() {
${1://stuff to do when an AJAX call is started and no other AJAX calls are in progress};
snippet ajaxstop
$.ajaxStop(function() {
${1://stuff to do when an AJAX call is started and no other AJAX calls are in progress};
snippet ajaxsuccess
$.ajaxSuccess(function() {
${1://stuff to do when an AJAX call is started and no other AJAX calls are in progress};
snippet animate
${1:obj}.animate({${2:param1: value1, param2: value2}}, ${3:speed})${4}
snippet append
${1:obj}.append('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')${3}
snippet appendTo
${1:obj}.appendTo('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet attr
${1:obj}.attr('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')${4}
snippet attrm
${1:obj}.attr({'${2:attr1}': '${3:value1}', '${4:attr2}': '${5:value2}'})${6}
snippet before
${1:obj}.before('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')${3}
snippet bind
${1:obj}.bind('${2:event name}', function(${3:event}) {
${4:// Act on the event}
snippet blur
${1:obj}.blur(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet change
${1:obj}.change(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet children
${1:obj}.children('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet click
${1:obj}.click(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet clone
snippet contains
${1:obj}.contains('${2:text to find}')${3}
snippet css
${1:obj}.css('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')${4}
snippet cssm
${1:obj}.css({${2:attribute1}: '${3:value1}', ${4:attribute2}: '${5:value2}'})${6}
snippet dblclick
${1:obj}.dblclick(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet each
${1:obj}.each(function(index) {
${2:this.innerHTML = this + " is the element, " + index + " is the position";}
snippet el
snippet eltrim
snippet end
snippet error
${1:obj}.error(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet fadein
snippet fadeinc
${1:obj}.fadeIn('slow/400/fast', function() {
${2://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place};
snippet fadeout
snippet fadeoutc
${1:obj}.fadeOut('slow/400/fast', function() {
${2://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place};
snippet fadeto
${1:obj}.fadeTo('${2:slow/400/fast}', ${3:0.5})${4}
snippet fadetoc
${1:obj}.fadeTo('slow/400/fast', ${2:0.5}, function() {
${3://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place};
snippet filter
${1:obj}.filter('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet find
${1:obj}.find('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet focus
${1:obj}.focus(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet get
${1:obj}.get(${2:element index})${3}
snippet getjson
<+<+param1+>: "<+value1+>", <+param2+>: "<+value2+>"+>},
<+//stuff to do after event occurs;+>
snippet getscript
$.getScript('${1:somescript.js}', function(){
${2://optional stuff to do after getScript;}
snippet height
snippet hide
snippet hidec
${1:obj}.hide('${2:slow/400/fast}', function() {
${3://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place}
snippet hover
${1:obj}.hover(function() {
${2:// Stuff to do when the mouse enters the element;}
}, function() {
${3:// Stuff to do when the mouse leaves the element;}
snippet html
${1:obj}.html('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')${3}
snippet insertAfter
${1:obj}.insertAfter('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet insertBefore
${1:obj}.insertBefore('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet is
${1:obj}.is('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet jj
snippet load
${1:obj}.load(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet loadf
<+obj+>.load('<+/path/to/file.htm+>', { <+<+param1+>: "<+value1+>", <+param2+>: "<+value2+>"+> }, function() {
<+// Stuff to do after the page is loaded+>
snippet });loadif
<+obj+>.loadIfModified('<+/path/to/file.htm+>', { <+<+param1+>: "<+value1+>", <+param2+>: "<+value2+>"+> }, function() {
<+// Stuff to do after the page is loaded+>
snippet mdown
${1:obj}.mousedown(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet mmove
${1:obj}.mousemove(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet mout
${1:obj}.mouseout(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet mover
${1:obj}.mouseover(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet mup
${1:obj}.mouseup(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet next
${1:obj}.next('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet not
${1:obj}.not('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet one
${1:obj}.one('${2:event name}', function(${3:event}) {
${4:// Act on the event once}
snippet parent
${1:obj}.parent('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet parents
${1:obj}.parents('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet prepend
${1:obj}.prepend('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')${3}
snippet prependto
${1:obj}.prependTo('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet prev
${1:obj}.prev('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet ready
$(function() {
snippet remove
snippet removeattr
${1:obj}.removeAttr('${2:attribute name}')${3}
snippet removeclass
${1:obj}.removeClass('${2:class name}')${3}
snippet reset
${1:obj}.reset(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet resize
${1:obj}.resize(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet scroll
${1:obj}.scroll(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet sdown
snippet sdownc
${1:obj}.slideDown('${2:slow/400/fast}', function() {
${3://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place};
snippet sdupc
${1:obj}.slideUp('${2:slow/400/fast}', function() {
${3://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place};
snippet select
${1:obj}.select(function() {
${2:// Act on the event}
snippet show
snippet showc
${1:obj}.show('${2:slow/400/fast}', function() {
${3://Stuff to do *after* the animation takes place}
snippet sib
${1:obj}.siblings('${2:selector expression}')${3}
snippet size
snippet stoggle
snippet submit
${1:obj}.submit(function() {
${2:// Act on the event once}
snippet sup
snippet text
${1:obj}.text(${2:'some text'})${3}
snippet this
snippet tog
${1:obj}.toggle(function() {
${2:// Stuff to do every *odd* time the element is clicked;}
}, function() {
${3:// Stuff to do every *even* time the element is clicked;}
snippet togclass
${1:obj}.toggleClass('${2:class name}')${3}
snippet togsh
snippet trig
${1:obj}.trigger('${2:event name}')${3}
snippet unbind
${1:obj}.unbind('${2:event name}')${3}
snippet val
snippet width
snippet wrap
${1:obj}.wrap('${2:<div class="extra-wrapper"></div>}')${3}