" vim: et sw=2 sts=2 scriptencoding utf-8 " Function: #escape {{{1 function! sy#util#escape(path) abort if exists('+shellslash') let old_ssl = &shellslash if fnamemodify(&shell, ':t') == 'cmd.exe' set noshellslash else set shellslash endif endif let path = shellescape(a:path) if exists('old_ssl') let &shellslash = old_ssl endif return path endfunction " Function: #refresh_windows {{{1 function! sy#util#refresh_windows() abort if exists('*win_getid') let winid = win_getid() else let winnr = winnr() endif if !get(g:, 'signify_cmdwin_active') keepjumps windo if exists('b:sy') | call sy#start() | endif endif if exists('winid') call win_gotoid(winid) else execute winnr .'wincmd w' endif endfunction " Function: #hunk_text_object {{{1 function! sy#util#hunk_text_object(emptylines) abort execute sy#util#return_if_no_changes() let lnum = line('.') let hunks = filter(copy(b:sy.hunks), 'v:val.start <= lnum && v:val.end >= lnum') if empty(hunks) echomsg 'signify: Here is no hunk.' return endif execute hunks[0].start normal! V if a:emptylines let lnum = hunks[0].end while getline(lnum+1) =~ '^$' let lnum += 1 endwhile execute lnum else execute hunks[0].end endif endfunction " Function: #shell_redirect {{{1 function! sy#util#shell_redirect(path) abort " if shellredir contains a %s it is replaced with the path " otherwise, just append it (from :help shellredir: " The name of the temporary file can be represented by '%s' if necessary " (the file name is appended automatically if no %s appears in the value " of this option) if &shellredir =~# '%s' return substitute(&shellredir, '\C%s', a:path, 'g') else return &shellredir .' '. a:path endif endfunction " Function: #chdir {{{1 function! sy#util#chdir() abort let chdir = haslocaldir() \ ? 'lcd' \ : (exists(':tcd') && haslocaldir(-1, 0)) ? 'tcd' : 'cd' return [getcwd(), chdir] endfunction " Function: #has_changes {{{1 function! sy#util#return_if_no_changes() abort if !exists('b:sy') || empty(b:sy.hunks) echomsg 'signify: There are no changes.' return 'return' endif return '' endfunction " Function: #execute {{{1 function! sy#util#execute(cmd) abort let lang = v:lang redir => output silent! execute a:cmd redir END silent! execute 'language message' lang return output endfunction let s:popup_window = 0 " Function: #popup_close {{{1 function! sy#util#popup_close() abort if s:popup_window call nvim_win_close(s:popup_window, 1) let s:popup_window = 0 endif endfunction " Function: #popup_create {{{1 function! sy#util#popup_create(hunkdiff) abort let max_height = winheight('%') - winline() let height = len(filter(a:hunkdiff, {_,v -> !empty(v)})) let height = (height > max_height) ? max_height : height let offset = s:offset() if exists('*nvim_open_win') call sy#util#popup_close() let buf = nvim_create_buf(0, 1) call nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'syntax', 'diff') call nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, 0, a:hunkdiff) let s:popup_window = nvim_open_win(buf, v:false, { \ 'relative': 'win', \ 'row': winline(), \ 'col': offset - 1, \ 'width': winwidth('%') - offset + 1, \ 'height': height, \ }) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'cursorline', v:false) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'foldcolumn', 0) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'foldenable', v:false) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'number', v:false) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'relativenumber', v:false) call nvim_win_set_option(s:popup_window, 'wrap', v:true) autocmd CursorMoved * ++once call sy#util#popup_close() elseif exists('*popup_create') let s:popup_window = popup_create(a:hunkdiff, { \ 'line': 'cursor+1', \ 'col': offset, \ 'minwidth': winwidth('%'), \ 'maxheight': height, \ 'moved': 'any', \ 'zindex': 1000, \ }) call setbufvar(winbufnr(s:popup_window), '&syntax', 'diff') else return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " Function: s:offset {{{1 function! s:offset() abort let offset = &foldcolumn let offset += 2 " FIXME: Find better way to calculate the sign column width. if &number let l = len(line('$')) + 1 let offset += (&numberwidth > l) ? &numberwidth : l elseif &relativenumber let l = len(winheight('%')) + 1 let offset += (&numberwidth > l) ? &numberwidth : l endif return offset endfunction