
157 lines
2.6 KiB
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# Prototype
snippet proto
${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} =
function(${3:first_argument}) {
${4:// body...}
# Function
snippet fun
function ${1:function_name} (${2:argument}) {
${3:// body...}
# Anonymous Function
snippet f
function(${1}) {
# Immediate function
snippet (f
(function(${1}) {
${3:/* code */}
# if
snippet if
if (${1:true}) {
# if ... else
snippet ife
if (${1:true}) {
} else {
# tertiary conditional
snippet t
${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b}
# switch
snippet switch
switch(${1:expression}) {
case '${3:case}':
${4:// code}
${2:// code}
# case
snippet case
case '${1:case}':
${2:// code}
# for (...) {...}
snippet for
for (var ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:Things}.length; $2${3: += 1}) {
# for (...) {...} (Improved Native For-Loop)
snippet forr
for (var ${2:i} = ${1:Things}.length - 1; $2 >= 0; $2${3: -= 1}) {
# while (...) {...}
snippet wh
while (${1:/* condition */}) {
${2:/* code */}
# try
snippet try
try {
${1:/* code */}
} catch(${2:e}) {
${3:/* handle error */}
# do...while
snippet do
do {
${2:/* code */}
} while (${1:/* condition */});
# Object Method
snippet :f
${1:method_name}: function(${2:attribute}) {
# setTimeout function
snippet timeout
setTimeout(function() {${3}}${2}, ${1:10});
# Get Elements
snippet get
# Get Element
snippet gett
# console.log (Firebug)
snippet cl
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# return
snippet ret
return ${1:result}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# for (property in object ) { ... }
snippet fori
for (var ${1:prop} in ${2:Things}) {
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# hasOwnProperty
snippet has
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# docstring
snippet /**
* ${1:description}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
snippet @par
@param {${1:type}} ${2:name} ${3:description}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
snippet @ret
@return {${1:type}} ${2:description}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# JSON.parse
snippet jsonp
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# JSON.stringify
snippet jsons
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# self-defining function
snippet sdf
var ${1:function_name} = function (${2:argument}) {
${3:// initial code ...}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
$1 = function ($2) {
${4:// main code}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
# singleton
snippet sing
function ${1:Singleton} (${2:argument}) {
// the cached instance
var instance;
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
// rewrite the constructor
$1 = function $1($2) {
return instance;
// carry over the prototype properties
$1.prototype = this;
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
// the instance
instance = new $1();
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
// reset the constructor pointer
instance.constructor = $1;
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
${3:// code ...}
2011-08-03 08:53:21 +04:00
return instance;