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" PDV (phpDocumentor for Vim)
" ===========================
" Version: 1.1.3
" Copyright 2005 by Tobias Schlitt <toby@php.net>
" Inspired by phpDoc script for Vim by Vidyut Luther (http://www.phpcult.com/).
" modified by kevin olson (acidjazz@gmail.com) - 03/19/2009
" - added folding support
" Provided under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).
" This script provides functions to generate phpDocumentor conform
" documentation blocks for your PHP code. The script currently
" documents:
" - Classes
" - Methods/Functions
" - Attributes
" All of those supporting all PHP 4 and 5 syntax elements.
" Beside that it allows you to define default values for phpDocumentor tags
" like @version (I use $id$ here), @author, @license and so on.
" For function/method parameters and attributes, the script tries to guess the
" type as good as possible from PHP5 type hints or default values (array, bool,
" int, string...).
" You can use this script by mapping the function PhpDoc() to any
" key combination. Hit this on the line where the element to document
" resides and the doc block will be created directly above that line.
" Installation
" ============
" For example include into your .vimrc:
" source ~/.vim/php-doc.vim
" imap <C-o> :set paste<CR>:call PhpDoc()<CR>:set nopaste<CR>i
" This includes the script and maps the combination <ctrl>+o (only in
" insert mode) to the doc function.
" Changelog
" =========
" Version 1.0.0
" -------------
" * Created the initial version of this script while playing around with VIM
" scripting the first time and trying to fix Vidyut's solution, which
" resulted in a complete rewrite.
" Version 1.0.1
" -------------
" * Fixed issues when using tabs instead of spaces.
" * Fixed some parsing bugs when using a different coding style.
" * Fixed bug with call-by-reference parameters.
" * ATTENTION: This version already has code for the next version 1.1.0,
" which is propably not working!
" Version 1.1.0 (preview)
" -------------
" * Added foldmarker generation.
" Version 1.1.2
" -------------
" * Completed foldmarker commenting for functions
if has ("user_commands")
" {{{ Globals
" After phpDoc standard
let g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead = "/**"
let g:pdv_cfg_Comment1 = " * "
let g:pdv_cfg_Commentn = " * "
let g:pdv_cfg_CommentTail = " */"
let g:pdv_cfg_CommentEnd = "/* }}} */"
let g:pdv_cfg_CommentSingle = "//"
" Default values
let g:pdv_cfg_Type = "mixed"
" let g:pdv_cfg_Package = "Framework"
let g:pdv_cfg_Package = "Webdav"
let g:pdv_cfg_Version = "//autogen//"
let g:pdv_cfg_Author = ""
let g:pdv_cfg_Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2010 All rights reserved."
let g:pdv_cfg_License = "PHP Version 3.0 {@link http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt}"
let g:pdv_cfg_ReturnVal = "void"
" Whether to create @uses tags for implementation of interfaces and inheritance
let g:pdv_cfg_Uses = 1
" Options
" :set paste before documenting (1|0)? Recommended.
let g:pdv_cfg_paste = 1
" Whether for PHP5 code PHP4 tags should be set, like @access,... (1|0)?
let g:pdv_cfg_php4always = 1
" Whether to guess scopes after PEAR coding standards:
" $_foo/_bar() == <private|protected> (1|0)?
let g:pdv_cfg_php4guess = 1
" If you selected 1 for the last value, this scope identifier will be used for
" the identifiers having an _ in the first place.
let g:pdv_cfg_php4guessval = "protected"
" Regular expressions
let g:pdv_re_comment = ' *\*/ *'
" (private|protected|public)
let g:pdv_re_scope = '\(private\|protected\|public\)'
" (static)
let g:pdv_re_static = '\(static\)'
" (abstract)
let g:pdv_re_abstract = '\(abstract\)'
" (final)
let g:pdv_re_final = '\(final\)'
" [:space:]*(private|protected|public|static|abstract)*[:space:]+[:identifier:]+\([:params:]\)
let g:pdv_re_func = '^\s*\([a-zA-Z ]*\)function\s\+\([^ (]\+\)\s*(\s*\(.*\)\s*)\s*[{;]\?$'
let g:pdv_re_funcend = '^\s*}$'
" [:typehint:]*[:space:]*$[:identifier]\([:space:]*=[:space:]*[:value:]\)?
let g:pdv_re_param = ' *\([^ &]*\) *&\?\$\([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\) *=\? *\(.*\)\?$'
" [:space:]*(private|protected|public\)[:space:]*$[:identifier:]+\([:space:]*=[:space:]*[:value:]+\)*;
let g:pdv_re_attribute = '^\s*\(\(private\|public\|protected\|var\|static\)\+\)\s*\$\([^ ;=]\+\)[ =]*\(.*\);\?$'
" [:spacce:]*(abstract|final|)[:space:]*(class|interface)+[:space:]+\(extends ([:identifier:])\)?[:space:]*\(implements ([:identifier:][, ]*)+\)?
let g:pdv_re_class = '^\s*\([a-zA-Z]*\)\s*\(interface\|class\)\s*\([^ ]\+\)\s*\(extends\)\?\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\?\s*\(implements*\)\? *\([a-zA-Z0-9_ ,]*\)\?.*$'
let g:pdv_re_array = "^array *(.*"
let g:pdv_re_float = '^[0-9.]\+'
let g:pdv_re_int = '^[0-9]\+$'
let g:pdv_re_string = "['\"].*"
let g:pdv_re_bool = "[true false]"
let g:pdv_re_indent = '^\s*'
" Shortcuts for editing the text:
let g:pdv_cfg_BOL = "norm! o"
let g:pdv_cfg_EOL = ""
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocSingle()
" Document a single line of code ( does not check if doc block already exists )
func! PhpDocSingle()
let l:endline = line(".") + 1
call PhpDoc()
exe "norm! " . l:endline . "G$"
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocRange()
" Documents a whole range of code lines ( does not add defualt doc block to
" unknown types of lines ). Skips elements where a docblock is already
" present.
func! PhpDocRange() range
let l:line = a:firstline
let l:endLine = a:lastline
let l:elementName = ""
while l:line <= l:endLine
" TODO: Replace regex check for existing doc with check more lines
" above...
if (getline(l:line) =~ g:pdv_re_func || getline(l:line) =~ g:pdv_re_attribute || getline(l:line) =~ g:pdv_re_class) && getline(l:line - 1) !~ g:pdv_re_comment
let l:docLines = 0
" Ensure we are on the correct line to run PhpDoc()
exe "norm! " . l:line . "G$"
" No matter what, this returns the element name
let l:elementName = PhpDoc()
let l:endLine = l:endLine + (line(".") - l:line) + 1
let l:line = line(".") + 1
let l:line = l:line + 1
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocFold()
" func! PhpDocFold(name)
" let l:startline = line(".")
" let l:currentLine = l:startLine
" let l:commentHead = escape(g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead, "*.");
" let l:txtBOL = g:pdv_cfg_BOL . matchstr(l:name, '^\s*')
" " Search above for comment start
" while (l:currentLine > 1)
" if (matchstr(l:commentHead, getline(l:currentLine)))
" break;
" endif
" let l:currentLine = l:currentLine + 1
" endwhile
" " Goto 1 line above and open a newline
" exe "norm! " . (l:currentLine - 1) . "Go\<ESC>"
" " Write the fold comment
" exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentSingle . " {"."{{ " . a:name . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" " Add another newline below that
" exe "norm! o\<ESC>"
" " Search for our comment line
" let l:currentLine = line(".")
" while (l:currentLine <= line("$"))
" " HERE!!!!
" endwhile
" endfunc
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDoc()
func! PhpDoc()
" Needed for my .vimrc: Switch off all other enhancements while generating docs
let l:paste = &g:paste
let &g:paste = g:pdv_cfg_paste == 1 ? 1 : &g:paste
let l:line = getline(".")
let l:result = ""
if l:line =~ g:pdv_re_func
let l:result = PhpDocFunc()
elseif l:line =~ g:pdv_re_funcend
let l:result = PhpDocFuncEnd()
elseif l:line =~ g:pdv_re_attribute
let l:result = PhpDocVar()
elseif l:line =~ g:pdv_re_class
let l:result = PhpDocClass()
let l:result = PhpDocDefault()
" if g:pdv_cfg_folds == 1
" PhpDocFolds(l:result)
" endif
let &g:paste = l:paste
return l:result
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocFuncEnd()
func! PhpDocFuncEnd()
call append(line('.'), matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*') . g:pdv_cfg_CommentEnd)
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocFuncEndAuto()
func! PhpDocFuncEndAuto()
call search('{')
call searchpair('{', '', '}')
call append(line('.'), matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*') . g:pdv_cfg_CommentEnd)
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocFunc()
func! PhpDocFunc()
" Line for the comment to begin
let commentline = line (".") - 1
let l:name = substitute (getline ("."), '^\(.*\)\/\/.*$', '\1', "")
"exe g:pdv_cfg_BOL . "DEBUG:" . name. g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" First some things to make it more easy for us:
" tab -> space && space+ -> space
" let l:name = substitute (l:name, '\t', ' ', "")
" Orphan. We're now using \s everywhere...
" Now we have to split DECL in three parts:
" \[(skopemodifier\)]\(funcname\)\(parameters\)
let l:indent = matchstr(l:name, g:pdv_re_indent)
let l:modifier = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_func, '\1', "g")
let l:funcname = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_func, '\2', "g")
let l:parameters = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_func, '\3', "g") . ","
let l:params = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_func, '\3', "g")
let l:sparams = substitute (l:params, '[$ ]', '', "g")
let l:scope = PhpDocScope(l:modifier, l:funcname)
let l:static = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_static) : ""
let l:abstract = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_abstract) : ""
let l:final = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_final) : ""
exe "norm! " . commentline . "G$"
" Local indent
let l:txtBOL = g:pdv_cfg_BOL . l:indent
exec l:txtBOL . "/* " . l:scope ." ". funcname . "(" . l:params . ") {{" . "{ */ " . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" added folding
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Comment1 . funcname . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
while (l:parameters != ",") && (l:parameters != "")
" Save 1st parameter
let _p = substitute (l:parameters, '\([^,]*\) *, *\(.*\)', '\1', "")
" Remove this one from list
let l:parameters = substitute (l:parameters, '\([^,]*\) *, *\(.*\)', '\2', "")
" PHP5 type hint?
let l:paramtype = substitute (_p, g:pdv_re_param, '\1', "")
" Parameter name
let l:paramname = substitute (_p, g:pdv_re_param, '\2', "")
" Parameter default
let l:paramdefault = substitute (_p, g:pdv_re_param, '\3', "")
if l:paramtype == ""
let l:paramtype = PhpDocType(l:paramdefault)
if l:paramtype != ""
let l:paramtype = " " . l:paramtype
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@param" . l:paramtype . " $" . l:paramname . " " . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:static != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@static" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:abstract != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@abstract" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:final != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@final" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:scope != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@access " . l:scope . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@return " . g:pdv_cfg_ReturnVal . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" Close the comment block.
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentTail . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
return l:modifier ." ". l:funcname . PhpDocFuncEndAuto()
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocVar()
func! PhpDocVar()
" Line for the comment to begin
let commentline = line (".") - 1
let l:name = substitute (getline ("."), '^\(.*\)\/\/.*$', '\1', "")
" Now we have to split DECL in three parts:
" \[(skopemodifier\)]\(funcname\)\(parameters\)
" let l:name = substitute (l:name, '\t', ' ', "")
" Orphan. We're now using \s everywhere...
let l:indent = matchstr(l:name, g:pdv_re_indent)
let l:modifier = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_attribute, '\1', "g")
let l:varname = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_attribute, '\3', "g")
let l:default = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_attribute, '\4', "g")
let l:scope = PhpDocScope(l:modifier, l:varname)
let l:static = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_static) : ""
let l:type = PhpDocType(l:default)
exe "norm! " . commentline . "G$"
" Local indent
let l:txtBOL = g:pdv_cfg_BOL . l:indent
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Comment1 . l:varname . " " . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:static != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@static" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@var " . l:type . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:scope != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@access " . l:scope . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" Close the comment block.
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentTail . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
return l:modifier ." ". l:varname
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocClass()
func! PhpDocClass()
" Line for the comment to begin
let commentline = line (".") - 1
let l:name = substitute (getline ("."), '^\(.*\)\/\/.*$', '\1', "")
"exe g:pdv_cfg_BOL . "DEBUG:" . name. g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" First some things to make it more easy for us:
" tab -> space && space+ -> space
" let l:name = substitute (l:name, '\t', ' ', "")
" Orphan. We're now using \s everywhere...
" Now we have to split DECL in three parts:
" \[(skopemodifier\)]\(classname\)\(parameters\)
let l:indent = matchstr(l:name, g:pdv_re_indent)
let l:modifier = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_class, '\1', "g")
let l:classname = substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_class, '\3', "g")
let l:extends = g:pdv_cfg_Uses == 1 ? substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_class, '\5', "g") : ""
let l:interfaces = g:pdv_cfg_Uses == 1 ? substitute (l:name, g:pdv_re_class, '\7', "g") . "," : ""
let l:abstract = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_abstract) : ""
let l:final = g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1 ? matchstr(l:modifier, g:pdv_re_final) : ""
exe "norm! " . commentline . "G$"
" Local indent
let l:txtBOL = g:pdv_cfg_BOL . l:indent
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Comment1 . l:classname . " " . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:extends != "" && l:extends != "implements"
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@uses " . l:extends . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
while (l:interfaces != ",") && (l:interfaces != "")
" Save 1st parameter
let interface = substitute (l:interfaces, '\([^, ]*\) *, *\(.*\)', '\1', "")
" Remove this one from list
let l:interfaces = substitute (l:interfaces, '\([^, ]*\) *, *\(.*\)', '\2', "")
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@uses " . l:interface . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:abstract != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@abstract" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
if l:final != ""
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@final" . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@package " . g:pdv_cfg_Package . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@version " . g:pdv_cfg_Version . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@copyright " . g:pdv_cfg_Copyright . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@author " . g:pdv_cfg_Author g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . "@license " . g:pdv_cfg_License . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" Close the comment block.
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentTail . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
return l:modifier ." ". l:classname
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocScope()
func! PhpDocScope(modifiers, identifier)
" exe g:pdv_cfg_BOL . DEBUG: . a:modifiers . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
let l:scope = ""
if matchstr (a:modifiers, g:pdv_re_scope) != ""
if g:pdv_cfg_php4always == 1
let l:scope = matchstr (a:modifiers, g:pdv_re_scope)
let l:scope = "x"
if l:scope =~ "^\s*$" && g:pdv_cfg_php4guess
if a:identifier[0] == "_"
let l:scope = g:pdv_cfg_php4guessval
let l:scope = "public"
return l:scope != "x" ? l:scope : ""
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocType()
func! PhpDocType(typeString)
let l:type = ""
if a:typeString =~ g:pdv_re_array
let l:type = "array"
if a:typeString =~ g:pdv_re_float
let l:type = "float"
if a:typeString =~ g:pdv_re_int
let l:type = "int"
if a:typeString =~ g:pdv_re_string
let l:type = "string"
if a:typeString =~ g:pdv_re_bool
let l:type = "bool"
if l:type == ""
let l:type = g:pdv_cfg_Type
return l:type
" }}}
" {{{ PhpDocDefault()
func! PhpDocDefault()
" Line for the comment to begin
let commentline = line (".") - 1
let l:indent = matchstr(getline("."), '^\ *')
exe "norm! " . commentline . "G$"
" Local indent
let l:txtBOL = g:pdv_cfg_BOL . indent
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentHead . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_Commentn . " " . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" Close the comment block.
exe l:txtBOL . g:pdv_cfg_CommentTail . g:pdv_cfg_EOL
" }}}
endif " user_commands