" vim: et sw=2 sts=2 scriptencoding utf-8 " Init: values {{{1 let s:difftool = get(g:, 'signify_difftool', 'diff') if executable(s:difftool) let s:vcs_dict = { \ 'git': 'git', \ 'hg': 'hg', \ 'svn': 'svn', \ 'darcs': 'darcs', \ 'bzr': 'bzr', \ 'fossil': 'fossil', \ 'cvs': 'cvs', \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff', \ 'accurev': 'accurev', \ 'perforce': 'p4' \ } else echomsg 'signify: No diff tool found -> no support for svn, darcs, bzr, fossil.' let s:vcs_dict = { \ 'git': 'git', \ 'hg': 'hg', \ 'cvs': 'cvs', \ 'rcs': 'rcsdiff', \ 'accurev': 'accurev', \ 'perforce': 'p4' \ } endif let s:vcs_list = get(g:, 'signify_vcs_list', []) if empty(s:vcs_list) let s:vcs_list = keys(filter(s:vcs_dict, 'executable(v:val)')) endif " Function: #detect {{{1 function! sy#repo#detect() abort let s:info = { \ 'chdir': haslocaldir() ? 'lcd' : 'cd', \ 'cwd': getcwd(), \ 'dir': fnamemodify(b:sy.path, ':p:h'), \ 'path': s:escape(b:sy.path), \ 'file': s:escape(fnamemodify(b:sy.path, ':t')), \ 'difftool': s:escape(s:difftool), \ 'devnull': s:devnull(), \ } let vcs_list = s:vcs_list " Simple cache. If there is a registered VCS-controlled file in this " directory already, assume that this file is probably controlled by " the same VCS. Thus we shuffle that VCS to the top of our copy of " s:vcs_list, so we don't affect the preference order of s:vcs_list. if has_key(g:sy_cache, s:info.dir) let vcs_list = [g:sy_cache[s:info.dir]] + \ filter(copy(s:vcs_list), 'v:val != "'. g:sy_cache[s:info.dir] .'"') endif for type in vcs_list let [istype, diff] = sy#repo#get_diff_{type}() if istype return [diff, type] endif endfor return ['', 'unknown'] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_git {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_git() abort let diff = s:run('git diff --no-color --no-ext-diff -U0 -- %f', \ s:info.file, 1) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_hg {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_hg() abort let diff = s:run('hg diff --config extensions.color=! --config defaults.diff= --nodates -U0 -- %f', \ s:info.path, 1) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_svn {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_svn() abort let diff = s:run('svn diff --diff-cmd %d -x -U0 -- %f', \ s:info.path, 0) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_bzr {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_bzr() abort let diff = s:run('bzr diff --using %d --diff-options=-U0 -- %f', \ s:info.path, 0) return (v:shell_error =~ '[012]') ? [1, diff] : [0, ''] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_darcs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_darcs() abort let diff = s:run('darcs diff --no-pause-for-gui --diff-command="%d -U0 %1 %2" -- %f', \ s:info.path, 1) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_fossil {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_fossil() abort let diff = s:run('fossil set diff-command "%d -U 0" && fossil diff --unified -c 0 -- %f', \ s:info.path, 1) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_cvs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_cvs() abort let diff = s:run('cvs diff -U0 -- %f', s:info.file, 1) return ((v:shell_error == 1) && (diff =~ '+++')) ? [1, diff] : [0, ''] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_rcs {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_rcs() abort let diff = s:run('rcsdiff -U0 %f 2>/dev/null', s:info.path, 0) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_accurev {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_accurev() abort let diff = s:run('accurev diff %f -- -U0', s:info.file, 1) return (v:shell_error != 1) ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_diff_perforce {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_diff_perforce() abort let diff = s:run('p4 info 2>&1 >%n && env P4DIFF=diff p4 diff -dU0 %f', \ s:info.path, 0) return v:shell_error ? [0, ''] : [1, diff] endfunction " Function: #get_stats {{{1 function! sy#repo#get_stats() abort if !exists('b:sy') || !has_key(b:sy, 'stats') return [-1, -1, -1] endif return b:sy.stats endfunction " Function: s:devnull {{{1 function! s:devnull() abort return has('win32') || has ('win64') ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null' endfunction " Function: s:escape {{{1 function! s:escape(path) abort if exists('+shellslash') let old_ssl = &shellslash if fnamemodify(&shell, ':t') == 'cmd.exe' set noshellslash else set shellslash endif endif let path = shellescape(a:path) if exists('old_ssl') let &shellslash = old_ssl endif return path endfunction " Function: s:run {{{1 function! s:run(cmd, path, do_switch_dir) abort let cmd = substitute(a:cmd, '%f', a:path, '') let cmd = substitute(cmd, '%d', s:info.difftool, '') let cmd = substitute(cmd, '%n', s:info.devnull, '') if a:do_switch_dir try execute s:info.chdir fnameescape(s:info.dir) let ret = system(cmd) finally execute s:info.chdir fnameescape(s:info.cwd) endtry return ret endif return system(cmd) endfunction