scriptencoding utf-8 if exists('b:autoloaded_sy_repo') finish endif let b:autoloaded_sy_repo = 1 " Init: values {{{1 let s:diffoptions = get(g:, 'signify_diffoptions', {}) if !empty(get(g:, 'signify_difftool')) let s:difftool = g:signify_difftool else if !executable('diff') echomsg 'signify: No diff tool found!' finish endif let s:difftool = 'diff' endif let s:vcs_dict = { \ 'git': 'git', \ 'hg': 'hg', \ 'svn': 'svn', \ 'darcs': 'darcs', \ 'bzr': 'bzr', \ 'fossil': 'fossil', \ 'cvs': 'cvs', \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff', \ 'accurev': 'accurev', \ 'perforce': 'p4' \ } let s:vcs_list = values(filter(s:vcs_dict, 'executable(v:key)')) " Function: #detect {{{1 function! sy#repo#detect(path) abort for type in s:vcs_list let diff = sy#repo#get_diff_{type}(a:path) if !empty(diff) return [ diff, type ] endif endfor return [ '', '' ] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_git {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_git(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'git') ? s:diffoptions.git : '' let diff = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) .' && git diff --no-ext-diff -U0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_stat_git {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_stat_git() abort let s:stats = [] let root = finddir('.git', fnamemodify(g:sy_path, ':h') .';') if empty(root) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'Cannot find the git root directory: '. g:sy_path | echohl None return endif let root = fnamemodify(root, ':h') let output = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(root) .' && git diff --numstat') if v:shell_error echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg "'git diff --numstat' failed" | echohl None return endif for stat in split(output, '\n') let tokens = matchlist(stat, '\v([0-9-]+)\t([0-9-]+)\t(.*)') if empty(tokens) echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg 'Cannot parse this line: '. stat | echohl None elseif tokens[1] == '-' continue else let path = root . sy#util#separator() . tokens[3] if !bufexists(path) execute 'argadd '. path endif call add(s:stats, { 'bufnr': bufnr(path), 'text': tokens[1] .' additions, '. tokens[2] .' deletions', 'lnum': 1, 'col': 1 }) endif endfor "call setqflist(stats) endfunction " Function: #get_diff_hg {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_hg(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'hg') ? s:diffoptions.hg : '' let diff = system('hg diff --nodates -U0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_svn {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_svn(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'svn') ? s:diffoptions.svn : '' let diff = system('svn diff --diff-cmd '. s:difftool .' -x -U0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_bzr {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_bzr(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'bzr') ? s:diffoptions.bzr : '' let diff = system('bzr diff --using '. s:difftool .' --diff-options=-U0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return ((v:shell_error == 0) || (v:shell_error == 1) || (v:shell_error == 2)) ? diff : '' endfunction " Function: #get_diff_darcs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_darcs(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'darcs') ? s:diffoptions.darcs : '' let diff = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) .' && darcs diff --no-pause-for-gui --diff-command="'. s:difftool .' -U0 %1 %2 '. diffoptions .'" -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_fossil {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_fossil(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'fossil') ? s:diffoptions.fossil : '' let diff = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) .' && fossil set diff-command "'. s:difftool .' -U 0" && fossil diff --unified -c 0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_cvs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_cvs(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'cvs') ? s:diffoptions.cvs : '' let diff = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) .' && cvs diff -U0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':t'))) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_rcs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_rcs(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'rcs') ? s:diffoptions.rcs : '' let diff = system('rcsdiff -U0 '. diffoptions .' '. sy#util#escape(a:path) .' 2>/dev/null') return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_accurev {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_accurev(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'accurev') ? s:diffoptions.accurev : '' let diff = system('cd '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) .' && accurev diff '. sy#util#escape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':t')) . ' -- -U0 '. diffoptions) return (v:shell_error != 1) ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #get_diff_perforce {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_perforce(path) abort let diffoptions = has_key(s:diffoptions, 'perforce') ? s:diffoptions.perforce : '' let diff = system('env P4DIFF=diff p4 diff -dU0 '. diffoptions .' -- '. sy#util#escape(a:path)) return v:shell_error ? '' : diff endfunction " Function: #process_diff {{{1 function! sy#repo#process_diff(path, diff) abort let added = 0 let deleted = 0 let modified = 0 " Determine where we have to put our signs. for line in filter(split(a:diff, '\n'), 'v:val =~ "^@@ "') let tokens = matchlist(line, '^@@ -\v(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)') let [ old_line, old_count, new_line, new_count ] = [ str2nr(tokens[1]), empty(tokens[2]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[2]), str2nr(tokens[3]), empty(tokens[4]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[4]) ] let signs = [] " 2 lines added: " @@ -5,0 +6,2 @@ this is line 5 " +this is line 5 " +this is line 5 if (old_count == 0) && (new_count >= 1) let added += new_count let offset = 0 while offset < new_count call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyAdd', 'lnum': new_line + offset, 'path': a:path }) let offset += 1 endwhile " 2 lines removed: " @@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " -this is line 7 elseif (old_count >= 1) && (new_count == 0) let deleted += old_count if new_line == 0 call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyDeleteFirstLine', 'lnum': 1, 'path': a:path }) else call add(signs, { 'type': (old_count > 9) ? 'SignifyDeleteMore' : 'SignifyDelete'. old_count, 'lnum': new_line, 'path': a:path }) endif " 2 lines changed: " @@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " +this os line 5 " +this os line 6 elseif old_count == new_count let modified += old_count let offset = 0 while offset < new_count call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyChange', 'lnum': new_line + offset, 'path': a:path }) let offset += 1 endwhile else " 2 lines changed; 2 lines deleted: " @@ -5,4 +5,2 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " -this is line 7 " -this is line 8 " +this os line 5 " +this os line 6 if old_count > new_count let modified += new_count let deleted += (old_count - new_count) let offset = 0 while offset < (new_count - 1) call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyChange', 'lnum': new_line + offset, 'path': a:path }) let offset += 1 endwhile let deleted += (old_count - new_count) call add(signs, { 'type': (deleted > 9) ? 'SignifyChangeDeleteMore' : 'SignifyChangeDelete'. deleted, 'lnum': new_line, 'path': a:path }) " lines changed and added: " @@ -5 +5,3 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " +this os line 5 " +this is line 42 " +this is line 666 else let modified += old_count let added += (new_count - old_count) let offset = 0 while offset < old_count call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyChange', 'lnum': new_line + offset, 'path': a:path }) let offset += 1 endwhile while offset < new_count call add(signs, { 'type': 'SignifyAdd', 'lnum': new_line + offset, 'path': a:path }) let offset += 1 endwhile endif endif call sy#sign#set(signs) endfor let g:sy[g:sy_path].stats = [added, modified, deleted] endfunction " Function: #get_stats {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_stats() abort if !exists('g:sy_path') || !has_key(g:sy, g:sy_path) return [-1, -1, -1] endif return g:sy[g:sy_path].stats endfunction " vim: et sw=2 sts=2