" vim: et sw=2 sts=2 scriptencoding utf-8 " Init: values {{{1 let s:sign_show_count = get(g:, 'signify_sign_show_count', 1) let s:sign_delete = get(g:, 'signify_sign_delete', '_') let s:delete_highlight = ['', 'SignifyLineDelete'] " Function: #get_next_id {{{1 function! sy#sign#get_next_id() abort let tmp = g:id_top let g:id_top += 1 return tmp endfunction " Function: #get_current_signs {{{1 function! sy#sign#get_current_signs() abort let b:sy.internal = {} let b:sy.external = {} let lang = v:lang language message C redir => signlist silent! execute 'sign place buffer='. b:sy.buffer redir END silent! execute 'language message' lang for signline in split(signlist, '\n')[2:] let tokens = matchlist(signline, '\v^\s+line\=(\d+)\s+id\=(\d+)\s+name\=(.*)$') let line = str2nr(tokens[1]) let id = str2nr(tokens[2]) let type = tokens[3] if type =~# '^Signify' " Handle ambiguous signs. Assume you have signs on line 3 and 4. " Removing line 3 would lead to the second sign to be shifted up " to line 3. Now there are still 2 signs, both one line 3. if has_key(b:sy.internal, line) execute 'sign unplace' b:sy.internal[line].id endif let b:sy.internal[line] = { 'type': type, 'id': id } else let b:sy.external[line] = id endif endfor endfunction " Function: #process_diff {{{1 function! sy#sign#process_diff(diff) abort let b:sy.signtable = {} let b:sy.hunks = [] let [added, modified, deleted] = [0, 0, 0] call sy#sign#get_current_signs() " Determine where we have to put our signs. for line in filter(split(a:diff, '\n'), 'v:val =~ "^@@ "') let b:sy.lines = [] let ids = [] let tokens = matchlist(line, '^@@ -\v(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)') let old_line = str2nr(tokens[1]) let new_line = str2nr(tokens[3]) let old_count = empty(tokens[2]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[2]) let new_count = empty(tokens[4]) ? 1 : str2nr(tokens[4]) " 2 lines added: " @@ -5,0 +6,2 @@ this is line 5 " +this is line 5 " +this is line 5 if (old_count == 0) && (new_count >= 1) let added += new_count let offset = 0 while offset < new_count let line = new_line + offset let offset += 1 if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, 'SignifyAdd')) endwhile " 2 lines removed: " @@ -6,2 +5,0 @@ this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " -this is line 7 elseif (old_count >= 1) && (new_count == 0) if s:external_sign_present(new_line) | continue | endif let deleted += old_count if new_line == 0 call add(ids, s:add_sign(1, 'SignifyRemoveFirstLine')) elseif s:sign_show_count if old_count <= 99 let text = substitute(s:sign_delete . old_count, '.*\ze..$', '', '') else let text = s:sign_delete .'>' endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(new_line, 'SignifyDelete'. old_count, text)) else call add(ids, s:add_sign(new_line, 'SignifyDeleteMore', s:sign_delete)) endif " 2 lines changed: " @@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " +this os line 5 " +this os line 6 elseif old_count == new_count let modified += old_count let offset = 0 while offset < new_count let line = new_line + offset let offset += 1 if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, 'SignifyChange')) endwhile else " 2 lines changed; 2 lines removed: " @@ -5,4 +5,2 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " -this is line 6 " -this is line 7 " -this is line 8 " +this os line 5 " +this os line 6 if old_count > new_count let modified += new_count let removed = old_count - new_count let deleted += removed let offset = 0 while offset < new_count - 1 let line = new_line + offset let offset += 1 if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, 'SignifyChange')) endwhile let line = new_line + offset if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, (removed > 9) ? 'SignifyChangeDeleteMore' : 'SignifyChangeDelete'. removed)) " lines changed and added: " @@ -5 +5,3 @@ this is line 4 " -this is line 5 " +this os line 5 " +this is line 42 " +this is line 666 else let modified += old_count let offset = 0 while offset < old_count let line = new_line + offset let offset += 1 if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, 'SignifyChange')) let added += 1 endwhile while offset < new_count let line = new_line + offset let offset += 1 if s:external_sign_present(line) | continue | endif call add(ids, s:add_sign(line, 'SignifyAdd')) endwhile endif endif if !empty(ids) call add(b:sy.hunks, { \ 'ids' : ids, \ 'start': b:sy.lines[0], \ 'end' : b:sy.lines[-1] }) endif endfor " Remove obsoleted signs. for line in filter(keys(b:sy.internal), '!has_key(b:sy.signtable, v:val)') execute 'sign unplace' b:sy.internal[line].id endfor let b:sy.stats = [added, modified, deleted] endfunction " Function: #remove_all_signs {{{1 function! sy#sign#remove_all_signs(bufnr) abort let sy = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'sy') for hunk in sy.hunks for id in hunk.ids execute 'sign unplace' id endfor endfor let sy.hunks = [] endfunction " Function: s:add_sign {{{1 function! s:add_sign(line, type, ...) abort call add(b:sy.lines, a:line) let b:sy.signtable[a:line] = 1 if has_key(b:sy.internal, a:line) " There is a sign on this line already. if a:type == b:sy.internal[a:line].type " Keep current sign since the new one is of the same type. return b:sy.internal[a:line].id else " Update sign by overwriting the ID of the current sign. let id = b:sy.internal[a:line].id endif endif if !exists('id') let id = sy#sign#get_next_id() endif if a:type =~# 'SignifyDelete' execute printf('sign define %s text=%s texthl=SignifySignDelete linehl=%s', \ a:type, \ a:1, \ s:delete_highlight[g:signify_line_highlight]) endif execute printf('sign place %d line=%d name=%s buffer=%s', \ id, \ a:line, \ a:type, \ b:sy.buffer) return id endfunction " Function: s:external_sign_present {{{1 function! s:external_sign_present(line) abort if has_key(b:sy.external, a:line) if has_key(b:sy.internal, a:line) " Remove Sy signs from lines with other signs. execute 'sign unplace' b:sy.internal[a:line].id endif return 1 endif endfunction