" LaTeX Box common functions " Error Format {{{ " Note: The error formats assume we're using the -file-line-error with " [pdf]latex. " Note: See |errorformat-LaTeX| for more info. " Check for options if !exists("g:LatexBox_show_warnings") let g:LatexBox_show_warnings=1 endif if !exists("g:LatexBox_ignore_warnings") let g:LatexBox_ignore_warnings = \['Underfull', \ 'Overfull', \ 'specifier changed to'] endif " Standard error message formats " Note: We consider statements that starts with "!" as errors setlocal efm=%E!\ LaTeX\ %trror:\ %m setlocal efm+=%E%f:%l:\ %m setlocal efm+=%E!\ %m " More info for undefined control sequences setlocal efm+=%Z\ %m " Show or ignore warnings if g:LatexBox_show_warnings for w in g:LatexBox_ignore_warnings let warning = escape(substitute(w, '[\,]', '%\\\\&', 'g'), ' ') exe 'setlocal efm+=%-G%.%#'. warning .'%.%#' endfor setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %.%#line\ %l%.%# setlocal efm+=%+W%.%#\ at\ lines\ %l--%*\\d setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %m setlocal efm+=%+W%.%#Warning:\ %m else setlocal efm+=%-WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %.%#line\ %l%.%# setlocal efm+=%-W%.%#\ at\ lines\ %l--%*\\d setlocal efm+=%-WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %m setlocal efm+=%-W%.%#Warning:\ %m endif " Push file to file stack setlocal efm+=%+P**%f " Ignore unmatched lines setlocal efm+=%-G%.%# " }}} " Vim Windows {{{ " Width of vertical splits if !exists('g:LatexBox_split_width') let g:LatexBox_split_width = 30 endif " Where vertical splits appear if !exists('g:LatexBox_split_side') let g:LatexBox_split_side = "leftabove" endif " Resize when split? if !exists('g:LatexBox_split_resize') let g:LatexBox_split_resize = 0 endif " Toggle help info if !exists('g:LatexBox_toc_hidehelp') let g:LatexBox_toc_hidehelp = 0 endif " }}} " Filename utilities {{{ function! LatexBox_GetMainTexFile() " 1. check for the b:main_tex_file variable if exists('b:main_tex_file') && filereadable(b:main_tex_file) return b:main_tex_file endif " 2. scan the first few lines of the file for root = filename for linenum in range(1,5) let linecontents = getline(linenum) if linecontents =~ 'root\s*=' " Remove everything but the filename let b:main_tex_file = substitute(linecontents, \ '.*root\s*=\s*', "", "") let b:main_tex_file = substitute(b:main_tex_file, '\s*$', "", "") " Prepend current directory if this isn't an absolute path if b:main_tex_file !~ '^/' let b:main_tex_file = expand('%:p:h') . '/' . b:main_tex_file endif let b:main_tex_file = fnamemodify(b:main_tex_file, ":p") if b:main_tex_file !~ '\.tex$' let b:main_tex_file .= '.tex' endif return b:main_tex_file endif endfor " 3. scan current file for "\begin{document}" if &filetype == 'tex' && search('\C\\begin\_\s*{document}', 'nw') != 0 return expand('%:p') endif " 4. use 'main.tex' if it exists in the same directory (and is readable) let s:main_dot_tex_file=expand('%:p:h') . '/main.tex' if filereadable(s:main_dot_tex_file) let b:main_tex_file=s:main_dot_tex_file return b:main_tex_file endif " 5. borrow the Vim-Latex-Suite method of finding it if Tex_GetMainFileName() != expand('%:p') let b:main_tex_file = Tex_GetMainFileName() return b:main_tex_file endif " 6. prompt for file with completion let b:main_tex_file = s:PromptForMainFile() return b:main_tex_file endfunction function! s:PromptForMainFile() let saved_dir = getcwd() execute 'cd ' . fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) let l:file = '' while !filereadable(l:file) let l:file = input('main LaTeX file: ', '', 'file') if l:file !~ '\.tex$' let l:file .= '.tex' endif endwhile let l:file = fnamemodify(l:file, ':p') execute 'cd ' . fnameescape(saved_dir) return l:file endfunction " Return the directory of the main tex file function! LatexBox_GetTexRoot() return fnamemodify(LatexBox_GetMainTexFile(), ':h') endfunction function! LatexBox_GetTexBasename(with_dir) if a:with_dir return fnamemodify(LatexBox_GetMainTexFile(), ':r') else return fnamemodify(LatexBox_GetMainTexFile(), ':t:r') endif endfunction function! LatexBox_GetAuxFile() " 1. check for b:build_dir variable if exists('b:build_dir') && isdirectory(b:build_dir) return b:build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) . '.aux' endif " 2. check for g:LatexBox_build_dir variable if exists('g:LatexBox_build_dir') && isdirectory(g:LatexBox_build_dir) return g:LatexBox_build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) . '.aux' endif " 3. use the base name of main tex file return LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) . '.aux' endfunction function! LatexBox_GetLogFile() " 1. check for b:build_dir variable if exists('b:build_dir') && isdirectory(b:build_dir) return b:build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) . '.log' endif " 2. check for g:LatexBox_build_dir variable if exists('g:LatexBox_build_dir') && isdirectory(g:LatexBox_build_dir) return g:LatexBox_build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) . '.log' endif " 3. use the base name of main tex file return LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) . '.log' endfunction function! LatexBox_GetOutputFile() " 1. check for b:build_dir variable if exists('b:build_dir') && isdirectory(b:build_dir) return b:build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) \ . '.' . g:LatexBox_output_type endif " 2. check for g:LatexBox_build_dir variable if exists('g:LatexBox_build_dir') && isdirectory(g:LatexBox_build_dir) return g:LatexBox_build_dir . '/' . LatexBox_GetTexBasename(0) \ . '.' . g:LatexBox_output_type endif " 3. use the base name of main tex file return LatexBox_GetTexBasename(1) . '.' . g:LatexBox_output_type endfunction " }}} " View Output {{{ " Default pdf viewer if !exists('g:LatexBox_viewer') if has('win32') " On windows, 'running' a file will open it with the default program let g:LatexBox_viewer = '' else let g:LatexBox_viewer = 'xdg-open' endif endif function! LatexBox_View() let outfile = LatexBox_GetOutputFile() if !filereadable(outfile) echomsg fnamemodify(outfile, ':.') . ' is not readable' return endif let cmd = g:LatexBox_viewer . ' ' . shellescape(outfile) if has('win32') let cmd = '!start /b' . cmd . ' >nul' else let cmd = '!' . cmd . ' &>/dev/null &' endif silent execute cmd if !has("gui_running") redraw! endif endfunction command! LatexView call LatexBox_View() " }}} " In Comment {{{ " LatexBox_InComment([line], [col]) " return true if inside comment function! LatexBox_InComment(...) let line = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : line('.') let col = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : col('.') return synIDattr(synID(line, col, 0), "name") =~# '^texComment' endfunction " }}} " Get Current Environment {{{ " LatexBox_GetCurrentEnvironment([with_pos]) " Returns: " - environment " if with_pos is not given " - [envirnoment, lnum_begin, cnum_begin, lnum_end, cnum_end] " if with_pos is nonzero function! LatexBox_GetCurrentEnvironment(...) if a:0 > 0 let with_pos = a:1 else let with_pos = 0 endif let begin_pat = '\C\\begin\_\s*{[^}]*}\|\\\@ 1 && line[cnum - 1] != '\' let cnum -= 1 endwhile call cursor(lnum, cnum) " match begin/end pairs but skip comments let flags = 'bnW' if strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1) =~ '^\%(' . begin_pat . '\)' let flags .= 'c' endif let [lnum1, cnum1] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, \ 'LatexBox_InComment()') let env = '' if lnum1 let line = strpart(getline(lnum1), cnum1 - 1) if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\C\\begin\_\s*{\zs[^}]*\ze}') endif if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\\\[') endif if empty(env) let env = matchstr(line, '^\\(') endif endif if with_pos == 1 let flags = 'nW' if !(lnum1 == lnum && cnum1 == cnum) let flags .= 'c' endif let [lnum2, cnum2] = searchpairpos(begin_pat, '', end_pat, flags, \ 'LatexBox_InComment()') call setpos('.', saved_pos) return [env, lnum1, cnum1, lnum2, cnum2] else call setpos('.', saved_pos) return env endif endfunction " }}} " Tex To Tree {{{ " stores nested braces in a tree structure function! LatexBox_TexToTree(str) let tree = [] let i1 = 0 let i2 = -1 let depth = 0 while i2 < len(a:str) let i2 = match(a:str, '[{}]', i2 + 1) if i2 < 0 let i2 = len(a:str) endif if i2 >= len(a:str) || a:str[i2] == '{' if depth == 0 let item = substitute(strpart(a:str, i1, i2 - i1), \ '^\s*\|\s*$', '', 'g') if !empty(item) call add(tree, item) endif let i1 = i2 + 1 endif let depth += 1 else let depth -= 1 if depth == 0 call add(tree, LatexBox_TexToTree(strpart(a:str, i1, i2 - i1))) let i1 = i2 + 1 endif endif endwhile return tree endfunction " }}} " Tree To Tex {{{ function! LatexBox_TreeToTex(tree) if type(a:tree) == type('') return a:tree else return '{' . join(map(a:tree, 'LatexBox_TreeToTex(v:val)'), '') . '}' endif endfunction " }}} " vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4