2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet php
snippet phpil
<?php ${1} ?>
snippet ec
echo "${1:string}"${2};
2012-04-09 05:26:04 +08:00
snippet ethis
<?php echo $this->${1:something}; ?>
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet inc
include '${1:file}';${2}
snippet inc1
include_once '${1:file}';${2}
snippet req
require '${1:file}';${2}
snippet req1
require_once '${1:file}';${2}
# $GLOBALS['...']
snippet globals
$GLOBALS['${1:variable}']${2: = }${3:something}${4:;}${5}
snippet G
snippet $_ COOKIE['...']
snippet $_ ENV['...']
snippet $_ FILES['...']
snippet $_ Get['...']
snippet $_ POST['...']
snippet $_ REQUEST['...']
snippet $_ SERVER['...']
snippet $_ SESSION['...']
# Start Docblock
snippet /*
* ${1}
# Class - post doc
snippet doc_cp
* ${1:undocumented class}
* @package ${2:default}
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
* @subpackage ${3:default}
* @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
# Class Variable - post doc
snippet doc_vp
* ${1:undocumented class variable}
* @var ${2:string}
# Class Variable
snippet doc_v
* ${3:undocumented class variable}
* @var ${4:string}
${1:var} $${2};${5}
# Class
snippet doc_c
* ${3:undocumented class}
2012-02-09 15:58:46 +00:00
* @package ${4:default}
* @subpackage ${5:default}
* @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
${1:}class ${2:}
2012-02-09 15:58:46 +00:00
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
} // END $1class $2
# Constant Definition - post doc
snippet doc_dp
* ${1:undocumented constant}
# Constant Definition
snippet doc_d
* ${3:undocumented constant}
define(${1}, ${2});${4}
# Function - post doc
snippet doc_fp
* ${1:undocumented function}
* @return ${2:void}
* @author ${3:`g:snips_author`}
# Function signature
snippet doc_s
* ${4:undocumented function}
* @return ${5:void}
* @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
${1}function ${2}(${3});${7}
# Function
snippet doc_f
* ${4:undocumented function}
* @return ${5:void}
* @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
${1}function ${2}(${3})
# Header
snippet doc_h
* ${1}
* @author ${2:`g:snips_author`}
* @version ${3:$Id$}
* @copyright ${4:$2}, `strftime('%d %B, %Y')`
* @package ${5:default}
# Interface
snippet doc_i
* ${2:undocumented class}
* @package ${3:default}
* @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
interface ${1:}
} // END interface $1
# class ...
snippet class
* ${1}
class ${2:ClassName}
function ${4:__construct}(${5:argument})
${6:// code...}
# define(...)
snippet def
# defined(...)
snippet def?
snippet wh
while (${1:/* condition */}) {
${2:// code...}
# do ... while
snippet do
do {
${2:// code... }
} while (${1:/* condition */});
snippet if
if (${1:/* condition */}) {
${2:// code...}
2012-04-07 20:33:16 +08:00
snippet ifil
<?php if (${1:/* condition */}): ?>
${2:<!-- code... -->}
<?php endif; ?>
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet ife
if (${1:/* condition */}) {
${2:// code...}
} else {
${3:// code...}
2012-04-07 20:33:16 +08:00
snippet ifeil
<?php if (${1:/* condition */}): ?>
${2:<!-- html... -->}
<?php else: ?>
${3:<!-- html... -->}
<?php endif; ?>
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet else
else {
${1:// code...}
snippet elseif
elseif (${1:/* condition */}) {
${2:// code...}
# Tertiary conditional
snippet t
$${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b};${5}
snippet switch
switch ($${1:variable}) {
case '${2:value}':
${3:// code...}
${4:// code...}
snippet case
case '${1:value}':
${2:// code...}
snippet for
for ($${2:i} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
${4: // code...}
snippet foreach
foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}) {
${3:// code...}
2012-04-07 20:33:16 +08:00
snippet foreachil
<?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}): ?>
${3:<!-- html... -->}
<?php endforeach; ?>
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet foreachk
foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}) {
${4:// code...}
2012-04-07 20:33:16 +08:00
snippet foreachkil
<?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}): ?>
${4:<!-- html... -->}
<?php endforeach; ?>
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet fun
${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3})
${4:// code...}
# $... = array (...)
snippet array
$${1:arrayName} = array('${2}' => ${3});${4}
snippet try
try {
} catch (${1:Exception} $e) {
# lambda with closure
snippet lambda
${1:static }function (${2:args}) use (${3:&$x, $y /*put vars in scope (closure) */}) {
# pre_dump();
snippet pd
echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${1}); echo '</pre>';
# pre_dump(); die();
snippet pdd
echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${1}); echo '</pre>'; die(${2:});
snippet vd
2011-11-24 10:43:32 +02:00
snippet vdd
var_dump(${1}); die(${2:});
2011-06-20 14:40:28 -03:00
snippet http_redirect
header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header ("Location: ".URL);
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
# Getters & Setters
snippet getset
2011-12-22 15:40:48 +00:00
* Gets the value of ${1:}
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
* @return ${2}
2011-12-22 15:40:48 +00:00
function get$1()
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2011-12-23 09:25:38 +00:00
return $this->_$1;
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2011-12-22 15:40:48 +00:00
* Sets the value of $1
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2011-12-22 15:40:48 +00:00
* @param mixed $$1 ${3}
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2011-12-22 15:40:48 +00:00
function set$1($$1)
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2011-12-22 16:29:32 +00:00
$this->_$1 = $$1;
2011-12-22 15:03:01 +00:00
2012-04-09 05:26:04 +08:00
snippet rett
return true;
snippet retf
return false;