2013-09-12 16:33:12 +02:00

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" File: php.vim
" Description: PHP Integration for VIM plugin
" This file is a considerable fork of the original
" PDV written by Tobias Schlitt <toby@php.net>.
" Maintainer: Steve Francia <piv@spf13.com> <http://spf13.com>
" Version: 0.9
" Last Change: 7th January 2012
" Section: script init stuff {{{1
if exists("loaded_piv")
let loaded_piv = 1
" Function: s:InitVariable() function {{{2
" This function is used to initialise a given variable to a given value. The
" variable is only initialised if it does not exist prior
" Args:
" -var: the name of the var to be initialised
" -value: the value to initialise var to
" Returns:
" 1 if the var is set, 0 otherwise
function s:InitVariable(var, value)
if !exists(a:var)
exec 'let ' . a:var . ' = ' . "'" . a:value . "'"
return 1
return 0
" {{{ Settings
" First the global PHP configuration
let php_sql_query=1 " to highlight SQL syntax in strings
let php_htmlInStrings=1 " to highlight HTML in string
let php_noShortTags = 1 " to disable short tags
let php_folding = 1 "to enable folding for classes and functions
let PHP_autoformatcomment = 1
let php_sync_method = -1
" Section: variable init calls {{{2
call s:InitVariable("g:load_doxygen_syntax", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:syntax_extra_php", 'doxygen')
call s:InitVariable("g:syntax_extra_inc", 'doxygen')
call s:InitVariable("g:PIVCreateDefaultMappings", 1)
call s:InitVariable("g:PIVPearStyle", 0)
call s:InitVariable("g:PIVAutoClose", 0)
" Auto expand tabs to spaces
setlocal expandtab
setlocal autoindent " Auto indent after a {
setlocal smartindent
" Linewidth to 79, because of the formatoptions this is only valid for
" comments
setlocal textwidth=79
setlocal nowrap " Do not wrap lines automatically
" Correct indentation after opening a phpdocblock and automatic * on every
" line
setlocal formatoptions=qroct
" Use php syntax check when doing :make
setlocal makeprg=php\ -l\ %
" Use errorformat for parsing PHP error output
setlocal errorformat=%m\ in\ %f\ on\ line\ %l
" Switch syntax highlighting on, if it was not
if !exists("g:syntax_on") | syntax on | endif
"setlocal keywordprg=pman " Use pman for manual pages
" }}} Settings
" {{{ Command mappings
nnoremap <silent> <plug>PIVphpDocSingle :call PhpDocSingle()<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <plug>PIVphpDocRange :call PhpDocRange()<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <plug>PIVphpAlign :call PhpAlign()<CR>
"inoremap <buffer> <leader>d :call PhpDocSingle()<CR>i
" Map ; to "add ; to the end of the line, when missing"
"noremap <buffer> ; :s/\([^;]\)$/\1;/<cr>
" Map <ctrl>+p to single line mode documentation (in insert and command mode)
"inoremap <buffer> <leader>d :call PhpDocSingle()<CR>i
"nnoremap <buffer> <leader>d :call PhpDocSingle()<CR>
" Map <ctrl>+p to multi line mode documentation (in visual mode)
"vnoremap <buffer> <leader>d :call PhpDocRange()<CR>
" Map <CTRL>-H to search phpm for the function name currently under the cursor (insert mode only)
inoremap <buffer> <C-H> <ESC>:!phpm <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
" }}}
" {{{ Automatic close char mapping
if g:PIVAutoClose
if g:PIVPearStyle
inoremap <buffer> { {<CR>}<C-O>O
inoremap <buffer> ( ( )<LEFT><LEFT>
inoremap { {<CR>}<C-O>O
inoremap ( ()<LEFT>
inoremap <buffer> [ []<LEFT>
inoremap <buffer> " ""<LEFT>
inoremap <buffer> ' ''<LEFT>
" }}} Automatic close char mapping
" {{{ Wrap visual selections with chars
vnoremap <buffer> ( "zdi(<C-R>z)<ESC>
vnoremap <buffer> { "zdi{<C-R>z}<ESC>
vnoremap <buffer> [ "zdi[<C-R>z]<ESC>
vnoremap <buffer> ' "zdi'<C-R>z'<ESC>
" Removed in favor of register addressing
" :vnoremap " "zdi"<C-R>z"<ESC>
" }}} Wrap visual selections with chars
" {{{ Dictionary completion
setlocal dictionary-=$VIMRUNTIME/bundle/PIV/misc/funclist.txt dictionary+=$VIMRUNTIME/bundle/PIV/misc/funclist.txt
" Use the dictionary completion
setlocal complete-=k complete+=k
" }}} Dictionary completion
" {{{ Alignment
func! PhpAlign() range
let l:paste = &g:paste
let &g:paste = 0
let l:line = a:firstline
let l:endline = a:lastline
let l:maxlength = 0
while l:line <= l:endline
" Skip comment lines
if getline (l:line) =~ '^\s*\/\/.*$'
let l:line = l:line + 1
" \{-\} matches ungreed *
let l:index = substitute (getline (l:line), '^\s*\(.\{-\}\)\s*\S\{0,1}=\S\{0,1\}\s.*$', '\1', "")
let l:indexlength = strlen (l:index)
let l:maxlength = l:indexlength > l:maxlength ? l:indexlength : l:maxlength
let l:line = l:line + 1
let l:line = a:firstline
let l:format = "%s%-" . l:maxlength . "s %s %s"
while l:line <= l:endline
if getline (l:line) =~ '^\s*\/\/.*$'
let l:line = l:line + 1
let l:linestart = substitute (getline (l:line), '^\(\s*\).*', '\1', "")
let l:linekey = substitute (getline (l:line), '^\s*\(.\{-\}\)\s*\(\S\{0,1}=\S\{0,1\}\)\s\(.*\)$', '\1', "")
let l:linesep = substitute (getline (l:line), '^\s*\(.\{-\}\)\s*\(\S\{0,1}=\S\{0,1\}\)\s\(.*\)$', '\2', "")
let l:linevalue = substitute (getline (l:line), '^\s*\(.\{-\}\)\s*\(\S\{0,1}=\S\{0,1\}\)\s\(.*\)$', '\3', "")
let l:newline = printf (l:format, l:linestart, l:linekey, l:linesep, l:linevalue)
call setline (l:line, l:newline)
let l:line = l:line + 1
let &g:paste = l:paste
" }}}
function! s:CreateNMap(target, combo)
if !hasmapto(a:target, 'n')
exec 'nmap ' . a:combo . ' ' . a:target
function! s:CreateVMap(target, combo)
if !hasmapto(a:target, 'v')
exec 'vmap ' . a:combo . ' ' . a:target
function! s:CreateMaps(target, combo)
call s:CreateNMap(a:target,a:combo)
call s:CreateVMap(a:target,a:combo)
if g:PIVCreateDefaultMappings
call s:CreateNMap('<plug>PIVphpDocSingle', ',pd')
call s:CreateVMap('<plug>PIVphpDocRange', ',pd')
call s:CreateMaps('<plug>PIVphpAlign ', ',pa')