On Unix, many people use P4DIFF=colordiff to get colored diff output with `p4
diff`. But our diff parser doesn't expect these escape sequences used for
We now simply use empty $P4DIFF and $P4COLORS to be on the safe side.
36c7d22a69 (commitcomment-29924066)
By default Sy only updates signs when opening or writing a buffer that is backed
by a file on disk.
If that's too conservative to you, enable this option. It makes Sy update signs
on almost every occasion.
Before Vim 8.0.50, an exited job was only detected with a potentially huge
Thus, for versions smaller than 8.0.50, we add a close_cb callback that runs
job_status() which in return runs the exit_cb callback immeditely if the job was
found to be dead.
Vim patch:
References: #216.
This makes all Signify signs use a non-breaking space as text. This is
convenient if only the background colors of the signs are important.
References #188.
The <nomodeline> flag for :doautocmd was implemented in 7.3.438. Certain
LTS distros, e.g. Ubuntu 12.04, come with even older Vim versions,
Silently ignore the flag in such cases.
Closes https://github.com/mhinz/vim-signify/issues/185
This merge removes g:signify_diffoptions and replaces it by the much more
general g:signify_vcs_commands. Users can customize the entire command to be
run now.
I wanted to be able to customize signify in a way that wasn't possible
with the current set of options. This commit adds 2 new options and 2
new highlight groups.
Specifically, we can now
1. differentiate between changes, deletes AND signs that have both
with the `signify_sign_changedelete` option.
2. disable showing the number of deleted lines in the sign column with
the `signify_sign_delete_use_count` option.
3. highlight lines with changes and deletes specifically with the
`SignifySignChangeDelete` highlight group.
4. highlight the first line differently with the
`SignifySignDeleteFirstLine` highlight group.
All of these default to existing settings/highlight groups, so
everything should continue working the way it does now.
For those that are curious, I wanted to configure signify to show no
symbols in the sign column, and to just use the highlight groups to give
me all the information I needed. I am able to achieve that now with the
following settings and the Solarized colorscheme:
let g:signify_sign_add = "\<Char-0xa0>\<Char-0xa0>"
let g:signify_sign_change = "\<Char-0xa0>\<Char-0xa0>"
let g:signify_sign_changedelete = "__"
let g:signify_sign_delete = "__"
let g:signify_sign_delete_first_line = "‾‾"
let g:signify_sign_delete_use_count = 0
hi SignifySignDelete term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=1 ctermbg=12
hi SignifySignDeleteFirstLine ctermfg=1 ctermbg=12
hi SignifySignChangeDelete term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=1 ctermbg=3
You can see it in action here: