if !exists('g:polyglot_disabled') || index(g:polyglot_disabled, 'nim') == -1 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Keep user-supplied options if !exists("nim_highlight_numbers") let nim_highlight_numbers = 1 endif if !exists("nim_highlight_builtins") let nim_highlight_builtins = 1 endif if !exists("nim_highlight_exceptions") let nim_highlight_exceptions = 1 endif if !exists("nim_highlight_space_errors") let nim_highlight_space_errors = 1 endif if !exists("nim_highlight_special_vars") let nim_highlight_special_vars = 1 endif if exists("nim_highlight_all") let nim_highlight_numbers = 1 let nim_highlight_builtins = 1 let nim_highlight_exceptions = 1 let nim_highlight_space_errors = 1 let nim_highlight_special_vars = 1 endif syn region nimBrackets contained extend keepend matchgroup=Bold start=+\(\\\)\@" syn match nimNumber "\v<[0-9_]+(\'(i|I|f|F|u|U)(8|16|32|64))?>" syn match nimNumber "\v[0-9]\.[0-9_]+([eE][+-]=[0-9_]+)=>" syn match nimNumber "\v<[0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?(\'(f|F)(32|64))?>" endif if nim_highlight_builtins == 1 " builtin functions, types and objects, not really part of the syntax syn keyword nimBuiltin int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 float float32 float64 syn keyword nimBuiltin bool void chr char string cstring pointer range array openarray openArray seq varargs varArgs syn keyword nimBuiltin set Byte Natural Positive Conversion syn keyword nimBuiltin BiggestInt BiggestFloat cchar cschar cshort cint csize cuchar cushort syn keyword nimBuiltin clong clonglong cfloat cdouble clongdouble cuint culong culonglong cchar syn keyword nimBuiltin CompileDate CompileTime nimversion nimVersion nimmajor nimMajor syn keyword nimBuiltin nimminor nimMinor nimpatch nimPatch cpuendian cpuEndian hostos hostOS hostcpu hostCPU inf syn keyword nimBuiltin neginf nan QuitSuccess QuitFailure dbglinehook dbgLineHook stdin syn keyword nimBuiltin stdout stderr defined new high low sizeof succ pred syn keyword nimBuiltin inc dec newseq newSeq len incl excl card ord chr ze ze64 syn keyword nimBuiltin tou8 toU8 tou16 toU16 tou32 toU32 abs min max add repr syn match nimBuiltin "\" syn keyword nimBuiltin tofloat toFloat tobiggestfloat toBiggestFloat toint toInt tobiggestint toBiggestInt syn keyword nimBuiltin addquitproc addQuitProc syn keyword nimBuiltin copy setlen setLen newstring newString zeromem zeroMem copymem copyMem movemem moveMem syn keyword nimBuiltin equalmem equalMem alloc alloc0 realloc dealloc assert syn keyword nimBuiltin echo swap getrefcount getRefcount getcurrentexception getCurrentException Msg syn keyword nimBuiltin getoccupiedmem getOccupiedMem getfreemem getFreeMem gettotalmem getTotalMem isnil isNil seqtoptr seqToPtr syn keyword nimBuiltin find pop GC_disable GC_enable GC_fullCollect syn keyword nimBuiltin GC_setStrategy GC_enableMarkAndSweep GC_Strategy syn keyword nimBuiltin GC_disableMarkAnd Sweep GC_getStatistics GC_ref syn keyword nimBuiltin GC_ref GC_ref GC_unref GC_unref GC_unref quit syn keyword nimBuiltin OpenFile OpenFile CloseFile EndOfFile readChar syn keyword nimBuiltin FlushFile readfile readFile readline readLine write writeln writeLn writeline writeLine syn keyword nimBuiltin getfilesize getFileSize ReadBytes ReadChars readbuffer readBuffer writebytes writeBytes syn keyword nimBuiltin writechars writeChars writebuffer writeBuffer setfilepos setFilePos getfilepos getFilePos syn keyword nimBuiltin filehandle fileHandle countdown countup items lines syn keyword nimBuiltin FileMode File RootObj FileHandle ByteAddress Endianness endif if nim_highlight_exceptions == 1 " builtin exceptions and warnings syn keyword nimException E_Base EAsynch ESynch ESystem EIO EOS syn keyword nimException ERessourceExhausted EArithmetic EDivByZero syn keyword nimException EOverflow EAccessViolation EAssertionFailed syn keyword nimException EControlC EInvalidValue EOutOfMemory EInvalidIndex syn keyword nimException EInvalidField EOutOfRange EStackOverflow syn keyword nimException ENoExceptionToReraise EInvalidObjectAssignment syn keyword nimException EInvalidObject EInvalidLibrary EInvalidKey syn keyword nimException EInvalidObjectConversion EFloatingPoint syn keyword nimException EFloatInvalidOp EFloatDivByZero EFloatOverflow syn keyword nimException EFloatInexact EDeadThread EResourceExhausted syn keyword nimException EFloatUnderflow endif if nim_highlight_space_errors == 1 " trailing whitespace syn match nimSpaceError display excludenl "\S\s\+$"ms=s+1 " any tabs are illegal in nim syn match nimSpaceError display "\t" endif if nim_highlight_special_vars syn keyword nimSpecialVar result endif syn sync match nimSync grouphere NONE "):$" syn sync maxlines=200 syn sync minlines=2000 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_nim_syn_inits") if version <= 508 let did_nim_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later HiLink nimBrackets Operator HiLink nimKeyword Keyword HiLink nimFunction Function HiLink nimConditional Conditional HiLink nimRepeat Repeat HiLink nimString String HiLink nimRawString String HiLink nimBoolean Boolean HiLink nimEscape Special HiLink nimOperator Operator HiLink nimPreCondit PreCondit HiLink nimComment Comment HiLink nimTodo Todo HiLink nimDecorator Define HiLink nimSpecialVar Identifier if nim_highlight_numbers == 1 HiLink nimNumber Number endif if nim_highlight_builtins == 1 HiLink nimBuiltin Number endif if nim_highlight_exceptions == 1 HiLink nimException Exception endif if nim_highlight_space_errors == 1 HiLink nimSpaceError Error endif delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "nim" endif