if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'rst') == -1 " Author: Antony Lee " Description: Helper functions for reStructuredText syntax folding " Last Modified: 2018-01-07 function s:CacheRstFold() let closure = {'header_types': {}, 'max_level': 0, 'levels': {}} function closure.Process(match) dict let curline = getcurpos()[1] if has_key(self.levels, curline - 1) " For over+under-lined headers, the regex will match both at the " overline and at the title itself; in that case, skip the second match. return endif let lines = split(a:match, '\n') let key = repeat(lines[-1][0], len(lines)) if !has_key(self.header_types, key) let self.max_level += 1 let self.header_types[key] = self.max_level endif let self.levels[curline] = self.header_types[key] endfunction let save_cursor = getcurpos() let save_mark = getpos("'[") silent keeppatterns %s/\v^%(%(([=`:.'"~^_*+#-])\1+\n)?.{1,2}\n([=`:.'"~^_*+#-])\2+)|%(%(([=`:.''"~^_*+#-])\3{2,}\n)?.{3,}\n([=`:.''"~^_*+#-])\4{2,})$/\=closure.Process(submatch(0))/gn call setpos('.', save_cursor) call setpos("'[", save_mark) let b:RstFoldCache = closure.levels endfunction function RstFold#GetRstFold() if !has_key(b:, 'RstFoldCache') call s:CacheRstFold() endif if has_key(b:RstFoldCache, v:lnum) return '>' . b:RstFoldCache[v:lnum] else return '=' endif endfunction function RstFold#GetRstFoldText() if !has_key(b:, 'RstFoldCache') call s:CacheRstFold() endif let indent = repeat(' ', b:RstFoldCache[v:foldstart] - 1) let thisline = getline(v:foldstart) " For over+under-lined headers, skip the overline. let text = thisline =~ '^\([=`:.''"~^_*+#-]\)\1\+$' ? getline(v:foldstart + 1) : thisline return indent . text endfunction endif