if exists('g:polyglot_disabled') && index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'jsx') != -1 finish endif """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Vim syntax file " " Language: javascript.jsx " Maintainer: MaxMellon " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let s:jsx_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim syntax case match if exists('b:current_syntax') let s:current_syntax = b:current_syntax unlet b:current_syntax endif if exists('s:current_syntax') let b:current_syntax = s:current_syntax endif if hlexists("jsNoise") " pangloss/vim-javascript syntax cluster jsExpression add=jsxRegion elseif hlexists("javascriptOpSymbols") " othree/yajs.vim " refine the javascript line comment syntax region javascriptLineComment start=+//+ end=/$/ contains=@Spell,javascriptCommentTodo extend keepend syntax cluster javascriptValue add=jsxRegion syntax cluster javascriptNoReserved add=jsxElement,jsxTag " add support to arrow function which returns a tagged template string, e.g. " () => html`
` syntax cluster afterArrowFunc add=javascriptTagRef else " build-in javascript syntax " refine the javascript line comment syntax region javaScriptLineComment start=+//+ end=/$/ contains=@Spell,javascriptCommentTodo extend keepend " add a javaScriptBlock group for build-in syntax syntax region javaScriptBlockBuildIn \ contained \ matchgroup=javaScriptBraces \ start="{" \ end="}" \ extend \ contains=javaScriptBlockBuildIn,@javaScriptEmbededExpr,javaScript.* \ fold syntax cluster javaScriptEmbededExpr add=jsxRegion " refine the template string syntax syntax region javaScriptStringT start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\`+ end=+`+ contains=javaScriptSpecial,javaScriptEmbed,@htmlPreproc extend syntax region javaScriptEmbed matchgroup=javaScriptEmbedBraces start=+\${+ end=+}+ contained contains=@javaScriptEmbededExpr,javaScript.* endif " because this is autoloaded, when developing you're going to need to source " the autoload/jsx_pretty/*.vim file manually, or restart vim call jsx_pretty#syntax#highlight() let b:current_syntax = 'javascript.jsx' let &cpo = s:jsx_cpo unlet s:jsx_cpo