148 lines
6.9 KiB
148 lines
6.9 KiB
if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'carp') == -1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Carp
" Maintainer: Veit Heller <veit@veitheller.de>
" URL: http://github.com/hellerve/carp-vim.git
" Description: Contains all of the keywords in #lang carp
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match carpError ,[]})],
if version < 600
set iskeyword=33,35-39,42-43,45-58,60-63,65-90,94,95,97-122,124,126,_
setlocal iskeyword=33,35-39,42-43,45-58,60-63,65-90,94,95,97-122,124,126,_
syn keyword carpSyntax def defn let do if while ref address set! the
syn keyword carpSyntax defmacro defdynamic quote cons list array fn
syn keyword carpSyntax expand deftype register system-include register-type
syn keyword carpSyntax defmodule copy use module defalias definterface eval
syn keyword carpSyntax expand instantiate type info help quit env build run
syn keyword carpSyntax cat project-set! local-include
syn keyword carpSyntax add-cflag add-lib project load reload let-do ignore
syn keyword carpSyntax fmt mac-only linux-only windows-only use-all when
syn keyword carpSyntax unless defn-do comment forever-do case and* or*
syn keyword carpSyntax str* println* break doc sig hidden private
syn match carpSyntax "\vc(a|d){1,4}r"
syn keyword carpFunc Int Float Double Bool String Char Array Fn Ref Long λ
syn keyword carpFunc Pattern
syn keyword carpFunc not or and + - * / = /= >= <= > < inc dec
syn keyword carpFunc println print get-line from-string mod random
syn keyword carpFunc random-between str mask delete append length duplicate
syn keyword carpFunc cstr chars from-chars to-int from-int sin cos sqrt acos
syn keyword carpFunc atan2 exit time seed-random for cond floor abs sort-with
syn keyword carpFunc subarray prefix-array suffix-array reverse sum min max
syn keyword carpFunc first last reduce format zero read-file bit-shift-left
syn keyword carpFunc bit-shift-right bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-not safe-add
syn keyword carpFunc safe-sub safe-mul even? odd? cmp allocate repeat-indexed
syn keyword carpFunc sanitize-addresses memory-balance reset-memory-balance!
syn keyword carpFunc log-memory-balance! memory-logged assert-balanced trace
syn keyword carpFunc pi e swap! update! char-at tail head split-by words lines
syn keyword carpFunc pad-left pad-right count-char empty? random-sized substring
syn keyword carpFunc prefix-string suffix-string starts-with? ends-with?
syn keyword carpFunc string-join free sleep-seconds sleep-micros substitute
syn keyword carpFunc neg to-float match matches? find global-match match-str
syn keyword carpFunc from-float tan asin atan cosh sinh tanh exp frexp ldexp
syn keyword carpFunc log log10 modf pow ceil clamp approx refstr foreach
syn keyword carpFunc => ==> repeat nth replicate range raw aset aset!
syn keyword carpFunc push-back pop-back sort index-of element-count
syn match carpSymbol ,\k+, contained
syn match carpTodo /\v<(FIXME|NOTE|TODO|OPTIMIZE)/ containedin=carpComment,carpString
syn cluster carpNormal contains=carpSyntax,carpFunc,carpDelimiter
syn cluster carpQuotedStuff contains=carpSymbol
syn cluster carpQuotedOrNormal contains=carpDelimiter
syn region carpQuotedStruc start="@("rs=s+2 end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal contained
syn region carpQuotedStruc start="&("rs=s+2 end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal contained
syn region carpQuotedStruc start="("rs=s+1 end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal contained
syn region carpQuotedStruc start="{"rs=s+1 end="}"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal contained
syn region carpQuotedStruc start="\["rs=s+1 end="\]"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal contained
syn cluster carpQuotedStuff add=carpQuotedStruc
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="@("rs=s+2 matchgroup=Delimiter end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="&("rs=s+2 matchgroup=Delimiter end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="&"rs=s+1 end=![ \t()\[\]";]!me=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="@"rs=s+1 end=![ \t()\[\]";]!me=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="("rs=s+1 matchgroup=Delimiter end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="{"rs=s+1 matchgroup=Delimiter end="}"re=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpStruc matchgroup=Delimiter start="\["rs=s+1 matchgroup=Delimiter end="\]"re=e-1 contains=@carpNormal
syn region carpString start=/\%(\\\)\@<!"/ skip=/\\[\\"]/ end=/"/
syn region carpPattern start=/\%(\\\)\@<!\#"/ skip=/\\[\\"]/ end=/"/
syn cluster carpNormal add=carpError,carpStruc,carpString,carpPattern
syn cluster carpQuotedOrNormal add=carpString
syn match carpNumber "\<[-+]\?\(\d\+\|\d\+#*\.\|\d*\.\d\+\)#*\(/\d\+#*\)\?[lf]\?\>" contains=carpContainedNumberError
syn match carpNumber "\<[-+]\?\d\+/\d\+[lf]\?\>" contains=carpContainedNumberError
syn keyword carpBoolean true false
syn match carpChar "\<\\.\w\@!"
syn region carpQuoted matchgroup=Delimiter start="['`]" end=![ \t()\[\]";]!me=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal
syn region carpQuoted matchgroup=Delimiter start="['`](" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal
syn cluster carpNormal add=carpNumber,carpBoolean,carpChar
syn cluster carpQuotedOrNormal add=carpNumber,carpBoolean
syn match carpComment /;.*$/ contains=@Spell
syn region carpQuoted matchgroup=Delimiter start="#['`]"rs=s+2 end=![ \t()\[\]";]!re=e-1,me=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal
syn region carpQuoted matchgroup=Delimiter start="#['`]("rs=s+3 matchgroup=Delimiter end=")"re=e-1 contains=@carpQuotedStuff,@carpQuotedOrNormal
syn cluster carpNormal add=carpQuoted,carpComment
syn cluster carpQuotedOrNormal add=carpComment
syn sync match matchPlace grouphere NONE "^[^ \t]"
if version >= 508 || !exists("carp_syntax_init")
if version < 508
let carp_syntax_init = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink carpSyntax Statement
HiLink carpFunc Function
HiLink carpCopy Function
HiLink carpString String
HiLink carpPattern String
HiLink carpChar Character
HiLink carpBoolean Boolean
HiLink carpNumber Number
HiLink carpNumberError Error
HiLink carpContainedNumberError Error
HiLink carpQuoted Structure
HiLink carpQuotedStruc Structure
HiLink carpSymbol Structure
HiLink carpAtom Structure
HiLink carpDelimiter Delimiter
HiLink carpConstant Constant
HiLink carpTodo Todo
HiLink carpComment Comment
HiLink carpError Error
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "carp"