if exists('g:loaded_signify') || !executable('git') || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_signify = 1 " Default values {{{1 let s:line_highlight_b = 0 let s:colors_set_b = 0 let s:active_buffers = {} let s:id_start = 0x100 let s:id_top = s:id_start let s:id_jump = s:id_start " Default mappings {{{1 if exists('g:signify_mapping_next_change') exe 'nnoremap '. g:signify_mapping_next_change .' :SignifyJumpToNextChange' else nnoremap gn :SignifyJumpToNextChange endif if exists('g:signify_mapping_prev_change') exe 'nnoremap '. g:signify_mapping_prev_change .' :SignifyJumpToPrevChange' else nnoremap gp :SignifyJumpToPrevChange endif if exists('g:signify_mapping_toggle_highlight') exe 'nnoremap '. g:signify_mapping_toggle_highlight .' :SignifyToggleHighlight' else nnoremap gh :SignifyToggleHighlight endif if exists('g:signify_mapping_toggle') exe 'nnoremap '. g:signify_mapping_toggle .' :SignifyToggle' else nnoremap gt :SignifyToggle endif " Default signs {{{1 if exists('g:signify_sign_add') exe 'sign define SignifyAdd text='. g:signify_sign_add .' texthl=SignifyAdd linehl=none' else sign define SignifyAdd text=>> texthl=SignifyAdd linehl=none endif if exists('g:signify_sign_delete') exe 'sign define SignifyDelete text='. g:signify_sign_delete .' texthl=SignifyDelete linehl=none' else sign define SignifyDelete text=<< texthl=SignifyDelete linehl=none endif if exists('g:signify_sign_change') exe 'sign define SignifyChange text='. g:signify_sign_change .' texthl=SignifyChange linehl=none' else sign define SignifyChange text=!! texthl=SignifyChange linehl=none endif " Initial stuff {{{1 aug signify au! au ColorScheme * call s:set_colors() au BufWritePost,BufEnter * call s:start() au BufDelete * call s:stop() | call remove(s:active_buffers, expand('%:p')) aug END com! -nargs=0 -bar SignifyToggle call s:toggle_signify() com! -nargs=0 -bar SignifyToggleHighlight call s:toggle_line_highlighting() com! -nargs=0 -bar SignifyJumpToNextChange call s:jump_to_next_change() com! -nargs=0 -bar SignifyJumpToPrevChange call s:jump_to_prev_change() " Internal functions {{{1 " Functions -> s:start() {{{2 function! s:start() abort let l:path = expand('%:p') if empty(l:path) || &ft == 'help' return endif " New buffer.. add to list. if !has_key(s:active_buffers, l:path) let s:active_buffers[l:path] = 1 " Inactive buffer.. bail out. elseif get(s:active_buffers, l:path) == 0 return endif " Is a diff available? let s:diff = system('git diff --no-ext-diff -U0 '. fnameescape(l:path) .'| grep "^@@ "') if v:shell_error sign unplace * return endif " Set colors only for the first time or when a new colorscheme is set. if !s:colors_set_b call s:set_colors() let s:colors_set_b = 1 endif " Use git's diff cmd to set our signs. call s:process_diff(s:diff) endfunction " Functions -> s:stop() {{{2 function! s:stop() abort sign unplace * aug signify au! * aug END let s:active_buffers[expand('%:p')] = 0 endfunction " Functions -> s:toggle_signify() {{{2 function! s:toggle_signify() abort let l:path = expand('%:p') if has_key(s:active_buffers, l:path) && get(s:active_buffers, l:path) == 1 call s:stop() let s:active_buffers[l:path] = 0 echom 'signify: stopped!' else let s:active_buffers[l:path] = 1 call s:start() echom 'signify: started!' endif endfunction " Functions -> s:set_colors() {{{2 func! s:set_colors() abort if has('gui_running') let guibg = synIDattr(hlID('LineNr'), 'bg', 'gui') if empty(guibg) hi SignifyAdd gui=bold guifg=#11ee11 hi SignifyDelete gui=bold guifg=#ee1111 hi SignifyChange gui=bold guifg=#eeee11 else exe 'hi SignifyAdd gui=bold guifg=#11ee11 guibg='. guibg exe 'hi SignifyDelete gui=bold guifg=#ee1111 guibg='. guibg exe 'hi SignifyChange gui=bold guifg=#eeee11 guibg='. guibg endif else let ctermbg = synIDattr(hlID('LineNr'), 'bg', 'cterm') if empty(ctermbg) hi SignifyAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=2 hi SignifyDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=1 hi SignifyChange cterm=bold ctermfg=3 else exe 'hi SignifyAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=2 ctermbg='. ctermbg exe 'hi SignifyDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=1 ctermbg='. ctermbg exe 'hi SignifyChange cterm=bold ctermfg=3 ctermbg='. ctermbg endif endif endfunc " Functions -> s:process_diff() {{{2 function! s:process_diff(diff) abort sign unplace * let s:id_top = s:id_start " Determine where we have to put our signs. for line in split(a:diff, '\n') " Parse diff output. let tokens = matchlist(line, '\v^\@\@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)') if empty(tokens) echoerr 'signify: Could not parse this line "'. line .'"' endif let [ old_line, old_count, new_line, new_count ] = [ str2nr(tokens[1]), (tokens[2] == '') ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[2]), str2nr(tokens[3]), (tokens[4] == '') ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[4]) ] " A new line was added. if (old_count == 0) && (new_count >= 1) let offset = 0 while offset < new_count exe 'sign place '. s:id_top .' line='. (new_line + offset) .' name=SignifyAdd file='. expand('%:p') let [ offset, s:id_top ] += [ 1, 1 ] endwhile " An old line was removed. elseif (old_count >= 1) && (new_count == 0) exe 'sign place '. s:id_top .' line='. old_line .' name=SignifyDelete file='. expand('%:p') let s:id_top += 1 " A line was changed. else let offset = 0 while offset < new_count exe 'sign place '. s:id_top .' line='. (new_line + offset) .' name=SignifyChange file='. expand('%:p') let [ offset, s:id_top ] += [ 1, 1 ] endwhile endif endfor endfunction " Functions -> s:toggle_line_highlighting() {{{2 function! s:toggle_line_highlighting() abort if s:line_highlight_b sign define SignifyAdd text=+ texthl=SignifyAdd linehl=none sign define SignifyChange text=* texthl=SignifyChange linehl=none sign define SignifyDelete text=- texthl=SignifyDelete linehl=none let s:line_highlight_b = 0 else sign define SignifyAdd text=+ texthl=SignifyAdd linehl=DiffAdd sign define SignifyChange text=* texthl=SignifyChange linehl=DiffChange sign define SignifyDelete text=- texthl=SignifyRemove linehl=DiffDelete let s:line_highlight_b = 1 endif call s:start() endfunction " Functions -> s:jump_to_next_change() {{{2 function! s:jump_to_next_change() exe 'sign jump '. s:id_jump .' file='. expand('%:p') let s:id_jump = ((s:id_jump + 1) == s:id_top) ? (s:id_start) : (s:id_jump + 1) endfunction " Functions -> s:jump_to_prev_change() {{{2 function! s:jump_to_prev_change() exe 'sign jump '. s:id_jump .' file='. expand('%:p') let s:id_jump = (s:id_jump == s:id_start) ? (s:id_top - 1) : (s:id_jump - 1) endfunction