if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'julia') == -1 " path to the julia binary to communicate with if has('win32') || has('win64') if exists('g:julia#doc#juliapath') " use assigned g:julia#doc#juliapath elseif executable('julia') " use julia command in PATH let g:julia#doc#juliapath = 'julia' else " search julia binary in the default installation paths let pathlist = sort(glob($LOCALAPPDATA . '\Julia-*\bin\julia.exe', 1, 1)) let g:julia#doc#juliapath = get(pathlist, -1, 'julia') endif else let g:julia#doc#juliapath = get(g:, 'julia#doc#juliapath', 'julia') endif function! s:version() abort let VERSION = {'major': 0, 'minor': 0} if !executable(g:julia#doc#juliapath) return VERSION endif let cmd = printf('%s -v', g:julia#doc#juliapath) let output = system(cmd) let versionstr = matchstr(output, '\C^julia version \zs\d\+\.\d\+\ze') let [major, minor] = map(split(versionstr, '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') let VERSION.major = major let VERSION.minor = minor return VERSION endfunction let s:VERSION = s:version() let s:NODOCPATTERN = '\C\VNo documentation found.' function! julia#doc#lookup(keyword, ...) abort let juliapath = get(a:000, 0, g:julia#doc#juliapath) let keyword = escape(a:keyword, '"\') let cmd = printf('%s -E "@doc %s"', juliapath, keyword) return systemlist(cmd) endfunction function! julia#doc#open(keyword) abort if empty(a:keyword) call s:warn('Not an appropriate keyword.') return endif if !executable(g:julia#doc#juliapath) call s:warn('%s command is not executable', g:julia#doc#juliapath) return endif let doc = julia#doc#lookup(a:keyword, g:julia#doc#juliapath) if empty(doc) || match(doc[0], s:NODOCPATTERN) > -1 call s:warn('No documentation found for "%s".', a:keyword) return endif " workaround for * and ? since a buffername cannot include them let keyword = a:keyword let keyword = substitute(keyword, '\*', ':asterisk:', 'g') let keyword = substitute(keyword, '?', ':question:', 'g') let buffername = printf('juliadoc: %s', keyword) call s:write_to_preview_window(doc, "juliadoc", buffername) call filter(s:HELPHISTORY, 'v:val isnot# a:keyword') call add(s:HELPHISTORY, a:keyword) endfunction function! s:write_to_preview_window(content, ftype, buffername) " Are we in the preview window from the outset? If not, best to close any " preview windows that might exist. let pvw = &previewwindow if !pvw silent! pclose! endif execute "silent! pedit +setlocal\\ nobuflisted\\ noswapfile\\" \ "buftype=nofile\\ bufhidden=wipe" a:buffername silent! wincmd P if &previewwindow setlocal modifiable noreadonly silent! %delete _ call append(0, a:content) silent! $delete _ normal! ggj setlocal nomodified readonly nomodifiable execute "setfiletype" a:ftype " Only return to a normal window if we didn't start in a preview window. if !pvw silent! wincmd p endif else " We couldn't make it to the preview window, so as a fallback we dump the " contents in the status area. execute printf("echo '%s'", join(a:content, "\n")) endif endfunction function! s:warn(...) abort if a:0 == 0 return endif echohl WarningMsg try if a:0 == 1 echo a:1 else echo call('printf', a:000) endif finally echohl None endtry endfunction let s:KEYWORDPATTERN = '\m@\?\h\k*!\?' " This function is called in normal mode or visual mode. function! julia#doc#keywordprg(word) abort if a:word is# '' return endif let word = s:unfnameescape(a:word) if word is# expand('') " 'K' in normal mode " NOTE: Because ! and @ is not in 'iskeyword' option, this func ignore " the argument to recognize keywords like "@time" and "push!" let view = winsaveview() let lnum = line('.') let tail = searchpos(s:KEYWORDPATTERN, 'ce', lnum) let head = searchpos(s:KEYWORDPATTERN, 'bc', lnum) call winrestview(view) if head == [0, 0] || tail == [0, 0] return else let start = head[1] - 1 let end = tail[1] - 1 let word = getline(lnum)[start : end] endif endif call julia#doc#open(word) endfunction if exists('+shellslash') let s:ESCAPEDCHARS = " \t\n\"#%'*' because fnameescape('-') ==# fnameescape('\-'). if a:str is# '\-' " Remove escape anyway. return '-' endif if a:str =~# '^\\[+>]' let str = a:str[1:] else let str = a:str endif return substitute(str, s:FNAMEESCAPEPATTERN, '', 'g') endfunction let s:HELPPROMPT = 'help?> ' let s:HELPHISTORY = [] function! julia#doc#prompt() abort let inputhist = s:savehistory('input') echohl MoreMsg try call s:restorehistory('input', s:HELPHISTORY) let keyword = input(s:HELPPROMPT, '', 'customlist,julia#doc#complete') " Clear the last prompt normal! : finally echohl None call s:restorehistory('input', inputhist) endtry if empty(keyword) return endif call julia#doc#open(keyword) endfunction function! s:savehistory(name) abort if histnr(a:name) == -1 return [] endif let history = [] for i in range(1, histnr(a:name)) let item = histget(a:name, i) if !empty(item) call add(history, item) endif endfor return history endfunction function! s:restorehistory(name, history) abort call histdel(a:name) for item in a:history call histadd(a:name, item) endfor endfunction if s:VERSION.major == 0 && s:VERSION.minor <= 6 let s:REPL_SEARCH = 'Base.Docs.repl_search' else let s:REPL_SEARCH = 'import REPL.repl_search; repl_search' endif function! julia#doc#complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort return s:likely(a:ArgLead) endfunction function! s:likely(str) abort " escape twice let str = escape(escape(a:str, '"\'), '"\') let cmd = printf('%s -E "%s(\"%s\")"', g:julia#doc#juliapath, s:REPL_SEARCH, str) let output = systemlist(cmd) return split(matchstr(output[0], '\C^search: \zs.*')) endfunction endif