2014-04-15 01:23:13 +02:00

19 lines
790 B

" Language: CoffeeScript
" Maintainer: Mick Koch <kchmck@gmail.com>
" URL: http://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script
" License: WTFPL
" Syntax highlighting for text/coffeescript script tags
syn include @htmlCoffeeScript syntax/coffee.vim
syn region coffeeScript start=#<script [^>]*type="text/coffeescript"[^>]*>#
\ end=#</script>#me=s-1 keepend
\ contains=@htmlCoffeeScript,htmlScriptTag,@htmlPreproc
\ containedin=htmlHead
" Language: Colorful CSS Color Preview
" Author: Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagaltzis@gmx.de>
if !( has('gui_running') || &t_Co==256 ) | finish | endif
" default html syntax should already be including the css syntax
syn cluster colorableGroup add=htmlString,htmlCommentPart